ELA Resources PARCC Integrating Technology Resources Connect Your Community - Training and broadband connectivity for thousands of citizens - CYC Math Resources Science The State Board of Education has adopted the more rigorous Ohio Revised Science Content Standards as part of Ohio's New Learning Standards for academic learning. The Kindergarten - Grade 12 Ohio's New Learning Standards will be fully in use in Ohio classrooms by 2014-2015, when assessments that align to the standards are in place. ODE encourages districts to start implementing these Ohio New Learning Standards in Science now to better prepare students for 2014-2015 and beyond. Achieve released April 9, 2013, the final version of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). As a lead state in the national initiative, Ohio will review the document to determine what future action should be taken. Both the Ohio Department of Education and Achieve advise schools to continue using Ohio’s New Learning Standards to guide curriculum and instruction. Content Standards and Model Curricula Ohio Mathematics and Science Partnership Program Grant Problems and Ideas Related
Share Book Recommendations, Join Book Clubs, Learn more about your Favorite Books and Share Books with Friends. Assessment Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West AnswerGarden - Plant a Question, Grow Answers New Learning Standards 22 Easy Formative Assessment Techniques for Measuring Student Learning I came across Terry Heick’s blog – 10 Assessments You Can Perform In 90 Seconds – at TeachThought from earlier this year and really enjoyed the formative assessment strategies that he outlined. Using formative assessment techniques in class – or “simple assessments” as Terry calls them – are easy to administer and provide the instant feedback teachers need to identify which students need more help, and then adjust their instruction and lesson plans to help them. Visit Terry’s blog above to get more detail on the following ten formative assessment techniques: 1. New Clothes 2. Combining Terry’s ten with the ten we’ve blogged about can give teachers 20 great formative assessment strategies for measuring student learning. 11. Here are a couple more assessments you can use to elicit evidence of student learning. 21. 22. All of these 22 formative assessment techniques are simple to administer and free or inexpensive to use. Do you have a favorite?