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List of top open source BPM / workflow solution » Software for Enterprise

List of top open source BPM / workflow solution » Software for Enterprise
Every organization has their very own distinct business processes which differentiates them from their competitors. Some companies have predefined processes while some have processes which are defined by the employees themselves. Imagine what would happen if each customer support representative have their own way of managing a customer. Without a proper process in place, calls from customers can go unanswered and can be transferred endlessly. Lately, with the help of advance web based solutions, business processes and workflows can be managed through business process management (BPM) solutions. Change managementQuality controlCustomer serviceClaims managementComplaint managementProcurement There are many BPM / Workflow solutions out there. 1. Intalio is an open source business process platform built around the standards-based Eclipse STP BPMN modeler and Apache ODE BPEL engine, both originally contributed by Intalio. BREBAMPortalESBECM 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Some key features of Cuteflow includes:

Home Oryx: WebHome Oryx is an academic Open Source project that allows you to add your prototypes to a powerful process modeling infrastructure. The project is mainly driven by the Business Process Technology research group at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute. Academic use & research The BPM Academic Initiative central hub for process modeling on the web The BPM Academic Initiative is run by academics in business process management and by Signavio, who provides the online platform for process modeling and analysis free of charge for academic use in research and teaching. Sign up to the academic platform Research prototypes Oryx is an open source business process management platform. Communities Discussion forums for BPMN 2.0 Oryx-based technology serves as an embedded editor in several online communities. Process modeling in Google Wave The editor is a prototype created by HPI students in their end-of-study project and was first presented at Google I/O 2010. Commercial use

jBPM jBPM is a flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite. It makes the bridge between business analysts and developers. Traditional BPM engines have a focus that is limited to non-technical people only. jBPM has a dual focus: it offers process management features in a way that both business users and developers like it. What does jBPM do? A business process allows you to model your business goals by describing the steps that need to be executed to achieve that goal and the order, using a flow chart. This greatly improves the visibility and agility of your business logic, results in higher-level and domain-specific representations that can be understood by business users and is easier to monitor. The core of jBPM is a light-weight, extensible workflow engine written in pure Java that allows you to execute business processes using the latest BPMN 2.0 specification. jBPM is also not just an isolated process engine. Process languages jBPM6 What to do if I encounter problems or have questions?

BPMN This article or section is incomplete and its contents need further attention. Some sections may be missing, some information may be wrong, spelling and grammar may have to be improved etc. Use your judgment! Page created by Daniel K. 1 Introduction Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a graphical representation for specifying business processes in a workflow. In this article we provide a short high-level overview, plus links and references. Let's have a look at a few definitions found in the literature and on the web: “The Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) is a standard notation for capturing business processes, especially at the level of domain analysis and high-level systems design. “Business process models (BPM) are graphical representation of current or to-be business processes in an organisation. “The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) specification provides a graphical notation for specifying business processes in a Business Process Diagram (BPD). See also:

TIBCO e Apresentação de BPM Últimas Postagens Fique ligado nas últimas postagens de nossos blogueiros Mais Creditadas nas Últimas Horas TIBCO e Apresentação de BPM A TIBCO vem realizando uma série de semniários sobre SOA e BPM (Canada e EUA). Você sabe o que é SMS Marketing ? .... Outros assuntos neste blog: O que é Cloud Computing? Mantenha-se conectado conosco Copyright 2013 Facilita Movel - SMS Corporativo e SMS Marketing Voltar ao Topo Business Process Management (BPM) - Staying Within the Fringes: Ways to Reduce BPM Implementation Cost Introduction During the last two years, there has been a reduction in IT budget due to the state of the economy. Many decision makers in small and large organizations are concerned about the high cost and protracted development cycles of implementing business process management (BPM) solutions. In an attempt to adopt the latest cutting edge technology, BPM big-ticket capital expenditures usually results in delayed return on investment. Challenges The major fear that IT executives have with regards to BPM is tied to the high cost of implementation. In addition to the high licensing and resource cost, an enterprise wide, service oriented BPM solution could take as long as 3-6 months to design and another 6 months to complete an initial phase of deployment. The question asked is what options are available to those organizations that are seeking to adopt the latest technology, reduce project risk by minimizing upfront capital investment and at the same time achieve Rapid ROIs. Strategies

Free BPM, BPMN Online Training | BizAgi Tutorial Community Network Blogs Keith Swenson is one of the true superheroes of BPM, and a pioneer in the development of interoperability standards. Known for his stalwart defense of XPDL, he periodically feels called upon to insist that XPDL does not compete with BPEL... then usually adding that XPDL is actually better. But I've always felt that Keith obscures the real difference between XPDL and BPEL and their relationships to the "real" BPM standard, which is BPMN. The latest fracas started a couple days ago when Keith claimed victory in the non-war from the fact that 8 of the 12 vendors in the top 3 quadrants of the Gartner MQ support XPDL. An anonymous commenter to that post said, paraphrasing, "Yeah I work for one of those vendors on your list, and for us XPDL is a checkoff item and actually BPEL is more important as a standard." It's true that XPDL and BPEL do different things, and Keith does describe the essential difference, but he couches it in language that slants the implications to users.

Open Source Workflow & Business Process Management (BPM) Software Soluciones de Gestión de Procesos de Negocio, BPM y Automatización de Flujos de Trabajo | BizAgi BPMS Exploring the differences between Adaptive Case Management (ACM) and Business Process Management (BPM) | ProcessMaker Blog 0inShare By brian | April 28, 2011 | ACM, BPM, Collaboration, crm, DMS, ECM This past Thursday I attended a session at the the Gartner BPM Summit in Baltimore entitled “The Great Case Management Debate.” The session was moderated by Gartner Research VP Toby Bell with participation by two other Gartner VPs: Janelle Hill and Kimberly Harris-Ferrante. Later that same day, I was in a workshop moderated by Nathaniel Palmer, WFMC Executive Director, on the same topic. Toby presented the current Gartner definition of Case Management: “Case management is the optimization of long-lived collaborative processes that require secure coordination of knowledge, content, correspondence, and human resources and require adherence to corporate and regulatory policies/rules to achieve decisions about rights, entitlements or settlements. The path of execution cannot completely be predefined; human judgment and external events and interactions will alter the flow.” BPM can be drawn beforehand whereas ACM Cannot

BizAgi Receives Gold Award for Best BPM Project in Europe London, UK (PRWEB) December 4, 2010 Future Strategies Inc. announced the winners of the 2010 Global Awards for Excellence in Business Process Management (BPM) and Workflow. Co-sponsored by WfMC and and now in their 17th year, these prestigious awards recognize user organizations that have demonstrably excelled in implementing innovative business process solutions to meet strategic business objectives. There are five geographical regions and each region receives Gold and Silver Awards. ICO is a public entity that works for the development and improvement of national wealth, controlled by the Spanish government. Devastating effects of the recent global financial crisis resulted in freezing of corporate credit for SMBs and self-employed. The implementation was done in record time and the Spanish government was able to expand, control and support the lines of credit, helping to reactivate the financial sector. About BizAgi Limited
