Introduction à Google App Engine
Google App Engine permet d'exécuter vos applications web sur l'infrastructure de Google. Les applications App Engine sont faciles à construire, faciles à maintenir, et supportent facilement la montée en charge de votre trafic et de vos besoins croissants de stockage de données. Avec App Engine, il n'y a pas de serveurs à maintenir: Vous chargez juste vos applications, et elles sont aussitôt disponibles pour vos utilisateurs. Vous pouvez mettre à disposition vos applications depuis votre propre nom de domaine (tel que en utilisant Google Apps. Google App Engine supporte les applications écrites dans plusieurs langages de programmation. Avec App Engine, vous payez seulement pour ce que vous utilisez. App Engine ne coûte rien pour démarrer. Google App Engine rend facile la construction d'une application qui s'exécute de façon fiable, même sous une forte charge et avec d'importantes quantités de données. II.1. II.2. Le JRE utilise Java 6. II.3. II.4. II.5. II.6.
Google App Engine
Google App Engine is free up to a certain level of consumed resources. Fees are charged for additional storage, bandwidth, or instance hours required by the application.[3] It was first released as a preview version in April 2008, and came out of preview in September 2011. Supported features/restrictions[edit] Runtimes and framework[edit] Reliability and Support[edit] All billed High-Replication Datastore App Engine applications have a 99.95% uptime SLA.[15] App Engine is designed in such a way that it can sustain multiple datacenter outages without any downtime. Paid support from Google engineers is offered as part of Premier Accounts.[17] Free support is offered in the App Engine Groups and Stack Overflow, however assistance by a Google staff member is not guaranteed. Bulk downloading[edit] Restrictions[edit] Major differences[edit] Differences with other application hosting[edit] Differences between SQL and GQL[edit] Portability concerns[edit] Backends[edit] Google Cloud SQL[edit] See also[edit]
Google Guides Program
Give your deployment an edge Making the switch to a new communications platform is an important change for your organization, and you want your deployment to be as smooth as possible, with minimal disruption to productivity and daily operations. You know that some of your users are apprehensive about the change, and many will need help getting started, no matter how much documentation and training you provide beforehand. To ensure the best possible deployment experience for both your users and support staff, you need a solid support plan in place on "Day One." As you create your plan, consider incorporating our "Google Guides program," a peer-to-peer support methodology. So how are you going to find these users and get them trained and ready to support your rollout? A win-win for your users and IT staff We believe that the Google Guides program is simply the best way to ensure a smooth rollout of your Google Apps services. And the Google Guides benefit, too! How to implement the program
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les termes « map » et « reduce », et les concepts sous-jacents, sont empruntés aux langages de programmation fonctionnelle utilisés pour leur construction (map et réduction de la programmation fonctionnelle et des langages de programmation tableau). MapReduce permet de manipuler de grandes quantités de données en les distribuant dans un cluster de machines pour être traitées. Ce modèle connaît un vif succès auprès de sociétés possédant d'importants centres de traitement de données telles Amazon ou Facebook. Il commence aussi à être utilisé au sein du Cloud computing. Présentation[modifier | modifier le code] Un modèle de programmation[modifier | modifier le code] MapReduce est un modèle de programmation popularisé par Google. MapReduce consiste en deux fonctions map() et reduce(). Dans l'étape Map le nœud analyse un problème, le découpe en sous-problèmes, et les délègue à d'autres nœuds (qui peuvent en faire de même récursivement). Hadoop Logo
Develop in the cloud with eXo’s Cloud IDE
Today’s post comes from Mark Downey of eXo, creator of Cloud IDE. Cloud IDE is an online IDE for Java, Python, PHP, Ruby or Javascript, and for nearly two years it has been used by developers to build applications for a number of PaaS environments. They recently added support for deploying code to Google App Engine. Since eXo started the Cloud IDE project back in 2010, our objective has been to make developers more productive in building and deploying cloud-based apps. It’s easy to get started. This opens the App Engine admin console in a new browser tab, where you get to choose your app ID (which will define the URL of your application). In Java, you can use auto-completion (alt+space) and have access to all the Google App Engine libraries. The Google App Engine menu also enables you to view and update your App Engine services such as Indexes, PageSpeed, Queues, DoS, Resource Limits, Crons or Backends. - Contributed by Mark Downey, product manager for eXo Cloud Services @marksdowney
Google App Engine Blog
Africa University Programs
Africa is home to more than a billion people and is also the fastest growing continent. But only 16% of people are connected to the Internet. That leaves a huge population without access to new opportunities, such as a reliable channel to the latest news, a tool to join in worldwide commerce, or a platform to create and contribute photos, video, and more. For the nearly 3 million people living in and around Kampala, the Internet hasn’t been as fast and available as it could be; online activity often sputters on pre-broadband speeds or unreliable connections. Project Link’s network is available today to connect providers to long-distance fiber lines, equipping them with near-unlimited capacity to build and expand services to Ugandans. Project Link goes beyond basic access; it enables local providers to offer new mobile data plans or high-speed Internet for office buildings and universities, and support newer technologies as they come to market. Posted by Kai Wulff, Access Field Director
Google App Engine - La programmation pour le cloud computing
La plateforme de Google, Google App Engine (GAE) utilise nativement le langage Python. Comme beaucoup de produits Google, GAE est encore en version beta. Il s’agit plus pour l’instant de tester le concept que de déployer des applications critiques. Google offre aux développeurs des comptes d’essai gratuits autorisant 500 Mo de stockage, 200 mégacycles de CPU par jour et 10 Go de bande passante par jour. Google App Engine SDK est un package complet qui fournit des API et des outils permettant de développer et d’exécuter l’application dans un environnement local offrant les mêmes API que le service en ligne. Récemment, Google a annoncé le support de Java pour Google App Engine, en version préliminaire (Early Look).