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Explorez les profondeurs du web Les générateurs et outils CSS sont de plus en plus nombreux sur la toile, et facilitent la tâche des développeurs web en leur faisant gagner un gain de temps considérable, en particulier ceux qui génèrent du CSS3. Voici une liste non exhaustive de 21 ressources CSS à connaître et à tester dès maintenant ! 1. Bear CSS Bear CSS est un service qui permet de générer une feuille de style à partir d’un code HTML en prenant en compte les éléments et le balisage de la structure du document (id et classes CSS). 2. CSS Type Set est un service qui permet de gérer la mise en forme d’un texte dans une interface simple et intuitive. 3. Border Radius est un générateur déstiné uniquement à la propriété CSS3 border-radius qui permet de créer des coins arrondis sur un élément HTML. 4. 5. 6. 7. CSS3 Please est probablement l’un des tous meilleurs générateurs CSS3. 8. 9.

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15 nouveaux outils du Web 2.0 en 3 clics A data dive into Patreon | Stephen Follows As long-time readers will know, I’m keen to cover the speed and scope of changes within the film business. The industry has experienced a greater degree of flux in the past decade than in the previous century, and yet more shape-shifting is on the horizon. This transformation makes it a fascinating time to be entering or studying the film industry. One of the areas of significant change is the evolving relationship between artists and audiences. Added to that, this chain of middle men is expensive and everyone needs to have their cut. However, in the modern age, we’re starting to see challenges to this structure. I have already covered one form of audience-powered funding in a lot of detail – crowdfunding (here, here, here, here and here). Patreon 101 Patreon allows fans to pledge regular small amounts of money to an artist in return for exclusive content and access to that artist. Patreon exists because when creators are paid they can create more amazing things. Who uses Patreon? Notes

On/Off Flipswitch HTML5/CSS3 Generator - Generate pure CSS3 On/Off flipswitches with animated transitions. More freebies A bug in Opera overflows content outside of the container's curved corners. IE9+ fully supported.As IE6-8 do not support the CSS :checked selector, the switch will not reflect the "ON" state of the checkbox. Get the CSS Get the HTML Try Free for 15 days Please contact us with your ideas, thoughts, questions or for anything else on how we can improve this tool.

7 myths about paper prototyping Myth 1: “I can't draw well enough to create a paper prototype.” When given a pencil and paper, most people (myself included) will tend to doodle words rather than draw pictures. Art was never my subject at school, so when I see wonderful, artistic renditions of user interfaces, I tend to feel somewhat humble. I can't draw like that, my inner voice reminds me, so don't pretend you can sketch a user interface. Figure 1: A beautiful prototype on paper, but not a paper prototype. By Mike Rhode on flickr (some rights reserved) But just because its on paper, it doesn't mean it's a paper prototype. A paper prototype is a sketch — a quick visualisation of your idea. Figure 2: A paper prototype. This focus on 'neat and pretty' is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome with paper prototyping. Figure 3: User interface stencils like these give confidence to the artistically challenged but reinforce the myth that paper prototypes need to be precise and accurately drawn. Paper prototyping resources

lorempixel - placeholder images for every case Showcase Of 50 Stunning Portfolio Website Designs Showcasing your work is an art (pardon the pun) and in this article I am showcasing 50 of the most stunning portfolio websites out there. These designers are all class acts and well worth being hired for any type of work you may have. If you’re a designer as well (which I’m going to assume a lot of you are), these portfolio layouts should inspire you to (re)work your portfolio layout. eAnka ↓ Albert Lo ↓ Giancarlo Fajardo ↓ nYq Design Group ↓ Accent Creative ↓ No Sleep For Sheep ↓ Dreamer Lines ↓ Chris K. Electric Pulp ↓ OH! Fred Maya ↓ Juan Diego Velasco ↓ MetaLab ↓ PSD Layout Design ↓ Mark McGall ↓ Gummisig ↓ The Design Hippy ↓ Paul Berkey ↓ Senso Studios ↓ Clickfarm Interactive ↓ Toby Powell ↓ Two24Studios ↓ MAD Interactive Creativity ↓ Design Junction ↓ FT Designer ↓ Daniel Gutiérrez ↓ Very Creative ↓ Mike Precious ↓ Kinetic Kreations ↓ Studio 7 Designs ↓ Idealist Consulting ↓ Design Genius ↓ Kosh Creative ↓ Studio Bennett ↓ Joe Longstreet ↓ Sawyer Hollenshead ↓ Brad Colbow ↓ Spoon Graphics ↓ Anderbose ↓ Weightshift ↓

Générateur de Faux-texte | Lipsum pour Web designer 4 pages of design elements for use in paper prototyping Paper prototyping helper kit We use this collection of controls, buttons and icons when we’re creating paper prototypes. The widgets can either serve as design inspiration or you can literally cut and paste them on to your user interface sketch. Screenshots Paper prototyping helper kit. Download The helper kit is in PDF format, optimised for printing. Download paper prototyping helper kit Acknowledgements This collection contains elements from the following excellent OmniGraffle stencils: About the author Dr.

Wordpress: Ajoutez un widget Google Analytics sur le tableau de bord Si vous utilisez à la fois WordPress et Google Analytics il existe un plugin qui non seulement facilitera l’intégration du code d’Analytics sur votre blogue, mais en plus, il ajoutera un widget de statistiques sur le tableau de bord de WordPress. Ce plugin se nomme Google Analyticator. Lorsque vous l’activez, vous obtenez les statistiques des 30 derniers jours, les billets les plus consultés, les mots clés les plus utilisés et les principales sources de trafic. Cet outil vous donne donc accès rapidement à vos statistiques. L’installation de Google Analyticator se fait comme tous les autres plugins, vous le téléversez dans le répertoire «plugin» sur votre serveur Web et vous l’activez. Vous devez ensuite donner l’autorisation à WordPress d’accéder à votre compte Google Analytics en cliquant sur «Cliquez ici pour vous connecter à Google». Liens: Google Analyticator: Téléchargez : Google Analyticator Source: bloggerdesign

Smallpdf - the platform that makes it super easy to convert and edit all your PDF files. Industry calls for review into newly built educational facilities - PSNEurope David Bell, director of design house White Mark, and other high-profile signatories from the recording sector have written an open letter voicing their concerns surrounding the standards of newly-built educational facilities in the UK. Bell said they had been called in to consult on new buildings where students and teaching staff were worried about the space’s performance and found problems ranging from limited acoustic isolation, crosstalk problems, unacceptable reverberations in live and control rooms and poor space planning and layout, which impacted on equipment installation and teaching. He added he was extremely troubled by reportedly excessive costs of constructing these facilities, especially when compared to significantly better complexes built in the private sector, considering public money is being used. The whole letter is printed below: Dear Sir, However, in recent years we have become increasingly concerned about the standard of newly built educational facilities in the UK.

Globe Audio Recording and Production Classes The Virtual Mixer is a Graphical User Interface that displays the amplitude and frequency range of sounds on a multitrack, and then allows you to use these visuals to control various types of mixing consoles and effect units. Imagine... Sitting in the middle of the Surround Mix below wearing a Dataglove. You can also mix in normal stereo in using 3D images. 3D helps you to see around sounds in a mix in order to control them. 3D visualization allows you to see the sounds precisely where they are between the speakers in the world of Imaging. Mixing in Surround Sound is fast becoming the new thing -- because it is so much fun. Check out some of the possibilities. Click to see a cool FLASH demo, or read on BASICS The mapping of audio parameters to visuals is based on our common perception of imaging between the speakers. The next step is to put on 3D glasses and have the images floating in 3D right where the sounds seem to be between the speakers. • What's it for and what does it do?
