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Why a Root Canal is a Dangerous Dental Procedure

Why a Root Canal is a Dangerous Dental Procedure
Do you have a chronic degenerative disease? If so, have you been told, "It's all in your head?"Well, that might not be that far from the truth… the root cause of your illness may be in your mouth.There is a common dental procedure that nearly every dentist will tell you is completely safe, despite the fact that scientists have been warning of its dangers for more than 100 years. Every day in the United States alone, 41,000 of these dental procedures are performed on patients who believe they are safely and permanently fixing their problem. What is this dental procedure? Weston A. Most dentists would be doing an enormous service to public health if they familiarized themselves with the work of Dr. Dr. Dr. What Dentists Don't Know About the Anatomy of Your Teeth Your teeth are made of the hardest substances in your body. The Root Cause of Much Disease Root Canals Can Lead to Heart, Kidney, Bone, and Brain Disease Good Bugs Gone Bad Why Dentists Cling to the Belief Root Canals are Safe Related:  Chris Beat Cancer

The Link Between Root Canals and Cancer The Link Between Root Canals and Cancer Boston management consultant Will R. didn’t have to go to the doctor to know he had cancer. He knew he had cancer when he started bleeding through his rectum in 2002. He was in his late 50s when this happened. A medical examination confirmed Will’s strong suspicion: it was colorectal cancer. Article from How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day” By Bill Henderson with Andrew Scholberg But cancer was just one of Will’s many health problems. Frequent, splitting headachesSevere sleep apnea and heavy snoring, causing him to wake up in the middle of the night as if he were about to chokeIntense pain in the roof of his mouthFatigueFungus on his feet, back, and abdomenDimming eyesightNight sweats so bad the sheets were soaking wetTwitching when he dozed off or fell asleep Will didn’t want to go under the knife. Of course, doctors practically insisted that Will take radiation and chemotherapy. Root canals are safe, right? Dr.

Book Review The Roots of Disease Connecting Dentistry & Medicine by Robert Kulacz DDS and Thomas E Levy MD JD, Xlibris Corp. 2002 This book has been written jointly by Dr Thomas Levy, a US doctor, attorney and author and Dr Robert Kulacz, a dentist with a special interest in root canal treatments and the treatment of cavitations. This book addresses the many problems posed by current routine dental treatment which the authors firmly believe may account for the explosive increase in the numbers of people suffering from chronic, serious and degenerative diseases that appear to be peculiar to the developed world. The dental profession is either oblivious to or in denial about the harm it is inflicting, and for understandable reasons, they are not likely to conduct research implicating their procedures in the causation of ill-health. As an aside, I notice time and time again that the possibility of a dental cause for a variety of illnesses is almost completely overlooked by researchers. The structure of the tooth

Cancer-Free -- Cancer Therapies That Work Topics : PANCREATIC CANCER Beating Cancer with Diet Not Chemotherapy, CrossFit - EPISODE 5 Chris Wark's Chemo-Free Colon Cancer Survival Story What every new cancer patient needs to know God's Way to Ultimate Health: A Common Sense Guide for Eliminating Sickness Through Nutrition (9780929619026): Michael Dye, George H. Malkmus I said no to chemo and went raw! Atteint d’un cancer du côlon, il se traite lui-même avec un régime végétalien Cet article est un témoignage, en aucun cas nous ne préconisons de refuser ou d’arrêter un traitement. Il existe une multitude de types de cancers. Ce traitement a peut-être fonctionné pour cet homme mais ne fonctionnera pas forcément pour une autre personne. Chris Wark partage son témoignage puissant de la façon dont il a refusé la chimiothérapie et a survécu à un cancer du côlon de stade 3. Nous entendu souvent parler de méthodes et de traitements alternatifs du cancer, mais ils sont rarement utilisés et mis en oeuvre par des personnes principalement en raison du facteur de la peur. La tumeur cancéreuse avait été enlevée et pourtant elle s’était déjà propagée à ses ganglions lymphatiques. Vous pouvez afficher les sous-titres choisir en français. Transcription de la vidéo: Bonjour, c’est Chris, de Chris Beat Cancer et aujourd’hui, j’ai une vidéo très spéciale. Cette vidéo est dans ce but, c’est le sujet de cette vidéo. Donc, qu’est-ce qui cause cela? Email que j’ai reçu de Chris:
