Le Lexique de La Grande Distribution
Vous avez peut-être trouvé, sur Marketing PGC ou ailleurs, des termes ou abréviations étranges faisant référence à la grande distribution. Il y a fort à parier que les dits termes vous soient expliqués ci-après. Si ce n’est pas le cas n’hésitez pas à demander un éclaircissement en commentaire ou dans le formulaire de contact. Achat d’impulsion : Ce dit d’un achat effectué alors qu’il n’était pas initialement planifié. La décision se fait lorsque le client est confronté à l’offre. Il peut s’agir de l’achat plaisir : « Tiens Milka a sorti une nouvelle tablette » ou d’une incitation à l’achat provoqué lors d’opération de cross selling à l’initiative de l’industriel ou du distributeur : « je vois sur ce pack que si j’achète ce foie gras, je bénéficie de 50 centimes sur l’achat de toast Jacquet« . Actishelf : Marque déposée par la société Média Performances qui propose aux industriels la mise en place de stop-rayons impactants (rigides, lumineux….) dans les rayons de distributeurs ciblés.
Partitioning with Python
On the subject of hunting for eodermdromes, here are a couple of semi-related partitioning problems. As an example of the first, the 16 distinct integer sequences which sum to 5 are: Note that I’ve counted 2 + 1 + 2, 2 + 2 + 1, and 1 + 2 + 2 as distinct sums totalling 5. Context Before discussing a solution to these problems, some context. Eodermdromes turn out to be surprisingly rare. (filter eodermdrome? A large set of words (note: “set” not “collection”, we don’t need duplicates) gives the best chance of success. As is so often the case in computing, we have a tension between opposing concerns. I chose a simple but effective strategy to reduce the search space to something manageable, based on word length. >>> from collections import defaultdict>>> words = defaultdict(list)>>> for word in open('word-set.txt').read().split():... words[len(word)].append(word) Given this dict, picking out single word eodermdromes is easy. >>> list(filter(is_eodermdrome, words[11]))['eodermdrome'] Sum to N
Popular recipes by Raymond Hettinger
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Upgrading from 3.2 to 3.5 - Développeurs Facebook
The Facebook SDK 3.1 for iOS makes it easier to develop Facebook integrated apps, including better user session management, pre-built UI views for common functions, improved Facebook API support, mobile install measurement and support for Facebook iOS6 integration. You can read what's new to see a high level list of changes, jump to the feature comparison section for a list of feature difference between v2.0 and v3.1, or go to the reference table for a quick view of the API differences. This guide walks you through the differences between v2.0 and v3.1 of the SDK and provides steps you can use to update your app. Overview of changes: How to upgrade your app: New features you should consider: Feature Comparison Here's a matrix showing the feature comparison between v2.0 and v3.1 of the SDK: API Changes Overview In v2.0 of the SDK, your flow for integrating with Facebook was basically the following: In v3.1 of the SDK, several classes have been introduced to better separate out functionality.