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ManWithoutModem comments on Tracker with PDFs/E-Books of College Textbooks

ManWithoutModem comments on Tracker with PDFs/E-Books of College Textbooks

The 5 Don’ts to be a Successfully Published Author | The Published Author As cryptic as the title sounds, there are a few things that can really turn the tide against your dreams of becoming a published writer. So, I am going to tell you about the 5 things NOT TO DO if you want your book published. These 5 DON’TS are not meant to discourage, these are the most common traps that the writer ignores and walks right into. For the purpose of this post I am only considering fiction, that is, novels and short novels. No.1: Do not start the BOOK PUBLISHING search before you complete your book Doesn’t make sense? The answer is NO. The process of getting your book published in print and into a bookstore takes 12 – 18 months, the process of manuscript evaluation and acceptance takes 6 – 8 months only. Also the 3 – 4 months of idle waiting can be the best time to revise and relook at your book. No. 2: Don’t skimp on the steps in the BOOK PUBLISHING APPLICATION PROCESS Research the appropriate book publishers for your work Or, the more likely scenario Wait, and wait some more.

ZEIT-Bibliothek der 100 Bücher Die ZEIT-Bibliothek der 100 Bücher war eine pädagogisch ambitionierte Artikelserie der Feuilleton-Redaktion der Wochenzeitung Die Zeit. Begonnen 1978, wurde in den folgenden zwei Jahren Woche für Woche eine Rezension zu einem Werk der Weltliteratur veröffentlicht. 1980 erschien eine Buchausgabe dieser Essays im Suhrkamp Verlag, herausgegeben von Fritz J. Raddatz, deren Verkaufserfolg das große Interesse an dieser Art Kanonbildung bestätigte; die Essaysammlung liegt 2009 in der unveränderten 13. Auflage vor. Der Erfolg der Unternehmung führte dazu, dass das Projekt fünf Jahre später um eine Sammlung ZEIT-Bibliothek der 100 Sachbücher ergänzt wurde, die Buchausgabe 1984 besorgte wiederum Raddatz als Herausgeber. ZEIT-Bibliothek der 100 Bücher[Bearbeiten] Die Jury legte fünf „Spielregeln“ für die Auswahl fest (Einleitung des Herausgebers, Buchausgabe, S. 8): Liste der rezensierten Werke[Bearbeiten] ZEIT-Bibliothek der 100 Sachbücher[Bearbeiten] Liste der rezensierten Werke [Bearbeiten] Fritz J.

20 Habits for Success I Learned Working for Two Billionaires | Paul C. Brunson I have spent decades "being educated" -- in college, graduate school, numerous professional certifications, and now a Ph.D. program. All of that schooling and training helped shape the person I am today, but at no point in my life has there been a more profound education than my time working for Enver Yucel and Oprah Winfrey. Enver and Oprah are two extraordinary people. And on top of that, they're both billionaires. I had the opportunity to work with both Oprah and Enver for six years collectively and those were, hands down, the best professional experiences of my life. It's my honor to share with you what I learned from them. 1) Invest in Yourself This is a very simple concept, but something you would think someone who has "made it" would stop doing. 2) Be Curious... What the average person sees as mundane or overly complicated is not viewed the same way with a billionaire mindset. 3) Surround Yourself With "Better" People I hope this is why they kept me around. 4) Never Eat Alone

Greywolfe1982 comments on Back To School Megathread! _shnazzy comments on 24 Awesome Skills to Learn for Free Online BeyondMars comments on Merry Christmas yogis, a gift for you! All the asana of the weeks in a single album. How to Have Great Ideas More Often, According to Science Flights of fancy: Inside the intense world of virtual pilots On Saturday, while the Washington area's airports teem with travelers heading home for the holidays, about a dozen air traffic controllers will orchestrate the complex dance of passenger jets as they take off and land. It's a complicated job, requiring sustained focus, to make sure nobody crashes or runs out of fuel before they taxi safely home. Not real jets, though. These are virtual ones, flown by people in their living rooms and basements all over the world. And not really air traffic controllers, either. These are hobbyists, connected to one another on an online platform that knits together personal computer systems across a widely distributed network in a never-ending role-playing game of massive proportions. Saturday is something of a special occasion, as Washinton's flight simulation community has invited pilots across the world to "fly in" at one time, creating an experience that's as close as possible to the real thing. Grand Theft Auto it's not.

50 Must-Download Apps For Lifelong Learners Long after degrees have been conferred and careers have been launched, many folks just can’t seem to quit school. For them, life provides an overstuffed cornucopia of educational opportunities that don’t necessarily require hefty loans and navigating different professorial strategies. Those with a lust for learning who happen to also enjoy testing the limits of what the iPad offers definitely don’t have to worry about finding resources to pique their fancy. Hundreds, if not thousands, of apps are out there just twitching for users to fire them up and absorb a mental nugget or two. History and Geography World Atlas HD : iPad users can download this stunning, popular digital atlas by the National Geographic Society and educate themselves about the planet’s physical and cultural properties and relationships. Language, Reading, and Writing Open Source and General Learning Reference Science and Math This is a cross-post from our content partners at Online College Courses.

Is it actually bad for the Battery of a Laptop to leave it plugged in? : askscience
