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Éditions Gallmeister

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LibriVox Volunteer for LibriVox LibriVox volunteers read and record chapters of books in the public domain (books no longer under copyright) in the USA*, and make them available for free on the Internet. Practically, this means we record books published 95 full years ago or longer. All our recordings (including yours, if you volunteer for us) are also donated into the public domain. We record books in all languages.

6 applications indispensables pour les amoureux des livres » Rejoignez le Club de lecture du Figaro ● Livres Audio (par LibriVox) Véritable mine d'or pour les amateurs de romans classiques, Livres Audio est une application gratuite qui recense plus de 15.000 livres audio disponibles dans plus de 20 langues différentes. How Publishers and Librarians Are Pushing Gender Identity Politics on Your Children Sign up for Meridian’s Free Newsletter, please CLICK HERE United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Tori Black When I was little, I loved to have my mother read to me. I had two favorite stories that I requested over and over: The Little Red Hen and Little Black Sambo. Poor Little Black Sambo has fallen out of favor among some people, but I admired the quick-witted little boy who out-smarted the dangerous tigers threatening to “eat [him] up,” and hoped that I could learn be just as smart as him.

La force d'un bonjour. - Spirits de Mirabeau La force d’amour d’un bonjour. Qu’on le veuille ou non, savoir dire bonjour c’est avant tout vouloir fortifier l’amour et l’amitié au détriment de la haine. Même si on ne répond pas à votre bonjour « joyeux », ne devenez pas triste subitement !

L'ours inculte
