Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers This is an extension to the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It makes creating pretty buttons easy. (Send improvements to @charliepark.) First, monkey with the sliders on the left. Use your arrow keys for extra precision. (Button Puffiness might not affect all browsers.)
Demo Hello Visitor! I am doing a dissertation, which objective is to simplify the creation and management of Unix Shell (SH) scripts, transforming the text script in a visual graph, which its focus is the processing of large amounts of data (in short, to do Big Data related tasks) It also tries to simplify other things such as sharing and collaborating the graphs with other people, so that is easier to understand for people with high and low experience with SH scripts (such as trainees), it can also be used to teach other people how to write those scripts. Before playing the demo please read the manual (tabs on the left above "Play demo"), which allows to give you basic information on how to use the application To play the demo, click on " Play demo" tab
Bootstrap Customization: Themes, UI Patterns and Tools Everyone loves Bootstrap, the front-end framework created by Twitter, because it’s easy to set up, it magically creates a responsive version, great for prototyping etc... Of course, its biggest defect is that it’s too visible. We can think of thousands of projects where the framework is clearly recognizable. Fbootstrapp by Clemens Krack, based on Bootstrap, from Twitter Using emphasis, addresses, & abbreviations When to use Emphasis tags (<strong> and <em>) should be used to indicate additional importance or emphasis of a word or phrase relative to its surrounding copy. Use <strong> for importance and <em> for stress emphasis. Ubuntu MRT - Ubuntu caça e limpa o malware do Windows As distribuições GNU/Linux são muita das vezes usadas pelos utilizadores do Windows, como “ferramenta” de salvamento” do sistema e respectiva informação. Perda de acesso ao sistema originado pelos mais diversos motivos (ex. Vírus, falha no arranque do Windows, etc), esquecimento da password de acesso, são alguns dos cenários em que uma distribuição Linux pode fazer a diferença. Uma das distribuições mais conhecidas para resolver os problemas referidos anteriormente é o SystemRescueCD.
Découvrez le flat design! Aujourd'hui, nous parlons du "Flat Design", un style graphique qui est issu du design d'interfaces utilisateur et qui concerne aussi bien les téléphones portables que les tablettes, les consoles de jeux, les pages web... Un des grands moments dans la montée en puissance du Flat Design a été la sortie cette année d’ iOS7, le nouveau système d'exploitation mobile d’Apple, qui équipe les iPhone, iPad et iPod touch. La palette de couleur et les icônes ont changé, dans le plus pur style flat design. Apple emboitait ainsi le pas à Microsoft, qui, avec Windows 8, faisait figure de porte drapeau de ce mouvement. Les principes du Flat Design Le Flat Design se caractérise par une approche visuelle minimaliste.
Inspiritas - a free Bootstrap theme ← Home Ripple, the web agency I’ve co-founded, today announced the highly anticipated release of Campaign UI not only as a PSD, but as a coded and free Bootstrap theme. All the goodness of Bootstrap 2 A hand-crafted, completely new visual theme Easy to customize Free and maintained Uses overrides to make future updates to Bootstrap easy to get Photoshop file included with the entire design BONUS: Includes styling for Highcharts charting library Peter Lane: Ferret Ferret is a copy-detection tool, created at the University of Hertfordshire by members of the Plagiarism Detection Group. Ferret locates duplicate text or code in multiple text documents or source files. The program is designed to detect copying (collusion) within a given set of files. Ferret works equally well with documents in natural language (such as English, German, etc) and with source-code files in a wide range of programming languages.
Software Box ln Vector 5 aplicações para manutenção do seu Windows O mundo do software cresce de dia para dia, tornando as aplicações da vez mais eficientes, mais práticas de se utilizar, por isso resolvemos escolher cinco aplicações já publicadas aqui no para ajudar os utilizadores a terem as melhores, sendo que este conjunto de aplicações têm como objectivo manter o nosso sistema operativo Windows limpo e rápido. As aplicações escolhidas são cruciais para uma máxima performance do Windows. Poderão equacionar se não existirão outras, mas estas gratuitas, no nosso entender, executam perfeitamente o seu trabalho deixando o sistema operativo totalmente afinado e operacional pronto para o alto desempenho. Vamos conhecer as nossas escolhas. Sem mais demoras vamos, então conhecer o lote das cinco aplicações para a manutenção/limpeza do sistema operativo Windows:
CSS Color Converter – Thiemo Mättig Enter anything you want: Hexadecimal, decimal or percentage values, separated by any character(s), with or without the #. Hexadecimal notation, 6 digits: #FFFFCCDecimal notation, integer values: rgb(255,255,204)Decimal notation, integer values, with alpha: rgba(255,255,204,1)Decimal, percentage values: rgb(100%,100%,80%)Hexadecimal notation, 3 digits: #FFCHexadecimal notation, web-safe: #FFCColor name: inherit To calculate the percentage values (0% to 100%), the integer values (0 to 255) are divided by 2.55 and then rounded to whole numbers. To calculate the short hex values (0 to 9 and A to F), the integer values (0 to 255) are divided by 17 and then rounded to whole numbers. To calculate the web-safe values (0, 3, 6, 9, C and F), the integer values (0 to 255) are divided by 51, rounded to whole numbers and the multiplied with 3.
Physics Flash Animations We have been increasingly using Flash animations for illustrating Physics content. This page provides access to those animations which may be of general interest. The animations will appear in a separate window. The animations are sorted by category, and the file size of each animation is included in the listing. Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets Oscillations and Waves Acoustics Signal Processing