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3 outils pour créer des bandes dessinées pour la classe. Ludique, artistique, interactif, motivant…Proposer à ces élèves de s’exprimer à travers la création d’une bande dessinée permet d’utiliser un bon moyen pour obtenir investissement et dynamique dans un groupe classe. Mon récent article sur Pixton m’a valu un volumineux courrier dont je vous remercie. Votre intérêt m’a incité à chercher d’autres solutions en ligne pour créer facilement des bandes dessinées. Chogger. ComicMaster. MakeBeliefs. Dans la classe. Voilà quelques outils en ligne qui méritent un petit test. 7 free tools for anyone who wants to become a better writer The awesome (and scary) thing about being a writer is that you can always improve. It’s why people can sit on a draft for weeks—every time they take “one more look,” they can find a way to make it better. While it’s definitely a fun challenge to see how long you can keep finessing your work, it’s not always practical. After all, your boss usually doesn’t want you working on that press release for weeks on end while you try to brainstorm the perfect opening line. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources out there that can speed the editing process up and make you more confident about the work you’re submitting. 1. As much as Microsoft Word’s AutoCorrect function annoys us, we must admit to missing those green and red squiggly lines when we’re writing online. Enter: Grammarly (for Chrome users). 2. If you struggle with being long-winded, Hemingway could be a game changer. 3. Searching “best writing advice” on Google will, sadly, not always bring you the best writing advice. 4. 5. 7.

100 Best YouTube Videos for Teachers Although YouTube has been blocked from many/most schools, for obvious reasons and not so obvious ones. YouTube does provide great resources and content for teachers and students. View the list of the Top 100 Videos for Teachers. YouTube's 100 Best Teacher Videos: History These videos can give your students a better insight into historical events. Science Make science more fun and interactive by using these videos in class. Language Get advice on improving your language class or use these videos as classroom supplements. Arts These videos provide great information on art and art education programs for you and your students. ARTSplash! Inspiration Everyone has a hard day sometimes, and you can remind yourself why you became a teacher by checking out these videos. Classroom Management Ensure your classroom stays a happy and organized learning environment with some help from these videos. How-Tos and Guides Technology Humor If you need a good laugh, watch these over your lunch hour or after class.

Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo Projet BD… Pour cette dernière période, plutôt que de me lancer dans l’étude d’une oeuvre avec mes CE2, j’ai décidé de leur faire étudier un genre littéraire qui m’est cher : la bande dessinée. En période 4, nous avions étudié le roman policier « Les doigts rouges » (un classique) de Marc Villard. J’ai donc proposé à mes élèves d’en faire une version BD. Les élèves, en groupes, doivent élaborer des vignettes. À première vue, on peut se dire : « Sympa, c’est du boulot de dernière période, pas fatiguant pour les élèves, ils ont juste à dessiner et faire quelques bulles… ». Bref, tout ce qu’on peut retrouver comme questions de compréhension se résume dans l’élaboration de ces vignettes. Au-delà de l’apprentissage des codes spécifiques de la BD, cette séquence permet également de faire un point sur le dialogue et les éléments narratifs du roman. Pour la mise en forme finale j’utilise l’application iPad « Comic Life » (3,99€), pour un rendu plutôt chouette.

Lastenkirjahylly: Julkaisutahti tiuhentuu ja uudetkin tekijät ovat jo entuudestaan tuttuja: Syksyn tulevan lasten- ja nuortenkirjasadon zuumailua, osa 2 Kolmen suurimman, eli Otavan, Tammen ja WSOY:n syksyn uutuusluetteloista on poimittu rouva Huun tärppejä kaikkien lasten- ja nuortenkirjaentusiastien iloksi. Samalla luodataan vähän trendejä ja kustannusmaailman liikahduksia. Rouva Huu ei ole vielä(kään) päässyt sinuiksi löytyvien Tammen, WSOY:n, Liken, Johny Knigan, Siltalan ja Paasilinnan sähköisten uutuusluetteloiden kanssa. Mutta en taida siltikään olla tämän ongelmani kanssa ihan yksin? Kuinka moni kiinnostava uutuuskirja jää ansiottaan katveeseen kustantajien lyhytnäköisen markkinointiin kohdistuvan säästön takia? Ymmärrän toki joiltain osin kustantajien motiivit. Uutuusluetteloista on tullut nykyisin monivärisiä ja liimasidottuja yli satasivuisia paksuja luetteloita, joiden paino- ja postituskustannuksilla ajatellaan varmaan säästettävän rutkasti rahaa. Ja kukaties kustantamoilla on myös salainen agenda: totuttaa kirjallisuuden harrastajia sähköiseen kirjaan jo hyvissä ajoin ennen e-kirjan läpimurtoa? J.

Geometry Geometry is all about shapes and their properties. If you like playing with objects, or like drawing, then geometry is for you! Geometry can be divided into: Plane Geometry is about flat shapes like lines, circles and triangles ... shapes that can be drawn on a piece of paper Solid Geometry is about three dimensional objects like cubes, prisms, cylinders and spheres. Point, Line, Plane and Solid A Point has no dimensions, only position A Line is one-dimensional A Plane is two dimensional (2D) A Solid is three-dimensional (3D) Why? Why do we do Geometry? Plane Geometry Plane Geometry is all about shapes on a flat surface (like on an endless piece of paper). Perimeter General Drawing Tool Polygons A Polygon is a 2-dimensional shape made of straight lines. Here are some more: The Circle Circle Theorems (Advanced Topic) Symbols There are many special symbols used in Geometry. Geometric Symbols Congruent and Similar Angles Types of Angles Transformations and Symmetry Transformations: Symmetry: Symmetry Artist

A Very Good Tool for Creating Comic Strips with Students July, 2015 As is the case with Book Cover Creator we reviewed in a previous post, Comic Creator is another useful tool from ReadWriteThink that students can use to easily design their own comic strips. The tool provides students with a variety of features to employ in the creation process. They can choose from different backgrounds, add characters and pros, and type in their textual input. Comic Creator is very easy to use. To get started will have to provide a name to their cartoon, add a subtitle and type in the name of the author. Comic Creator can be used 'by students from kindergarten through high school, for purposes ranging from learning to write dialogue to an in-depth study of a formerly neglected genre.

Hopper - RMN Bd Les dessins de "Ma BD Hopper" ont été réalisés à partir des œuvres suivantes : Edward Hopper (1882-1967)Nighthawks (Noctambules), 1942Huile sur toile. 84,1 x 152,4 cmChicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, Friends of American Art Collection Edward Hopper (1882-1967)Gas (Station-service), 1940Huile sur toile. 66,7 x 102,2 cmNew York, The Museum of Modern Art, fonds Mrs Simon Guggenheim © 2011. Digital image, The Museum of Modern Art, New York/Scala, Florence Edward Hopper (1882-1967)House by the Railroad (Maison près de la voie ferrée), 1925Huile sur toile. 61 x 73,7 cmNew York, The Museum of Modern Art, don anonyme de 1930 (3.1930). © 2011. Digital image, The Museum of Modern Art, New York/Scala, Florence Edward Hopper (1882-1967)D and RG Locomotive, 1925Aquarelle et mine de plomb sur papier, 35,2 x 50,8 cmNew York, The Metropolitain Museum of art, fonds © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Dist. Pour la Réunion des musées nationaux-Grand Palais Direction du numérique : Roei Amit

Book Creator is Now Available on Windows for Free June, 2015 More than 15 million ebooks have been made with Book Creator for iPad and Android, and now the popular classroom app is receiving a Windows makeover and is available on desktop devices for the first time. The app is now free on the Windows for a limited time. Book Creator for Windows takes a blank-canvas approach to creativity that makes publishing and sharing ebooks easier than ever. With Book Creator for Windows you can: Create books on a Windows tablet, laptop or desktop with an easy-to-use interface Apply rich formatting with more than 40 fonts to choose fromAdd photos and video or record audioUtilize the drawing tool for illustrations and annotationsRead books with the in-app reader Draft books in the ePub format to publish work on Apple's iBooks Store or the Google Play StoreSend books by email or upload to OneDrive for quick and easy sharing

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