Related: Hydroponics
Build a vertical aquaponic veggie & fish farm for small yards & houses This low-cost vertical aquaponic system can grow leafy greens, herbs and raise fish for a small family year round, and it fits in a 5' by 3' space. Sean Brady, the aquaponics projects coordinator at the Center for Sustainable Aquaponics and Nourish the Planet in Loveland, Colo., showed us how to build a system from scrap he found around the greenhouse. We published a version of this how-to guide at engineeringforchange.org, and it's one of the good ones, so we'd like to share it with Instructables, too. What it is A vertical aquaponic system grows vegetables without soil in columns above a fish tank. The system puts fish waste to work as fertilizer for crops. You do have to replace lost water as needed, power the pump and feed the fish. This is how to build Sean Brady's low-cost vertical aquaponic system This build is for the simple design in the cover photo, and we're including pictures of other, fancier systems built with mostly the same materials to show what's possible.
Home Built Hydroponics Unit for an 8th Grade Science Classroom - The Hydroshack Lives Again! My wife teaches 8th grade science. This project "The Hydroshack" is a rendition of one I built over 20 years ago in my college teaching methods class. It is designed specifically for performing experiments in a science class. Please keep in mind that this instructable is not the only way to do this. Features:Uses NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) - Nutrient solution flows along the bottom of the troughs and washes over the plants roots.Very dense plant arrangement to accommodate 150 students in a 5' x 2' footprintCounter top unit that breaks down to be stored above the cupboards in the classroomEasy access to replenish and clean the nutrient tanks.Flexible controls to allow for differing conditions: nutrient flow, nutrient solutions, lighting etc... in each trough. Educational conditions:The Hydroshack will be used to teach the students the "Scientific Method" (formal experimental procedures) and also be used in the genetics portion of the class. Also, I had to redesign the control panel.
Hydroponics Reader Brandon Koots is a 15-year-old student from Curacao who's been growing his own food for over 4 years. He runs a site where he talks about hydroponics and gardening, and he shared some great tips on starting a simple hydroponics system, called a "raft system." Build a simple raft system in just a few minutes Hydroponics is an easy way to grow your own food. A raft system is a hydroponics system where the plants grow in a medium and their roots hang in the water. In a hydroponic system you can plant more food than in the same area of soil. Materials: a knife or drilla plastic bin (size doesn’t matter)some plastic cupsa markera ruleran oxygen pump - choose one that comes with an airstone Here are the steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You can also use your raft system as an aquaponic system The only extra supplies you'll need are fish and fish food. reduces work that has to be done in a gardenhelps you to save more waterrequires less space. Extra tips:
Culture du safran - Bulbes de crocus sativus Généralités La nature du sol et sa situation Préparation du sol Préparer le sol avant l'hiver par un bêchage ou labourage profond (20 cm environ) accompagné d'un fumage de préférence issu de compost. Garder le terrain propre jusqu'au moment de la plantation (juillet à septembre) et bien l'ameublir avant d'installer les bulbes en terre. Conception de la safranière Précautions à prendre Lutter contre les prédateurs Les mulots et les campagnols sont très friands des bulbes en hiver comme en été. Les lapins de garenne, amateurs des feuilles et des fleurs, ne seront arrêtés que par un grillage. Eviter les maladies Trois champignons s'attaquent au safran: Le tacon - Il provoque une ulcération brune et une pourriture sèche Le fusarium - Il attaque le bulbe et laisse une frange orangée en limite de la partie saine Le rhizoctone violet - Il provoque une pourriture molle. Il est préférable de ne pas revenir sur la même parcelle avant une dizaine d'années. Récolte Séchage Rendement
Vertical Veg – inspiring and supporting food growing in tiny spaces Hydroponic Growing in Perlite---A Schundler Company Plant Guide Breakthrough research at the West of Scotland College has developed a hydroponic growing system that offers a number of significant benefits over other hydroponic growing systems. A long-standing problem with existing hydroponic growing systems was providing the optimum air/water ratio to plant root systems. Another concern was difficulty in maintaining the correct water/nutrient level for superior growth. Following many trials, horticultural perlite was found to provide the best results in so far as yield of fruit and ease of maintenance was con-cerned. These studies have resulted in the development of a hydroponic growing system that takes advantage of perlite's outstanding capillary property that carefully and automatically meters nutrient rich water to a plants roots while still providing optimum air for superior plant development. In the West of Scotland system, bags of horticultural perlite are laid horizontally on the greenhouse floor and holes are cut to accept seedlings.
Hydroponic Drip Garden DIY Here are the items you will need:1 - 27 gallon heavy duty plastic storage box with recessed plastic lid10' of 1/2" PVC pipe5 - 90 deg PVC elbows3 - PVC T connectors1 - 3/4" to 1/2" PVC reducer1 - 3/4" PCV pipe to 3/4" Male Thread connector4 - 1/2" PVC J-Hook Hangers1 - Male Quick Disconnect to male 3/4" hose thread1 - Female Quick Disconnect to female 3/4" hose thread1 - 1/2" hose barb to female 3/4" hose thread 1 - rubber washer with filter screen3' of 1/2" flexible rubber hose1 - Active Aqua PU160 water pump12' 1/4' O.D. drip line hose12 - Drip stakes or drip nozzles with tie down stakes12 - Square Plastic pots sized to fit 3 across top of tote lid1 - 24 Hr timer with 15 minute on/off timing intervals The first 11 items on the list were all purchased from Home Depot and can be picked up at most hardware stores. The remaining item were purchased from a local hydroponics store in Billerica MA [www.greenlifegardensupply.com].
5 ans pour être autosuffisants Fertilisant : Tous les excréments peuvent être compostés et utilisés pour fertiliser les sols et le jardin. Pesticide : Les poulets mangent toutes les bestioles à leurs trois stades : adulte, larve (chenille) et oeuf, sans compter les limaces. Ils mangent également des grains, incluant les graines de mauvaises herbes. Là-dessus, on peut donc laisser les poulets en liberté dans le jardin à l'automne, après la récolte. Le poulailler :Si les animaux sont élevés librement, on peut mettre les poulets dans un habitacle et un enclos mobile que l'on déplace de temps en temps. Sous les perchoirs, vous pouvez disposer des planches qui vont récupérer les fientes et que vous emploierez au jardin potager. La nourriture : La poule possède un appareil digestif qui fonctionne très rapidement. Pour toutes ces raisons, il est préférable de donner aux poules une nouriture suffisante et variée à heure fixe pour éviter le stress. A l'époque de la mue, les poules demandent des soins particuliers.
Aquaponics greenhouse for - DIY We’re here to tell you it is possible – but don’t take our word for it: ask Aquaponics Steve. Aquaponics is defined as “sustainable food production system that combines plant-growing with a traditional aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as snails, fish). It was Steve’s years working in a pet shop that gave him the know-how. The secret is in breeding the bacteria from fish waste – sounds yucky but it works – with no need to use creepy chemicals. He shows you how to make a tiny greenhouse and stock it full of plants for just $50. However if you want to spring for a solar panel, car battery and pump then you can go the whole way to a full aquaponics set up. The greenhouse is made from found lumber to create the structure which can be any shape and size depending on the dimensions of your balcony or yard. By running the water through black tubing (IV tubing from from a medical supplies store), he can tru the water temperature from cold to tepid – which is what crayfish need.
Role of Perlite in Hydroponic Culture | CropKing.com << Index of Articles Role of Perlite in Hydroponic Culture Dr. David A. Horticultural perlite has a long and enviable record of performance as a propagating and growing medium throughout the world. Watering As a rooting medium, perlite is superior to rockwool. Fertilizer and Water Costs To avoid the possibility of water logging when rockwool is used, polyethylene sleeves of rockwool slabs should be slit to drain out excess nutrient solution. Re-Use Perlite is physically stable and, unlike rockwool, will retain its excellent air/water balance for many years if handled carefully. Summary Horticultural perlite provides more constant moisture status around the roots at all times irrespective of weather or stage of crop growth.Perlite ensures more even watering throughout the growing area.There is less likelihood of over watering with horticultural perlite.Perlite culture avoids wastage of water and nutrients.The use of perlite eliminates the need to grade growing floors accurately. Dr.
Solar Powered Vertical Aquaponics System SOLAR POWERED VERTICAL AQUAPONICS SYSTEM: This is an original design I made to maximize the yield of a 12′x12′ foot space and use gravity to minimize the energy used for irrigation and nutrient delivery. The system is a vertical spiral aquaponics growing system powered by a single 250 watt solar panel and a small DC water pump/filter system. A single DC pump makes the whole thing work. The tower is 15′ tall at the top of the solar panel and approximately 13′ at the top spiral. The water from the tank is pumped up through a small PVC pipe to flow slowly down through the plant crops growing in the spiral growing tray. Upon harvest, water flow is increased, the harvest gate at the bottom end of the spiral is removed and the crops flow down the spiral making harvesting easy. The growing bed tray is approximately 360′ feet long by 3 feet wide, creating a grow area of approx. 1080 square feet. Cost to build this system is about $5k including tank, materials, pipe, pump, and solar power system.
La Boutique » Salsifis Inspirée par les turbulences nuageuses de l'atmosphère vivifiante des Pyrénées de l'Ariège, notre équipe de jeunes, et de moins jeunes, vous présente de nouvelles dynamiques au service de la protection de la biodiversité alimentaire : - De nouvelles alliances, avec des producteurs de semences biologiques, nous permettent, dorénavant, d'augmenter nos grammages : les betteraves passent à 6 grammes, les côtes de blettes à 4 ou 6 grammes, les mâches à 4 grammes, les épinards à 10 grammes, de nombreux radis annuels à 6 grammes, certains radis d'hiver à 4 grammes, certains haricots nains à 80 grammes, certains haricots à rames à 60 grammes… Aussi appelé ‘huître végétale’, parce que les racines ont une saveur d’huître. Elles sont de couleur blanc crème et font 20 cm de long. On peut les conserver en cave ou les garder en terre.
MoSan- Mobile Sanitation Donkey vs. push cart Today we modified the collection service of feces containers. Donkeys need time to get used to a new area. Since we currently don’t have the time, we decided not to go with the donkey again. After interviewing our cart driver we learnt, that this donkey usually transports water on the same cart. For the last few days we searched for better ways for collection. On friday we tested the sanitation service done by a donkey cart. Another beautiful day in Karagita ends. Four week pilot of MoSan toilets in Kenya In August I went to Naivasha in Kenya to test five MoSan prototypes with families from the peri-urban and informal settlement Karagita. It was an amazing month! Within these 4 weeks, we got a deep understanding of peoples behaviors, fears and hopes and learned a lot about our service. One thing that surprised me most, was the motivation and the commitment of inhabitants in Karagita. I am very happy to share our full report and learnings with you. Much love, Mona WOW.