Guides and References to Drawing Animated Facial Expressions digg Facial expressions are a form of nonverbal communication – according to Wikipedia. I couldn’t agree more. Fun With Facial Expressions by what-i-do-is-secret Ever wonder how emoticons would actually look on your character’s face? Emotions and Facial Expression by Cedarseed This tutorial explains each facial expression in great detail. Lackadaisy Expressions by tracyjb Not only very educational, this tutorial is also fun to read with tracyjb’s awesome drawing style (that is, with anthromorphic characters). Expression Tutorial by alexds1 It shows how different angles and perspectives of the face affect the emotion a character conveys as well as other minute details. Expressions Tutorial by smolderingremains This tutorial introduces the idea that the face generally assumes a shape for each emotion, which is an interesting take on drawing facial expressions. 25 Expressions Challenge by solitarium About maca Hello, my name is Karlo Macariola.
Symmetric Alphabet Symmetric Alphabet Love it! Would love it even more if I could link to the artist/creator. 31st of July 2012 Probably Related François Baranger i love typography The way of the crocodile … Love Cocktail Travel Status Back home since 51 days Currently in: Switzerland Oh dear, do you realise how old your browser is? Bursts Of Color Brighten An Already-Brilliant Sky Every year in the early spring, Hindus deck out their homes in lush pigments to observe Holi—the festival of colors. The holiday’s significance in the Hindu tradition is vast and varied, but Holi has also carved a secular niche, as public celebrations take place in cities all over the globe. To honor tradition, or simply to have a good time, attendees throw fistfuls of vibrant pigments at one another and leave festivals looking something like this: Image via Edison Avenue. To capture their recent Paint Pigment Photograph Series, London-based designers Rob and Nick Carter tossed pigments around, too—but not at each other, or anyone in particular. RN865 paint pigment photograph, napthol vermillion (2012). RN868 paint pigment photograph, benzimidazolone orange (2012). RN871 paint pigment photograph, nickel titanate yellow (2012). RN873 paint pigment photograph, cobalt nicket green (2012). RN875 paint pigment photograph, cobalt bermuda blue (2012). [via designboom] @bmwertheim
Lessons Drawspace Pro Lessons are designed for artists of all levels and educators, and are logically organized into resources and activities. Eventually, all lessons and E-books authored by Brenda Hoddinott will be available here: four to eight brand new lessons and newly-revised older lessons are being added every month! Upgrade Now: Download all 310 lessons and 4 e-books! Try for Free: Download lessons marked as "Free"! 1.1.R1 Glossary Of Art Terms Definitions of art-related terms used in the resources and activities of Drawspace Curriculum (updated February 2013) $3.99or Upgradeto access all files 1.1.R2 Travelling Back in Time with Graphite A few fun tidbits of information about the history of graphite $0.99or Upgradeto access all files 1.1.R3 Examining Graphite and Grades Understanding the differences between H and B grades of graphite $0.99or Upgradeto access all files 1.1.R4 Seeing Grades in Drawings Graphite drawings demonstrate the visual qualities of H and B grades of pencils Download Download
Underlined Book Quotes Become Clever Illustrations Bookworm or not, you can't help but enjoy these black and white illustrations of literary quotes by Evan Robertson. The New York-based graphic designer has taken some of the cleverest lines written by famous authors such as William Faulkner and Oscar Wilde and turned them into wonderful posters. These literature-inspired fine art illustrations are currently being sold on Etsy under the name Obvious State. Robertson would see a "little jewel of a sentence" and he'd underline it. Here are 12 of our favorites. Update: Check out more clever illustrations in Part II of this story. Obvious State on Etsy via [Quipsologies], [Huffington Post]
Concept Art World & Steampunk Star Wars Illustrations by Björn Hurri Concept artist and illustrator Björn Hurri has been releasing a series of steampunk illustrations as a tribute to Star Wars. Björn is currently working in the entertainment industry as Lead Artist for Opus Artz. Link: www.bjornhurri.com All images used with permission by the artist. © Björn Hurri or their respective copyright holder. Lackadaisy Expressions Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions. Yeah! Um. Anyway, I found all I could really do was try to explain ways to teach yourself...and then add some pictures.
Best Art Ever (This Week) - 09.21.12 We make a regular practice at ComicsAlliance of spotlighting particular artists or specific bodies of work, but because cartoonists, illustrators and their fans share countless numbers of great images on sites like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and seemingly infinite art blogs that we’ve created Best Art Ever (This Week), a weekly depository for just some of the pieces of especially compelling artwork that we come across in our regular travels across the Web. Some of it’s new, some of it’s old, some of it’s created by working professionals, some of it’s created by future stars, some of it’s created by talented fans, and some of it’s endearingly silly. All of it’s awesome. We’re very much interested to see what you’ve dug up and think should be featured here in Best Art Ever (This Week). Please submit any great art links to andykhouri-at-comicsalliance.com. Artists, feel free to send in your own work or to request that your work be removed.