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K-W-L Creator

K-W-L Creator
Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Unit Weather: A Journey in Nonfiction Questions about weather clear up when students use what they learned from their books to create a presentation to share with the rest of the class. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Creating Question and Answer Books through Guided Research This series of activities is designed to teach research strategies. Grades 3 – 5 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Critical Perspectives: Reading and Writing About Slavery Students critically explore the moral issue of slavery through reading fiction and nonfiction children's literature about the Underground Railroad, and they extend their understanding through creative writing projects. Grades 3 – 5 | Lesson Plan | Recurring Lesson Using Word Storms to Explore Vocabulary and Encourage Critical Thinking Students learn that dogs are more than just pets in this lesson, which teaches them to use research and vocabulary-acquisition strategies to learn and write about working dogs.

Diamante Poems In this online tool, students can learn about and write diamante poems, which are diamond-shaped poems that use nouns, adjectives, and gerunds to describe either one central topic or two opposing topics (for example, night/day or winter/spring). Examples of both kinds of diamante poems can be viewed online or printed out. Because diamante poems follow a specific format that uses nouns on the first and last lines, adjectives on the second and fourth lines, and gerunds in the third and fifth lines, this tool has numerous word-study applications. The tool provides definitions of the different parts of speech students use in composing the poems, reinforcing the connection between word study and writing. It also includes prompts to write and revise poems, thus reinforcing elements of the writing process. Students can save their draft diamante poems to revise later, and save and print their finished diamante poems. Grades 7 – 10 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Theme Poems Acrostic Poems

Come e perché prepararsi a parlare in pubblico – Nuovo e Utile Chiunque si rivolga non a una singola persona ma a un gruppo di interlocutori sta, in effetti “parlando in pubblico”. Le regole cambiano. Può succedere di dover parlare in pubblico in modo del tutto estemporaneo, ma non è frequente: di solito si sa da prima che lo si farà. La ricetta per fare un intervento efficace è una sola: bisogna prepararsi, perché quel che si dice è tanto importante quanto il come lo si riesce a dire. FATE MENTE LOCALE. COM’È GRANDE IL VOSTRO PUBBLICO? DA CHI È COMPOSTO IL VOSTRO PUBBLICO? CHI SIETE VOI IN RELAZIONE AL PUBBLICO? QUANTO TEMPO AVETE A DISPOSIZIONE? LEGGERE, SCORRERE APPUNTI O PARLARE A BRACCIO? QUANTO TEMPO INVESTIRE PER PREPARARSI A PARLARE IN PUBBLICO? Se questo argomento vi interessa, potreste guardare i tre precedenti articoli dedicati al parlare in pubblico:Parlare in pubblico: perché in Italia lo facciamo così male?

Theme Poems In this online tool, elementary students can write poems based on shapes from five different categories: Nature, School, Sports, Celebrations, and Shapes. Within these categories, 32 different shapes are included. By selecting a shape, students are learning how to focus their writing on a particular topic or theme. For ideas of how to use this tool outside the classroom, see Theme Poems in the Parent & Afterschool Resources section. Grades 3 – 5 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Dynamite Diamante Poetry Introduce gerunds and review nouns, adjectives, and verbs through engaging read-alouds; then apply these concepts through collaborative word-sorting and poetry-writing activities. Grades K – 12 | Student Interactive | Writing Poetry Acrostic Poems This online tool enables students to learn about and write acrostic poems. Diamante Poems This online tool enables students to learn about and write diamante poems. Grades K – 5 | Mobile App | Writing Poetry Theme Poems Today is World Poetry Day.

30 Habits Of Highly Effective Teachers Editor’s Note: We often look at the qualities and characteristics of good teaching and learning, including the recent following pieces: How A Good Teacher Becomes Great What You Owe Your Students Ten Secrets To Surviving As A Teacher The Characteristics Of A Highly Effective Learning Environment How To Be A Mediocre Teacher 25 Things Successful Teachers Do Differently by Julie DuNeen, Sketch Note Via Janet Hamilton If you ask a student what makes him or her successful in school, you probably won’t hear about some fantastic new book or video lecture series. What students take away from a successful education usually centers on a personal connection with a teacher who instilled passion and inspiration for their subject. Are teachers reaching their students? 1. How do you know if you are driving the right way when you are traveling somewhere new? 2. We can’t all be blessed with “epic” workdays all the time. 3. 4. 5. 6. This concept is similar for parents as well. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

My Mother Does My Homework - Kenn Nesbitt's Print This Poem A Funny School Poem for Kids Rate this poem My mother does my homework. We sit down at the dinner table every single night. And now and then, she’ll tell me I should go and take my bath. You’d think that I’d be overjoyed to never have to work. I ask if I can do it, but she shrugs off my requests. --Kenn Nesbitt Copyright © 2015. Reading Level: Grade 2 About This Poem As a parent of two children, I get to help my children with their homework quite often. I don't think parents do this intentionally, but sometimes they do go from helping out to doing a problem for their child as a way of showing them how it's done. But what would happen if the parent liked it so much, that they just answered all of a student's homework problems?

Beginner's Guide to Pinterest for teachers (the crib sheet) Published on February 15th, 2016 | by Mark Anderson Following on from yesterday’s popular crib sheet for Twitter, I thought I’d do one for Pinterest too. I’ve been a big fan of Pinterest in education for a long time now as discussed for example in this post from 2013. I hope you find the crib sheet useful. As with all things on my blog, it is licensed by a Creative Commons license (as shown at the bottom of every page). As mentioned yesterday, if there’s anything you think that might be missing, needing addition or tweaking, please let me know in the comments. Thanks! Tags: collation, curation, learning, pinterest, sharing, social media, web tools About the Author Mark Anderson Mark Anderson is a former assistant headteacher, an award winning blogger and education technology expert, keynote speaker, best-selling author of 'Perfect ICT Every Lesson' and independent consultant.

My Dog Lives On the Sofa - Kenn Nesbitt's Print This Poem A Funny Dog Poem for Kids Rate this poem From the book The Biggest Burp Ever My dog lives on the sofa. --Kenn Nesbitt Copyright © 2012. Reading Level: Grade 2 From the Book The Biggest Burp Ever How to Develop a School Culture That Helps Curb Bullying | MindShift | KQED News After years of dealing with school bullying through traditional punishments, Carolyne Quintana, the principal of Bronxdale High School in New York City, introduced restorative justice approaches at her school because she wanted students to feel trusted and cared for. “It wasn’t just about bullying incidents, it was about the whole school culture,” she said. To build community and handle “instances of harm” among the students, teachers bring the kids together to talk in “restorative circles,” where everyone has an opportunity to listen and be heard. Bronxdale uses circles for most of its group communications, including parent meetings and ninth-grade orientation. What’s crucial in building the right culture is the twice-weekly advisory sessions—“the hub for restorative circles,” Quintana said—and the distributed guidance system at Bronxdale, which calls on all adults to look out for the social and emotional well-being of the students. Build the right culture.

My Family’s Fond of Gadgets - Kenn Nesbitt's Print This Poem A Funny Technology Poem for Kids Rate this poem My family’s fond of gadgets and new technology. My mother likes her radio. My father likes TV. My sister likes to dance around the house with headphones on. The baby has a smartphone and a touchscreen-tablet too. We chat with instant messaging. The power went out recently. --Kenn Nesbitt Copyright © 2014. Reading Level: Grade 2

Chi è il docente Innovative Design? Il docente Innovative Design è un professionista dei processi di insegnamento/apprendimento, in grado di governare la complessità odierna e di proporre un modello educativo-didattico adatto ad una società liquida. Il docente Innovative Design fa sue le esigenze del territorio e dei suoi allievi per ridisegnare l’apprendimento sulla base di pratiche e azioni efficaci. Tutte le azioni del docente Innovative Design sono tese ad arricchire la comprensione collettiva e a sviluppare in ogni singolo allievo la conoscenza, la comprensione, la responsabilità e l’autonomia creativa nello svolgimento dei compiti. Attraverso l’uso del metodo “Service Design Thinking”, che si articola in quattro fasi (esplorare, ideare, sviluppare, sperimentare), guida l’evolversi dei processi educativi, verifica le risorse funzionali a propria disposizione per attivare le competenze. In pratica Contesto di riferimento operiamo in una classe della Scuola Secondaria di primo grado, insegniamo la disciplina italiano.

My Puppy Plays Piano - Kenn Nesbitt's Print This Poem A Funny Pet Poem for Kids Rate this poem My puppy plays piano. It’s the strangest thing to see. It seems, while I was practicing, he learned by watching me. He started out on chopsticks, then he learned to play some Bach. He also taught my kitten how so they could play duets, and then they taught guitar and drums to all my other pets. They formed a band and practiced hard and traveled all around, and instantly got famous for their catchy “Pet Rock” sound. They made a smash hit record and it wasn’t very long before my pets were millionaires because they wrote this song. --Kenn Nesbitt Copyright © 2011. Reading Level: Grade 4

Robin Good: Content Curation per l'Educazione e l'Apprendimento Un percorso sulla didattica per competenze articolato in 6 passi per comprendere cosa sia, come possa essere implementata nella didattica e documentarsi sui temi e problemi che l'approccio per competenze chiama in causa. Ho scelto contributi di autori che per autorevolezza, chiarezza espositiva, ricchezza e completezza delle informazioni, potessero fornire un itinerario introduttivo al tema. Non sempre concordo con tutto quello che viene sostenuto in questi interventi intorno alle competenze, ma penso anche che tutti offrono spunti interessanti e stimolanti. Le risorse sono quelle che io conosco, sono certo che esistano altri contributi interessanti e utili e quando ne verrò a conoscenza li segnalerò. Tutte le risorse sono liberamente fruibili e/o scaricabili. Il problema: cosa sono queste competenze? Le definizioni di competenza che vengono generalmente fornite risultano spesso insoddisfacenti perché: non si comprende il carattere specifico della competenza, che: 1. Lavorare per Competenze

This organizer is to be used throughout the entire reading process (before, during and after). It should be used first to activate background knowledge. It is savable and can also be printed to use as a hard copy.
Teaching Tips
versatile tool that can be used in any genre and throughout content areas
can be used classwide on a projector or by students indivudually, paired or grouped
use what students already know to give the teacher the best place to start. by k3nolen Sep 28
