Finance Example Models - Palisade
Minimum Edition: @RISK Industrial. A manufacturer of fuel efficient cars believes that demand for this type of cars might increase in the next few years, so it wants to expand its capacity. To finance this, the company plans to divert profits from car sales to a fund for eventual expansion. The model uses RISKOptimizer to find an optimal plan for doing this. Minimum Edition: @RISK Industrial. This model uses detailed financial calculations on a number of project worksheets to obtain project NPVs and present values of project costs. The first example uses a portfolio model to illustrate the "conditional value at risk" concept from finance, in this case the mean return from a portfolio conditional on the fact that the return is below the 5th percentile of all returns. Minimum Edition: @RISK Industrial. This simulation model follows a sample of 200 customers who each begin a year in a certain credit rating category and with a certain amount of credit exposure.
The Personal MBA: DIY Business Education - Mastering Business Without B-School
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It is currently Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:54 am View unanswered posts • View active topics Investing - Help with Personal Investments Have a question about your personal investments? No matter how simple or complex, you can ask it here. 49451 Topics 565056 Posts Last post by sscritic Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:51 am Investing - Theory, News & General Discuss all general (i.e. non-personal) investing questions and issues, investing news, and theory. 37195 Topics 651615 Posts Last post by InvestorNewb Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:45 am Personal Finance (Not Investing) Non-investing personal finance issues including insurance, credit, real estate, taxes, employment and legal issues such as trusts and wills 24261 Topics 390448 Posts Last post by snowman Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:54 am Personal Consumer Issues Questions on how we spend our money and our time - consumer goods and services, home and vehicle, leisure and recreational activities 12267 Topics 311574 Posts Last post by Phineas J. Who is online
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36 Startup Tips: From Software Engineering to PR and More! - ReadWriteWeb
This is a collection of startup tips covering software engineering, infrastructure, PR, conferences, legal and finance. They describe best practices for an early-stage startup. We hope that you will find these tips useful, but also please remember that they are based on subjective experiences and not all of them will be applicable to your company. These tips originally appeared as separate posts on the BlueBlog, the blog of AdaptiveBlue. [Ed: Alex Iskold is founder and CEO of AdaptiveBlue, as well as being a feature writer for RWW.] 8 Software Engineering Tips for Startups Since software is at the heart of every modern startup it needs to be elegant, simple and agile. Tip 0: You must have code Working code proves that a system is possible, and it also proves that the team can build the system. Tip 1: You must have a technical co-founder Any startup starts with an idea and just a few people. Tip 2: Hire A+ engineers who love coding Tip 3: Keep the engineering team small and do not outsource
Valuation Class: Home Page
For the first two decades that I taught it, this class was called "Equity Instruments and Markets", a title that never fit. This class has never been about instruments, nor was it about markets and I am not even sure that it was about equity . It was a valuation class, plain and simple, and I am glad that it has acquired that title. I hope you enjoy it, and find it useful, in that order. Everything you need for this class should be linked to this page. If you do want to get back to my home page, click on the logo at the top of the page.
Learn SQL using: SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, and PostgreSQL. Reference: how to... How to read the data from a database. 2 CREATE and DROP How to create tables, indexes, views and other things. 3 INSERT and DELETE How to put records into a table, change them and how to take them out again. 4 DATE and TIME How to work with dates; adding, subtracting and formatting. 5 Functions How to use string functions, logical functions and mathematical functions. 6 Users How to create users, GRANT and DENY access, get at other peoples tables. 7 Meta Data How to find out what tables and columns exist. 8 SQL Hacks Some SQL Hacks, taken from "SQL Hacks" published by O'Reilly 9 Using SQL with PHP on Amazon EC2 servers Video tutorials showing how to run MySQL, PHP and Apache on Amazon's EC2 cloud servers. 10 An introduction to transactions Video tutorials showing how sessions can interfere with each other and how to stop it. 11 Using SQL with C# in Visual Studio
How to Write a Business Plan - Mahalo
Writing a business plan is an easy way to help create a focus for your business and educate others about it. A well composed business plan can be used to procure a loan and get investors. If you don't know how to write a business plan, then this page will help guide you through the process, step by step. A business plan is best described as a resume for your business. This page gives information on the most essential elements of a business plan including the Executive Summary, Company Overview, Market Analysis, Marketing and Sales Strategy, Operations Plan, Management Plan, and Financial Data.
Meaning of Halflife
I'd like to illustrate what this really means. If living creatures had halflives the way radioactive atoms do, the world would be a very different place. What do you mean? Suppose there's an alien species with a halflife of, say, 70 years. That doesn't sound so weird. True...but remember that the halflife is always the same, regardless of how old the aliens are. That is kind of strange. It gets stranger. Methuselah isn't going to make it, though. Methuselah has just as much chance of surviving the next 70 years as any one of the 15 babies.
The Social Enterprise - What Works, and What Doesn't
Last week in Reston, Virginia, the New New Internet conference took place, and the spotlight was on the adoption of new social technologies in the enterprise. One morning panel was moderated by Ryan Carson and featured Brad Feld, the Managing Director at the Foundry Group, Hans Hwang, VP Advanced Services, Cisco, and myself. During the course of our discussion, Ryan brought up a set of interesting questions: Should enterprises embrace blogging?What is the impact of Google Docs on the enterprises?Do corporations need social networks? The discussion eventually brought us to an even broader question: Why should enterprises go social, and what are the compelling reasons for adoption? The Need For Agile Enterprise As a rule, what is good for individuals is not good for companies and the other way around. Lately however, with the increasing speed at which our society operates, we are seeing that companies have had to become more agile in order to compete. Self-Organization in the Enterprise
The Math Forum @ Drexel University
The Math Forum has a rich history as an online hub for the mathematics education community. A debt of gratitude is owed to the dedicated staff who created and maintained the top math education content and community forums that made up the Math Forum since its inception. NCTM will continue to make many of the most popular parts of the Math Forum content accessible to the mathematics education community. We hope that you will join or continue to be a member of the NCTM community to access even more high-quality resources for teaching and the learning of each and every student. Problems of the Week The Math Forum created Problems of the Week as an integrated program that features problems by standard and additional teacher support materials. Continue Your Math Education Conversations in MyNCTM! MyNCTM is an online community where NCTM members can ask questions, network and connect with each other, start and join discussions, find and upload resources, and interact with education experts.