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Gear Generator

Gear Generator
Animation: * Shift + Enter: Set RPM of the selected gear #0 - N8 - ratio: 1:1 - RPM: 6#1 - N16 - ratio: 2:1 - RPM: 3#2 - N12 - ratio: 2:1 - RPM: 3#3 - N60 - ratio: 10:1 - RPM: 0.6 Connection properties Gear properties * Shift + Enter: modifies the Diametral pitch Download Display Units Gear Generator is unitless: if you wish it's inches, cm or millimeters. About Gear Generator is a tool for creating involute spur gears and download them in DXF or SVG format. Why this tool was created? Support: Notes about browser compatibility: all new major browsers are supported (i didn't tested IE), but unfortunately Chrome can't render SVG circle correctly. The downloaded DXF file can be opened with AutoCad 2013 or newer versions. Update 1.5: Fixed DXF resolution issue. Update 1.4: TA-DA: Added internal gear support, and the ability of positioning the first gear. Update 1.3: Fixed DXF file format. On YouTube Check out other tools I made:Print Charts, Flip.World, HTML Spirograph. Related:  Laser cut and engraving

Wooden Model Archives - iamtov's STUFF HOLIC iamtov's STUFF HOLIC Wooden Model Transportaion Kits Junior Series- Scale models Ford Model T Sedan InventorsToolbox: The Elements of Machines Simple Machines: These devices were all in common use for centuries before Leonardo's time. Each one makes work easier to do by providing some trade-off between the force applied and the distance over which the force is applied. Wheel and Axle In this machine a wheel or spoke is locked to a central axle so that when one is turned the other must turn. Pulley System A single pulley simply reverses the direction of a force. Wedge A wedge converts motion in one direction into a splitting motion that acts at right angles to the blade. Screw A screw is a central core with a thread or groove wrapped around it to form a helix. Lever A lever is a stiff rod that rotates around a pivot point. Other Elements of Machines: Though these devices were also used in machines in Leonardo's time, he experimented with them and made changes to improve how they worked. Gears Gears are toothed or pegged wheels meshed together to transmit motion and force. Cam A cam is a wheel with shaped bumps on it.

tuto:openscad [wiki.lghs - Liege Hackerspace] Attention, cette page n'est pas une aide à l'utilisation d'OpenSCAD mais une initiation passant par différentes étapes afin d'apprendre, petit à petit, le fonctionnement du logiciel. Il y a donc plusieurs choses dont je n'ai, volontairement, pas parlé car elles sont inutiles à un débutant et pourront donc être vues plus loin dans l'initiation, quand le besoin sera présent. Si vous vous rendez compte qu'il manque des paramètres à une primitive, qu'il manque des primitives ou qu'il aurait été plus facile de faire quelque chose selon une autre méthode, c'est donc normal et, si vous vous en rendez compte, c'est que cette initiation n'est pas faite pour vous :) Vous retrouverez des exercices tout au long de la page sur ce qui a déjà été vu. Vous pouvez me formuler toutes vos remarques ou demandes à l'adresse suivante : Cela signifie qu’il est possible de créer, de manière paramétrique : des plans en 2D des pièces en 3D Les formats d'exportation possibles sont : Vue 3D Editeur Avancé

CNC Panel Joinery Notebook I’ve been collecting clever ways of slotting flat stock together since I first read Nomadic Furniture back in 1999, well before the advent of the accessible hobby-class CNC tools that today make manufacturing parts like these pretty easy. Now, the world is full of people designing models, project enclosures, sculpture, furniture, and all kinds of other cool stuff to be assembled from parts made on laser cutters and CNC routers. I keep expecting a definitive book or website to emerge that covers the “bag of tricks” in an organized way, but so far, I haven’t found it. In presenting this material, I want to first acknowledge my respect for the world’s established and ancient traditions of joinery. I may abuse some terms, without meaning to, and I am glad to be corrected by those who are in the know about traditional joinery. To simplify things, at first, I’m only considering joints between two panels. Laser vs. The router-cut version, however, doesn’t work. Biasing Cross (“X”) Joints

Linkage Mechanism Designer and Simulator | Dave's Blog Download Linkage 3.x here. Download the version that runs (I hope) on Windows XP here. Read the FAQ for more info about the XP version. Download a 64 bit version just for the hell of it. Download the documentation here. Frequently Asked Questions. Linkage is a computer aided design program used for quick prototyping of mechanical linkages. Linkage Window and the Theo Jansen Mechanism Mechanisms can be designed with pivot connectors or sliding connectors (that also pivot). Before describing the Linkage program any more, here is an example of a real-world mechanism that I designed with it. Linkage Software Simulation Finished Mechanism The Final Rolling Ball Sculpture Linkage is a Windows program that has been developed and tested on Windows 7,8, & 10. Linkage is a personal development project and its features sometimes change quickly when I have new ideas that seem better than the old ones. BackhoeMechanism Blog posts about the development of this program can be found here. Some of the Features

Easy Laser Cut Case Design 6 Simple Machines: Making Work Easier Throughout history, humans have developed a number of devices to make work easier. The most notable of these are known as the "six simple machines": the wheel and axle, the lever, the inclined plane, the pulley, the screw and the wedge, although the latter three are actually just extensions or combinations of the first three. Because work is defined as force acting on an object in the direction of motion, a machine makes work easier to perform by accomplishing one or more of the following functions: transferring a force from one place to another, changing the direction of a force, increasing the magnitude of a force, or increasing the distance or speed of a force. Many machines combine more than one of these devices to make work easier. For instance, we might attach a long handle to a shaft to make a windlass, or use a block and tackle to pull a load up a ramp. Wheel and axle The wheel is considered to be one of the most significant inventions in the history of the world. Lever Pulley

Openscad OpenSCAD est un logiciel de modélisation tridimensionnelle rudimentaire. Il a pour particularité de fonctionner de façon entièrement paramétrique, c'est-à-dire que la conception passe par la rédaction d'un script sur une sous-fenêtre située à gauche, tandis qu'une sous-fenêtre à droite permet de visualiser l'objet en 3D, mais pas de l'éditer.1) C'est un logiciel libre qui fonctionne à la fois sous Linux, Mac OS et Microsoft Windows. Bibliothèques utiles : Liens & documentation Prise en main rapide La base d'openSCAD est de créer en ligne de code les commandes à effectuer. cube(1,center=true); cube : défini l'objet, dans ce cas un cube. Par défaut, l'echelle d'openSCAD est le mm cylinder(h=1, r=1,center=true); cylinder : la pièce est un cylindre h : hauteur de la pièce r : taille du rayon de la pièce. sphere(r=1,center=true); sphere : l'objet est une sphere r : taille du rayon de la sphère Exemple 2 : Des pièces plus complexes cube([1,1,1],center=true); 1,1,1 : les dimensions de l'objet (x,y,z).

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