English Listening Lessons Giving Directions in English Giving directions in English is one of the most useful functions there is. Everyone understands that this is the function they are likely to use on the street, literally, and therefore the motivation is usually quite easy. To be able to give directions you need to learn a set of phrases which you later combine into a conversation. To teach the phrases we offer you the following. A simple drill (teaching the basic phrases), an infographic, several worksheet activities and an interactive quiz. Giving Directions in English – Video First watch and repeat the phrases and then produce the phrases before the native speaker says them. Giving Directions in English – Infographic It is always a good idea to give students a handout with all the phrases you want them to learn. You can download the full-size picture here: Directions – full size picture Giving Directions in English – Worksheet and quiz First of all I would love to recommend the following worksheet by Mary Glasgow plus.
Hotel and Restaurant ⋆ WebEnglish.se Background This unit is for Hotel and Restaurant students and staff Hotel Vocabulary Hotel Vocabulary List and a Quiz you can take to check if you know the words HOTEL VOCABULARY 3 Test and practise your vocabulary Hotel Dialogues At The Hotel – reception desk 1 (4:03) Checking in at a hotel, with subtitles and repetitions Checking into a hotel 2 (2:40) Checking in at a hotel, with subtitles AT THE HOTEL- reception desk 2 (2:34) Checking in at a hotel, no subtitles At a hotel (3:50) Model dialogues on checking in and checking out of a hotel, with subtitles Conversations At A Hotel (3:15) Several model dialogues that may occur at a hotel Complaints at the hotel room (0:49) Customer complains about the shower Problems at a hotel (2:34) A receptionist talking on the phone, taking complaints Taking a Reservation Example sentences, a dialogue and a quiz Check in and Check out Example sentences, a dialogue and a quiz On the Phone Hotel Reservations Listen to the dialogue. Listen to your Hotel Customer
Randall's Video Snapshots: For ESL/EFL Students The movie clips called Video Snapshots are designed to provide additional learning content related to other listening activities on my site. To learn more about this project, read the Frequently Asked Questions below: Current Videos (Click the picture to watch the video - Click the link below the picture to visit a related listening activity). You can also search by title below: Why did you create this section of your Website? How do you decide on the topics? Why are the videos short, between 30-60 seconds? Do you plan on adding other speakers on the videos? Do you realize there are some grammar mistakes in the videos? There is a lot of background noise in some the video, and it's sometimes hard to hear exactly what is being said. Which video format do you use? Randall's Sites: Daily ESL | ESL Blog | EZSlang | Train Your Accent | Tips For Students | Hiking In Utah
Träna lässtrategier med kortfilmer på engelska Jag städade bland filmerna hemma och hittade en DVD med kortfilmer. Jag läste på baksidan och tänkte att dessa måste ju vara bra att använda som utgångspunkt för att träna lässtrategier. Filmerna är korta nog att hålla intresset uppe och det ges många ledtrådar att tolka budskap och göra kopplingar till sig själv, andra filmer eller böcker och världen. Jag visar här hur jag gick vidare i min tanke och fick ett uppslag att undervisa utifrån. Jag satte mig på Pinterest och såg att jag inte var den enda läraren som sett möjligheten. jag började skapa ett dokument med länkar på filmer, frågor för diskussion samt tänkbara skrivuppgift. Av en slump hamnade jag på en lärarblogg skapad av Jamie Speed och jag har varit in på den i andra sammanhang då den innehåller en hel del bra material. Jag gjorde för något år sedan ett arbetsblad för läsning men det fungerar även för film. Hur du kan hitta egna guldkorn på Pinterst Mer om filmers användningsområden
934 FREE Speaking Worksheets Learning to speak a new language is definitely a challenge. It’s very difficult for your students to do if they don’t practice on a regular basis. Luckily, you need to look no further because BusyTeacher.org has the tools to help your students practice their speaking - and want to do it, too! Let’s face it, students aren’t always jumping for joy at the opportunity to speak a language they aren’t 100 percent comfortable with. These worksheets are great to use for your lessons because they come in many different styles and formats. You can preview the worksheets you want to use before you download them. Do you have a worksheet, PowerPoint presentation, or game that you use in your classroom, and works like a charm every time?
Learning School Radio Short Films | The Best Short Films Great Questions – StoryCorps Here are some of our suggestions for getting a good conversation going. We encourage you to use the ones you like and to come up with your own. This list is in no particular order. Choose one of the categories below, or scroll through and read them all. Great Questions for Anyone Can you tell me about a person who has been kindest to you in your life? Friends or Colleagues If you could interview anyone from your life living or dead, but not a celebrity, who would it be and why? Grandparents Where did you grow up? Raising Children When did you first find out that you’d be a parent? Parents Do you remember what was going through your head when you first saw me? Growing Up When and where were you born? School Did you enjoy school? Teachers When and why did you decide to become a teacher? Love & Relationships Do you have a love of your life? Marriage & Partnerships How did you meet your husband/wife? Working What do you do for a living? Religion Can you tell me about your religious beliefs/spiritual beliefs?
Listen to News | EnglishClub Each Tuesday EnglishClub publishes a short audio news report in easy English from the previous week. With this resource you can practise your listening, reading, writing and even speaking. Preview the vocabulary and read the gapfill text. Play the news report and try to fill in the blanks. Study the news story each week and watch your English skills grow! dateline: 08 April 2014: EU Satellite System Will Monitor Earth’s Health dateline: 01 April 2014: Tigers Slaughtered For Entertainment Purposes dateline: 24 March 2014: Twitter Blocked In Turkey dateline: 18 March 2014: Baby Hatch Closes In China dateline: 11 March 2014: No Trace Of Malaysian Airliner dateline: 04 March 2014: Man Wakes Up In Body Bag dateline: 25 February 2014: Political Crisis In Ukraine dateline: 18 February 2014: Winter Storms Hit Japan dateline: 11 February 2014: Olympic Dogs Saved By Billionaire dateline: 04 February 2014: New Internet Suffixes To Hit The Market dateline: 28 January 2014: Mother Gives Birth On Sled
ingridremvall Sinnesövning Då vi skriver tänker vi oftast på det man ser med ögonen. Men lika viktigt för berättelsen är våra övriga sinnen. Genom att diskutera hur saker upplevs med övriga sinnen ges inspiration till att krydda sin berättelse med detta. Metodik: Denna övning gör jag genom att visa WS-deltagarna bilder av de olika sinnena. Sedan uppmanas de att försöka få med ett eller flera sinnen i sin berättelse då de berättar om vad huvudpersonen upplever. Då lapparna är skrivna väljer man ut en eller flera saker och jobbar vidare med sin egen berättelse i grupp eller individuellt. PDF med sinnena och en kort beskrivning finns nedan Känsloövning För att ge ytterligare en dimension till en karaktär är det bra att visa hur han eller hon känner sig. Metodik:Genom att visa olika ansikten med olika känslor får WS-deltagarna svara på frågorna: "Hur känns det i kroppen då man är ......?" Denna övning går att använda vid vilket skrivprojekt som helst. PDF med känslor och en kort beskrivning finns nedan.
how to teach students to talk with each other instead of at each other - jeromie heath | BAM Radio Pulse Welcome Guest! | login Jeromie Heath Radio Shows forum HOW To Teach Students to Talk WITH Each Other Instead of AT Each Other Jeromie Heath » Radio Show Episodes » HOW To Teach Students to Talk WITH Each Other Instead of AT Each Other HOW To Teach Students to Talk WITH Each Other Instead of AT Each Other by Jeromie Heath Series: Engage Now category: Student Engagement streams: 128 Share This Comments 03/08/14 01:04:21PM @jeromie-heath : The PLAY BUTTON seems to not be working correctly. 03/06/14 06:56:10AM @errol-st-clair-smith : Very creative Jeromie! You must be logged in to post a comment Jeromie Heath offline About Jeromie Heath NBCT who is passionate about STUDENT ENGAGEMENT! Check out my website for Quick, Easy, Cheap, & FUN student engagment ideas! Twitter: @TEACHHEATH Email: MrHeathTeach@gmail.com Followers: Recently Rated: stats Episodes: 2 youtube videos: 4 About BRN! BAM Radio Hits 2,100 Episodes! BAM! Connect With Us 1010 N.