Fractal Geometry Fractal Geometry A Fractal is generally "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole," a property called self-similarity. The term was coined by Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975 and was derived from the Latin fractious meaning "broken" or "fractured." A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion. A fractal often has the following features: It has a fine structure at arbitrarily small scales. Because they appear similar at all levels of magnification, fractals are often considered to be infinitely complex (in informal terms). Images of fractals can be created using fractal generating software. History of Fractals In 1904, Helge von Koch, dissatisfied with Weierstrass's very abstract and analytic definition, gave a more geometric definition of a similar function, which is now called the Koch snowflake. Classic Examples of Fractalization
Emerald Tablet An imaginative 17th century depiction of the Emerald Tablet from the work of Heinrich Khunrath, 1606. The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. The original source of the Emerald Tablet is unknown. Although Hermes Trismegistus is the author named in the text, its first known appearance is in a book written in Arabic between the sixth and eighth centuries. The text was first translated into Latin in the twelfth century. Textual history[edit] The tablet text[edit] Newton's translation[edit] A translation by Isaac Newton is found among his alchemical papers that are currently housed in King's College Library, Cambridge University.[8] Theatrum Chemicum translation[edit] Latin text[edit] Original edition of the Latin text. Influence[edit] C.G.
12 Pyramids of Thoth - 4 The Atlantean Pyramid creates the illusion of realities in time on the Earth plane. The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency, Arlis-Cochizel. In the temple of the crystals the goddess sits, she whose consciousness creates all and everything from within. Through this crystal matrix a race of evolved humans was born. And when it was time for those souls to once again submerge in the sea of creation to evolve into a new experience the crystals would echo the harmonics and the souls would remember and align for transition. The Atlantean Pyramid has great mythology about an ancient time when man used his gift of intuition and worked with spirit. massive crystals and walked with giants and strange creatures on the surface of the planet. This pyramid tells of I, Thoth, known as Thoth the Atlantean, or Tehuti, who ruled the land of Atlantis for thousands of years known there by many names and descriptions. It is written that before the great civilization of Atlantis fell, Light vs.
Emerald Tablets Of Thoth, 50,000 Year Old Tablets Reportedly From Atlantis | Watercooler Topics (Before It's News) The Tablets of Thoth are imperishable, resistant to all elements, corrosion and acids. In effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, and no change can take place, thus violating the material law of ionization, according to Bibliotecapleyades. Upon them are engraved characters in the Ancient Atlantean language; characters which respond to the attuned thought waves of the reader and which release much more wisdom and information than the characters do when merely deciphered. Dr. When Thoth, the Atlantean and Master raised the people of Khem (Egypt) to a great civilization, and when the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected The Great Pyramid over the entrance of the Great Halls of Amenti. In later times, the descendants of these guards became the Pyramid Priests, while Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, the Recorder, by those in the age of darkness which followed his passing. Credit: Lou Bernedetto· Translation and Interpretation by Doreal Dr. Dr.
Crna i bela magija (strana 11) :: Sustina sihra Radi se o sporazumu izmedu sihirbaza (vidovnjak) i sejtana koji se sastoji u tome da sihirbaz pocini neke harame ili djela koja vode u sirk (nevjerstvo), a da mu sejtan zauzvrat pomaze i bude poslusan u onome sto trazi od njega. Sihrbazi i dzinni Uglavnom se sporazum izmedu sihirbaza i sejtana zasniva na tome da sihirbaz pocini neke stvari koje vode u sirk ili kufr, tajno ili javno, a da sejtan u tom slucaju sluzi sihirbaza ili da potcini svakog onog ko moze sluziti sihirbazu. - Kako sihirbaz priziva dzina? Prvi nacin: Zaklinjanje Sihirbaz ulazi u mracnu sobu, zatim potpaljuje vatru i na nju stavlja odredenu vrstu tamjana (zavisno od onoga sto zeli postici sihrom). Drugi nacin: Prinosenje zrtve Sihirbaz donese pticu, kokosku, ili goluba, ili bilo koju drugu vrstu zivotinje s posebnim odlikama - ovisno o tome sta dzin zahtijeva. • Sirk u ovom nacinu ogleda se u dvije stvari: 1. prinosenje zrtve dzinu – sto je haram. Ovu metodu koriste onda kada se traze izgubljene stvari.
TIS | Intro To Curriculum Welcome to the TRUTH IS SCARY “Curriculum”…your gateway to the “Rabbit Hole”. Whether you are a new or experienced Truth Seeker, the Curriculum is meant to increase your Awareness of the Truth that exists behind the Stories that you have been told your entire life. The Curriculum is designed to stimulate your Left Brain and open up your Mind to the many versions of the Truth that exist in the Universe. Within these pages you will find short videos, full length documentaries, and Articles separated into over 20 distinct Categories that were purposely placed in a specific order. Dig deep within the Curriculum and you will find a wide range of different viewpoints on The Creation of Man, UFO’s, and Celebrity Assassinations to Nutrition, Meditation, and Yoga. There are many paths to the Truth, our purpose is not to tell you what Truth is, but to show you the many options that exist and let you decide your Truth for yourself. Topics covered in the TIS Curriculum:
John C. Lilly John Cunningham Lilly (January 6, 1915 – September 30, 2001) was a American physician, neuroscientist, psychoanalyst, psychonaut, philosopher, writer and inventor. He was a researcher of the nature of consciousness using mainly isolation tanks,[1] dolphin communication, and psychedelic drugs, sometimes in combination. Early life and education[edit] John Lilly was born to a wealthy family on January 6, 1915, in Saint Paul, Minnesota. His father was Richard Coyle Lilly, president of the First National Bank of St. Lilly showed an interest in science at an early age. While at St. Despite his father's wishes for him to go to an eastern Ivy-league college to become a banker, Lilly accepted a scholarship at the California Institute of Technology to study science. In 1934, Lilly read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Lilly became engaged to his first wife, Mary Crouch, at the beginning of his junior year at Caltech. At the University of Pennsylvania, Lilly met a professor named H. Research[edit]
The Golem: The Occult and Orientalism Golem-blogging, essay 7 of 21: The Occult and Orientalism Google The Golem (1920) and you’ll easily find comments criticizing the movie for being anti-Semitic. Most of this criticism is nonsense. The first ten minutes of The Golem establish the character of our Jewish heroes while explicitly addressing the wrong-headedness of Christian prejudice against the Jews. Using classic movie grammar (far shot to medium to closeup), The Golem opens by introducing the protagonist, Rabbi Loew, on his rooftop observatory. This opening assumes that viewers will: 1) accept that astrology and Kabbalistic Jewish mysticism are realities in this movie’s fantasy world and that only wise men are able to read the mystical signs, and 2) accept that the community represented by the Rabbi does not deserve “misfortune.” In swift movie shorthand, we’re introduced to the flirtatious semi-romance between Famulus (Rabbi Loew’s assistant) and the Rabbi’s daughter, Miriam. or sneak a peek at YouTube. © 2011 Lee Price
The new encyclopedia of the occult - John Michael Greer - Google Books
The Emerald Tablet, also known as Smaragdine Table, Tabula Smaragdina, or The Secret of Hermes by ouren7 Aug 22