Vent d'Éveil Terence Gray « Les doigts pointés vers la lune » est une célèbre maxime du bouddhisme chinois. C’est aussi le fil d’Ariane que déroule dans cet ouvrage, paru à l’origine en anglais, Wei Wu Wei (pseudonyme de Terence Gray, 1895-1987), pour aider les pèlerins en route vers eux-mêmes à traverser le labyrinthe de la quête spirituelle et à ne pas prendre des « chauves-souris pour des dragons ». Dans l’esprit des grands maîtres éveillés du passé, il renouvelle de façon percutante et profondément originale leur message à l’intention des hommes et des femmes d’aujourd’hui. Toutes les questions centrales, le temps, l’espace, l’ego, la perception, la politique, le corps, le sexe, etc., sont scrutées et reconsidérées selon la perspective de l’Eveil, bouleversant les idées habituelles. Dans la seconde partie de l’ouvrage, vous trouverez des éléments biographiques sur ce personnage haut en couleur, ainsi que sur d’autres Eveillés ou chercheurs proches de lui. Extraits Ed Almora Wei Wu Wei :
Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science: Resource Library: Guided Meditations These guided meditations recorded by Dr. Joe Loizzo are meant to support all four horizons of contemplative learning and meditative practice that make up the gradual path to freedom and happiness taught in the Nalanda tradition. These are the same horizons of learning and practice covered in Nalanda offerings, including one-time meditations, Fall and Spring classes, Winter and Summer retreats and the Four Year Program in Sustainable Happiness. The four horizons on the gradual path are opened by four meditation techniques that power the "wheels" of contemplative study and practice: the body wheel of deep mindfulness for personal healing; the speech wheel of mind-clearing for social healing; the mind wheel of role-modeling imagery for cultural healing; and the bliss wheel of sublimation for natural healing. These guided meditations correspond to the "contemplative experiments" in Dr. I. Body of Light: Mindfulness of the Breathing Body Body Awareness Meditation II. III. IV.
Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science: Resource Library: Articles A selection of scholarly and scientific articles and clinical research written by Dr. Joe Loizzo, Director of the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science. Note: to view PDF files, you may need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Scholarly Articles A Review of Donald Lopez' Buddhism and Science A brief review of Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the Perplexed, by Buddhist Scholar Donald Lopez, published in The Journal of Religion. Vajrayana Buddhism in Tibetan Perspective: A Spiritual Science of Civilized Happiness A draft of an article from the forthcoming Routledge Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophy. The Tantric Buddhism of Tibet as a living paradigm of contemplative science and civilization and the final synthesis of the Nalanda scientific tradition. Personal Agency Across Generations: Evolutionary Psychology or Religious Belief? Kalachakra and the Nalanda Tradition: Science, Religion, and Objectivity in Buddhism and the West Shri-Nalanda Mahavihara: Ivory Tower of Ancient India
Magick-Instinct Invité de Marc - Approches non-duelles - Organisation d'évènements - Non-dualité Who was Hubert Benoit? The following description of Hubert Benoit (pronounced roughly as Oo-behr Ben-wah, with the emphasis on the latter syllable of each name) comes from John Fitzsimmons Mahoney's preface to his translation of Benoit's last book, The Interior Realization, published in 1979: I would like to say a few words about Dr. Benoit's life, for he exemplifies a combination of qualities seldom found today: wide learning, the highest degree of scientific and artistic skill, and great courage. After completing his medical and musical studies (he was a prize violinist at the Nancy Conservatory), he practiced surgery for twelve years. His obituary was sent to me by Mrs. We learned with great sadness of the death of Dr. Descendant of a well-read family, Dr. He underwent several operations during the four years that followed, but his right hand which was very much affected, remained partially paralyzed, and this obliged him to abandon his career in surgery. We believe that Dr.
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