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description physique Cet exercice te permet d’avoir une identité et de te présenter sur le site: tu peux voir ici les profils déjà créés 1. Recherche un avatar qui te correspond sur internet et enregistre-le sur l’ordinateur. (Un avatar est une image qui te représente) 2. Ajoute cet avatar à ton profil sur le site: connecte-toi au site avec ton identifiant (exemple: pierre33) et ton mot de passe et clique sur “Profile” en haut à gauche.

Do you like animals? . Page in Japanese Target English: "Do you like...?" + animals Target grade: Kindergarten to Junior High school 1 You can find this song on volume 8! , the Teacher's Set. And in the new curriculum Learn Months of the Year ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year.

Months of the Year Games Vocabulary game to learn the months of the year in English. A game to practice the spelling of months, practice pronunciation and to ask about birthdays and holidays throughout the year. The games have sound to help with listening, pronunciation and getting used to natural speaker speed. There are grammar practice sections that provide additional practice and will help to solidify the vocabulary. Hangman games : tous thèmes
