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Marketing In The Time of Corona

Marketing In The Time of Corona
As the world continues to struggle with fighting the present pandemic, businesses are doing the best they can to mitigate any losses and maintain their pre-pandemic standing. One of the key ways for such businesses to do this is through improving their online presence. If there’s anything that this present situation has taught business owners, it’s the importance of knowing how to adapt your marketing strategy to fit present times without losing your sense of branding. But how can you achieve that? Know The Right Time To Make Light Of Things As much as you might want to keep a light tone of things, it’s important to know that it’s not always the most appropriate choice. Be Vocal About Your Support Now more than ever, showing every bit of kindness matters. Stay Credible Finally, it’s important to make sure that your company stays as credible as possible, especially when you post about your store hours. Like this: Like Loading...

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How to use Facebook and Google for Better Ad Mix - Digital Marketing Guidelines Facebook ads and Google Ads are two platforms that serve different functions. But even as these two giant companies were always sized up against each other, it’s undeniable that both running ads on Facebook while advertising on Google is beneficial for business, no matter how big or small it may be. It’s possible, and it just needs the right targeting to make it successful. Keep your messaging consistent​Campaigns are easier to find if keywords are used consistently over Facebook ads and Google ads. Maximize reach and brand awareness​If reach and brand awareness is your goal, Facebook and Google ads give the best combo.

Hire A Social Media Agency Today | Digital Marketing Updates It’s 2021, and your company needs to go digital! Hiring a social media agency in Davao City isn’t a choice anymore, it’s already a necessity - especially for Davaoeños in the time of coronavirus and social distancing. Businesses are better with Facebook, Instagram, and other reliable social media platforms. Why? If you are still hesitant on why you should hire someone to run a Facebook marketing campaign for you, for example, here are some reasons to help you: Social Media Agencies Hire Experts While everyone can create a social media account easily, social media marketers and managers spend years to understand social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. As the demand for digital marketing agencies like Coffeebot Solutions increases, more social media experts are hired. With social media managers handling your social media account, you can just chill and wait for your orders! Social Media Agencies Are Always Up-to-date The social media world is run by trends.

What You Should Consider when Running an SEO Campaign | Web Digital Marketing Site There is always a rising need for immediate access to knowledge, especially when it is about important information regarding products and services. That is why as business owners, you should cater to this need instantaneously, and one great option for this is through search engine optimization. Having a great SEO for your brand means having a slice of the huge cake on your specific market. Think about Keywords! Search engine optimization is all about keywords. Long-Tail Keywords If you want to succeed in getting that first page, you should lessen your competition. Long-tail keywords also serve as a pre-qualification, visitors of your website would more likely convert and generate for you. Choosing the Right Keywords There are two ways to know what are the perfect keywords for your business. Manual organic search of your primary keywordsOrganic search is labor-intensive and tedious. There are actually three ways, and the third is by using both organic search and keyword generating tools.

3 of the Most Widely Used Video Conferencing Platforms Today | Web Digital Marketing Site Video conferencing platforms have become essential during these challenging times to foster communication, learning, and business transactions. From meetings, classes, webinars, religious ceremonies, and more–a lot of the typical activities that required face-to-face interaction have shifted online to observe social distancing and stay-at-home protocols. In the business sector, lead acquisition service providers have even found a way to make use of webinars and online workshops for the purpose of generating leads. Let’s check out some of these video conferencing platforms and see how they differ from one another. 1. A frontrunner in the video conferencing industry, Zoom enables one-on-one chat sessions, group calls, training sessions, and webinars that can support up to 1,000 participants with as much as 49 HD videos on-screen simultaneously for both internal and external audiences. It can run on a couple of web browsers, but the mobile and desktop app offers the best experience. 2. 3.

Local Facebook Marketing Strategies for 2020 by Jeremy Banks by Jeremy Banks Evolutesix Now is the perfect time to invest in a local Facebook marketing strategy for your business. With a pandemic stopping companies from having personal or face-to-face transactions, social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the best platforms to sell products and services. With so much competition in your local area, what do you think are the best strategies for your Facebook marketing campaign? Run A Contest Everyone loves winning! When you’re running a contest, make sure that you remember these three things: You can’t require participants to share a page or post on your Timeline to enterYou can’t require participants to like a page to enterYou can’t require participants to tag themselves in pictures to enter Encourage Reviews Reviews can either make or break a business, so if you want to make your business known in an organic manner, encourage your customers to post honest reviews of your page. Five-star reviews will truly help you. Comments

The Different Types of Emails for your Email Marketing Campaign Starting an email campaign for marketing your brand is something that you should really consider. Why? Well, according to Statista, over 281.1 billion emails are sent per day, and almost every web user has their own email since it is a prerequisite for logging in any other social media account. Welcome Email As what the name implies, it is an email that welcomes your potential customers or actual customers to the plan/services that you’re offering. This type of email usually focuses on introducing your brand, while also giving the chance for people to familiarize with other things, like your brand’s goal and promises. Promotional Email You’ve probably encountered emails like this in your mail inbox everyday. What you should do when you’re planning to do a promotional campaign is to add something that will pique the consumer’s interest, such as provoking emotions, adding humor, or starting your conversation with something engaging, like a piece of trivia. Social Campaign What Next? Like this:

When Do You Need to Call a VA or Digital Marketing Specialist It’s almost the end of the year, and the global pandemic might hopefully begin to slow down and get cured by the middle of 2021. Even then, readjusting to a regular way of living might take time. While we’re still following safety measures and doing our best to keep ourselves sanitized and clean, we should still optimize our way of business in a way that’s remote and convenient for workers and customers alike. In a time like this, the online world gives plenty of opportunities for continuing your business’ marketing ventures. You Need Someone Reliable to Fall Back On Some days are stressful, or maybe unforeseen events prevent you from posting on your business’s FB page on time. When you need to Reduce Workload Working online has its own ups and downs. Need the assistance of digital marketing specialists?

Benefits Of Having A Home Vegetable Garden – Top Real Estate Updates With the advent of home quarantine came the rise of home vegetable gardens. Whether it’s a small patch in your backyard or an improvised greenhouse that’s keeping you busy, you can never go wrong with growing your own veggies these days, especially if you have some extra space to spare in your high end real estate property here in Davao City! Here are the benefits of having your own home vegetable garden. You know that your veggies are clean and fresh What better way to ensure that you’re getting fresh and harmful pesticide-free vegetables than by growing and picking them yourself? If you’ve ever tried a tomato fresh off the vine or freshly-picked herbs, you’ll know what we mean. You get to save money With all the belt-tightening everyone has to do nowadays, doing whatever we can to save up on spending counts. It’s a proven stress-reliever It’s no wonder that a lot of people have gotten into home gardening during the quarantine. It’s beneficial for the earth, too Like this: Like Loading...

What Are Some Health and Wellness Things That I Could Do This Summer It’s been a few months into the lockdown season, and some of us have been feeling the detrimental effects of staying indoors for so long. Whether you’re living in a humble dorm or a piece of high-end real estate in Davao City, the negative effects of this pandemic is something that you can palpably feel, like the intense heat of July. In these trying times, it’s important to keep yourself healthy and well, both physically and mentally. Try a new way of preparing your food “Diet” is such a volatile word, one that implies restriction and giving up on delicious things to eat. Instead of piling up on meaty dishes and deep-fried meals, why not start eating more fish and vegetables? A creative hobby Everyone needs something to occupy their time with, but a lot of things that we do to relax might not be so healthy to conduct in the long run. Consider trying an active hobby, like writing or drawing or playing music.
