Gamification : réponses à des questions opérationnelles Suite à des remarques de clients, nous échangions récemment à travers notre réseau social interne sur la gamification. J’ai trouvé intéressant de partager ici les grandes lignes de cette conversation. 1. Est-ce que ce dispositif ne s'adresse pas plutôt à une population jeune et éloignée du contexte de l'entreprise qu’à des cibles communément adressées par celle-ci, plus senior ? Le terme "Gamification" (ou "Ludification") n’évoque malheureusement pas le sérieux dont mériterait le concept qui se cache derrière. Air France distribue des Miles à chaque vol par exemple aux voyageurs abonnés à son programme Flying Blue. Un autre exemple connu, c’est celui de la barre de progression que l’on retrouve sur certains site web, qui se remplit au fur et à mesure que le membre saisi des informations sur sa page de profil. La gamification, c’est n’est donc pas du jeu. 2. Le but de la gamification, c’est d’inciter à l’action. Je conseille ici de jeter un coup d’oeil à la "Gamification chart" : 3.
Newsroom | Cigna Adds Gamification Challenge to Coach Calhoun’s Annual Cancer Ride and Walk: Burn Calories/Burn Cancer BLOOMFIELD, Conn., June 04, 2012 - Global health service company Cigna (NYSE:CI) is launching a new challenge as part of its annual sponsorship of the Jim Calhoun Cancer Challenge Ride and Walk : burn calories for cash to fight cancer. Burn Calories to Burn Cancer: At the June 9, 2012 Calhoun Cancer Challenge, Cigna will provide 50 walkers with Fitbit Trackers to measure their steps, distance walked and calories burned, and then Cigna will match the walkers' total calories burned with a cash contribution of $.50 per calorie. (Photo: Business Wire) The challenge is part of Cigna's “gamification” initiative – using electronic devices and online tools as an engaging, interesting and fun way to help people improve their health. At this year’s Calhoun Cancer Challenge, Cigna will provide 50 walkers with electronic devices to measure their steps, distance walked and calories burned, and then match the walkers’ total calories burned with a cash contribution of $.50 per calorie. About Cigna
The Future Of Education: An Online University That Charges $199 Per Month For Unlimited Classes The higher education system in the U.S. is in trouble. Jobs for college graduates are in short supply, and student debt is becoming an ever-larger burden. There is at least one school that’s getting it right, though--it’s profitable, growing 30% to 40% each year, charging students less than $500 per month, and operating on a competency-based model that allows students to complete courses at their own pace. That’s what’s happening at Western Governor’s University, a little-known online school. In almost any other industry, there would be 10 copycats right behind such a successful model, but there isn’t one here. Nonetheless, UniversityNow, a startup founded by education entrepreneur Gene Wade, is building on the Western Governor’s model with a competency-based higher education platform created from the ground up. The school’s "freemium" model allows anyone to access its curriculum without paying.
Gamification Of Enterprise Applications Gamification is a hot topic for consumer applications. It is changing the way the companies, especially the start-ups, design their applications. The primary drivers behind revenue and valuation of consumer software companies are number of users, traffic (unique views), and engagement (average time spent + conversion). This is why gamification is critical to consumer applications since it is an effort to increase the adoption of an application amongst the users and maintain the stickiness so that the users keep coming back and enjoy using the application. This isn't true for enterprise applications at all. For consumer applications, the end user and the buyer (if they pay to use) are the same. e.g. The fundamental reason behind poor adoption of the enterprise applications is that they are simply not easy-to-use and they almost always come in the way to get the actual work done. Cater to perpetual intermediaries: Have you ever played Angry Birds? Let users leverage serendipity:
Games companies play - Page 1 - Enterprise Business Applications FEATURE Gamification has made the enterprise software experience more fun for end users. Read why businesses see real value in virtual currency For most of history, there has been a strict separation between work and play. But just as enterprise technology is becoming more social, it’s also becoming more fun. Today, the software in our workplace is easier to use, more visually appealing and more rewarding. It engages us more and appeals to our competitive instincts. The benefits of gamification have become widely accepted by the largest IT companies around the world. Old concept, new application Gamification in enterprise software is actually the application of a fairly tried and true concept, says Chuck Hamilton, social and gamification lead at IBM Corp. Many of us already use products that have gamification “embedded,” he adds. “That’s a typical example of gamification being embedded right into our life, where people are encouraged to do certain activities for which they get points.”
Identified | Welcome [MONITORING] 10 millions de dollars pour gamifier l’éducation de la jeunesse | Gamorlive, The Blog Aux Etats-Unis, l’industrie et les associations du jeu vidéo se sont récemment associées afin de créer un laboratoire du « game design » dont le champ de recherche va être fondé sur l’engagement et l’apprentissage des étudiants. Cette initiative tombe dans un contexte de société où la grande tendance actuelle de »gamification » se mélange au domaine de l’éducation dans le but de rendre tout enseignement ou apprentissage, aussi amusant et engagent que le plus commun des jeux. Ce nouveau labo aka le « Games, Learning and Assessment (GLASS) Lab » sera géré par « The Institute of Play », une association à but non lucratif qui sera soutenu à hauteur de 10.3 millions de dollars par la fondation John D. et Catherine T. MacArthur, la fondation Bill et Melinda Gates, l’éditeur de jeux Electronic Arts ainsi que de l’ « Entertainment Software Association (ESA) ». Le laboratoire a été présenté le 28 Juin dernier à l’ » Aspen Ideas Festival » au Colorado. Plus d’infos ici
How IBM Builds Vibrant Social Communities “I see IBM as a social business,” says Jeff Schick, IBM’s vice president of social software for IBM. “We’ve broken down the barriers of reaching out to the people within the organization” — not to mention partners and clients as well. And the company is making it easier for its client companies to do the same thing. Jeff Schick, IBM’s vice president of social software. When companies use the tools that they sell to the outside world, the common expression is that it “eats its own dog food.” “I prefer the French version of the expression, ‘We drink our own champagne,’” says Jeff Schick, the vice president of social software for IBM, and the key player in bringing social networking both to the IBM global staff and to IBM’s corporate customers. And why not? Schick has been pivotal to IBM’s work in social technology for decades. How important are collaboration tools within IBM? When I joined IBM 25 years ago, there weren’t any personal computers.
Increase Workplace Morale, Employee Engagement, & Happiness with Workitywork Video Games, Addiction, and the Potential for Addictive Education | Learning Through Play & Technology by Hap Aziz Dr. Paul Howard-Jones has been creating somewhat of a stir for the better part of the past year in a series of interviews and conference presentations regarding the addictive nature of video games, and the possibility for leveraging that addiction in the process of education. “It certainly didn’t arise from trying to find an application for interactive whiteboards. To understand where Dr. “Neuroscience research provides some insight into why games are so engaging and why this can become a problem. Dr. “You can see what’s happening with the help of our new neuro-imaging tech, and it’s very clear that the reward is being very, very stimulated by video games. While he sees the potential in the application of video games in the teaching and learning environment, Dr. Whether or not educators (and gamers) accept his research on video games and addiction remains to be seen. (1) Koepp, M. Like this: Like Loading...
Gamified Enterprise