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Create Android App FREE!

Mobile App Builder | IPhone App Builder | App Maker | Android App Builder AppShed - Build HTML5, iPhone and Android apps online for schools, education and business Apprendre aux plus jeunes à devenir des acteurs autonomes et responsables du numérique Futur en Seine est un moment rare et magique. À ce sujet, je vous conseille la lecture du billet rédigé tout récemment par Jennifer Elbaz sur Educavox. Il y a aussi cette belle synthèse que nous offre Le Monde dans un article très complet qui tisse le florilège des innovations numériques. Il s’agissait, en fait, de la présentation critique d’un support pédagogique vidéo, « Les aventures croustillantes de Prince Chip », gagnant du concours des Trophées Educnum en 2014. La vidéo incluant les séquences pédagogiques et les réactions des élèves n’est pas disponible encore mais, en attendant, vous trouverez ci-dessous, en deux épisodes, les aventures de Prince Chip. Une patate peu ordinaire Jack’s Poivron l’usurpateur d’identité La question posée aux intervenants par Isabelle Falque-Perrotin, présidente de la CNIL, était la suivante : Quelques observations pour tenter de répondre à cette question Les mots ont de l’importance Sensibiliser ? Il en va de même des bons usages. 1.

Create Android apps without coding using Andromo App Maker for Android AppMakr With the rise of smartphones and mobile apps, businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to develop their own applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge or hiring expensive software development team members. In this era of technology, no-code app builders have emerged as a popular solution, allowing individuals and businesses to create their own customized applications with ease. Appy Pie is one such no-code app maker that has gained significant traction in recent years. But how does it compare to traditional app development? Here, we’ll explore the key benefits of using both the app development methods. Minimize risk Building an app from scratch is fraught with potential pitfalls, and investing a significant amount of resources into traditional app development can leave you exposed to considerable risk. Manage your app without a developer For many people building their first app, managing it effectively can be an afterthought. Faster GTM Cost-effectiveness

"La petite casserole d’Anatole" de Eric Montchaud Anatole a six ans. Il traîne toujours derrière lui sa petite casserole. Elle lui est tombée dessus un beau jour, on ne sait pas très bien pourquoi. Depuis, elle se coince partout et l’empêche d’avancer. Et voilà qu’Anatole en a assez. Il décide de se cacher. Eric Montchaud a étudié à la Poudrière. Non seulement "La petite casserole d'Anatole" a remporté de nombreuses récompenses, notamment le prix du public au Festival international du film d'animation d'Annecy 2014, mais il a été sélectionné sur 78 festivals dont une sélection officielle pour le César 2015 du meilleur film d'animation (section court-métrage).

App Inventor Get Started Follow these simple directions to build your first app! Tutorials Step-by-step guides show you how to create even more apps. Teach Find out about curriculum and resources for teachers. Forums Join community forums to get answers to your questions. Michel Serres - L'innovation et le numérique - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne La révolution numérique en cours aura selon Michel Serres des effets au moins aussi considérables qu’en leur temps l’invention de l’écriture puis celle de l’imprimerie. Les notions de temps et d’espace en sont totalement transformées. Les façons d’accéder à la connaissance profondément modifiées. A cet égard, chaque grande rupture dans l’histoire de l’humanité conduit à priver l’homme de facultés ("l’homme perd") mais chaque révolution lui en apporte de nouvelles ("l’homme gagne"). A la part de mémoire et de capacité mentale de traitement de l’information qu’il perd avec la diffusion généralisée des technologies numériques, l’homme gagne une possibilité nouvelle de mise en relation (d’individus, de groupes et de réseaux, de savoirs) mais aussi une faculté décuplée d’invention et de création.

Xcode - What's New Easy setup Take advantage of a complete workflow to manage pull requests directly within Xcode. Create new requests, see a queue of pull requests ready for your review, and quickly view, build, and test results generated locally or by Xcode Cloud. Team comments inline Comments that your teammates make on code during review display inline within the code editor, along with the name and avatar of the reviewer. Quick compare Jump into a comparison view of any two versions of your source code, in any editor, while retaining your current editing context. Cloud signing Apps are code-signed using an Apple-hosted service that manages all of your certificates, making App Store submission easier and more reliable. Bottom bar The always-visible bottom bar shows useful information, such as line and column, and offers direct access to quickly compare different versions of code. Vim mode CarPlay simulator Instant crash reports and feedback Custom documentation

Tools Intel® XDK HTML5 development environment - develop, emulate, test-on-device and build apps Download Today Intel® XDK a HTML5 cross-platform solution enables developers to write web and hybrid apps once, and deploy across many app stores and form factor devices. Easy-to-use: Streamlined workflow from design to app storeDevelop faster: Integrated design, test, and build toolsDeploy simply: Across more app stores, and form factors Intel XDK is available as a free download for Windows* 7 & 8 , Apple OS X*, and Ubuntu* Linux* Build cross-platform apps easily Intel® XDK streamlined interface is built on Web technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript*, and Node-Webkit back-end, runs on Windows*, OS X*, and Ubuntu Linux, without browser or Java* dependencies. Development Tools Built-in Intuitive tools that let you design engaging HTML5 responsive apps in less time Start with Samples Emulate, Test, and Debug Tools Emulators, debuggers, and profilers to enhance app performance and quality Get the Intel® XDK Learn How

10 Excellent Platforms for Building Mobile Apps If you've ever wanted to build an app for your business, blog, product or service, but the heavy investment of both time and money put you off, you're not alone. The good news is that entering the mobile market no longer necessarily requires thousands of dollars and months of work. There are many mobile platforms available to help you build an app on a budget — quickly, and with no coding knowledge required. With a small investment, you can create and manage your mobile site or application using one of the platforms listed below, and start reaping the advantages of offering your customers a dedicated mobile experience, including increased awareness, engagement and revenue. Show As Gallery Have something to add to this story? Image: Mashable composite. iStock, pressureUA

Swift Programming Language What’s new Swift 6 makes it easier to write concurrent code correctly with a new, optional language mode that analyzes your code at compile-time and diagnoses possible data races. This release also brings other enhancements to concurrency and generics, as well as improved support for source editors that use the Language Server Protocol. Watch the latest video Download the Swift one-sheet Modern Swift is the result of the latest research on programming languages, combined with decades of experience building software that runs on billions of devices. Declare new types with modern, straightforward syntax. Add functionality to existing types using extensions, and cut down on boilerplate code with custom string interpolations. extension Player: Codable, Equatable {} import Foundation let encoder = JSONEncoder() try encoder.encode(player) print(player) Quickly extend your custom types to take advantage of powerful language features, such as automatic JSON encoding and decoding. Designed for safety
