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LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is an innovative, experiential process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Based on research that shows that this kind of hands-on, minds-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® deepens the reflection process and supports an effective dialogue – for everyone in the organization.LEGO SERIOUS PLAY is an innovative, experimential process designed to enhance innovation and business performance.

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Business Origami – The Centre for Citizen Experience Jess McMullin Business origami is paper prototyping for systems design. It uses simple paper cutouts to represent the different parts of a system: the people, the locations, the channels used and the specific touchpoints where interactions occur and value is exchanged as a particular scenario unfolds. These cutouts are arranged on a horizontal whiteboard, which allows participants to show relationships in the system. I got introduced to business origami over dinner at Weatherhead business school with a visiting Japanese researcher.

Pavlov's Dog Who was Ivan Pavlov? The Russian scientist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born in 1849 in Ryazan, where his father worked as a village priest. In 1870 Ivan Pavlov abandoned the religious career for which he had been preparing, and instead went into science. There he had a great impact on the field of physiology by studying the mechanisms underlying the digestive system in mammals. For his original work in this field of research, Pavlov was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1904. By then he had turned to studying the laws on the formation of conditioned reflexes, a topic on which he worked until his death in 1936.

Lego Serious Play Lego Serious Play in action Lego Serious Play is a consultant service offered by a Lego Serious Play Certified Facilitator. Its goal is fostering creative thinking through team building metaphors of their organizational identities and experiences using Lego bricks.

A Thanksgiving Cornucopia of Wrongest Products We could almost throw in the 1000 thread count towel and just admit we’ve been insurmountably topped in the Wrongest Product Awards competition. First came the suggestion from a reader following our nomination of the lighted pillow spied in a local outpost of a chain store. (local chain store = oxymoron?) He noticed the proud and iconic “As Seen on TV” logo and mentioned he’d once survived a visit to the As Seen on TV store.

Brains, Behavior & Design These reference cards are helpful when becoming familiar with basic behavioral economics concepts. This tool is by no means a complete or comprehensive collection of all behavioral economics concepts; they are a selection meant to provide enough depth and coverage to help establish a foundation. Terms on the reference cards are categorized into four decision-making factors and four decision-making shortcuts.

brainstorm techniques, brain storming - how to run brainstorming sessions, brainstorming activities, ideas and meetings home » teambuilding/games » brainstorming process brainstorming technique for problem-solving, team-building and creative process Brainstorming with a group of people is a powerful technique. Brainstorming creates new ideas, solves problems, motivates and develops teams. Brainstorming motivates because it involves members of a team in bigger management issues, and it gets a team working together.

Lego's Fantastic Instructions For Parents In 1973 If you care about inspiring children with an interest in engineering and aspirations not bound by their gender, this note may bring a tear to your eye. Two tears actually, both because it is so eloquently beautiful, and because it shows that in a lot of ways we have gone backwards over the last forty years. Lego has been criticized recently for its move to gender its toys, creating “girl's Lego” and producing, in the words of one seven year old, female characters that “sit at home, go to the beach, and shop," while the boy characters "saved people, had jobs, even swam with sharks!" To their credit Lego has taken this on board to some extent, with a line of women scientists, but the sad thing is that they needed to be pushed. Because there was a time when the Danish company got these things so, so right. When reddit user fryd_ posted this image at imgur and said it came from a 1974 box of Lego, plenty of people disputed its authenticity.

Measuring Worth - Measures of worth, inflation rates, saving calculator, relative value, worth of a dollar, worth of a pound, purchasing power, gold prices, GDP, history of wages, average wage Measures of Worth Lawrence H. Officer and Samuel H. Williamson

What Are Your Values? - Decision-Making Skills Training from MindTools Deciding What's Most Important in Life Find out how to identify your values, in this short video. How would you define your values? Before you answer this question, you need to know what, in general, values are. Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They (should) determine your priorities, and, deep down, they're probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to.

Classroom 2.0 Join us on February 27th when we will be hosting an "Open Mic" show on the topic of “Using Games in the Classroom." We are using an "Open Mic" format for this show and hope you will be as excited about it as we are. We love the Open Mic format because it provides a way for all of our participants to be actively involved in the live show. For this show there will not be a guest presenter, but we are inviting all of you to join us and take the mic to engage in a conversation or share in the chat about your favorite classroom games as a teacher.

CSR Reports CSR Reports feature and link to recently published, non-financial Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability reports. The CSR Reports page also lists any press releases associated with the publication of a given report. Reports are associated with an issuing CSRwire member. You can also search for reports via our search page. Lafarge Sustainability Report 2014 Issued by: Lafarge
