Collège Cours De Profs vous recommande le nouveau site de construction en ligne de votre cahier de bord personnel sur mesures. Dans cette nouvelle version, vous trouverez les calendriers spécifiques suivants : Corse, Guyane, Martinique, Mayotte, Nouvelle Calédonie, Polynésie française, La Réunion, Saint Pierre et Miquelon, La Guadeloupe, ainsi que Wallis et Futuna. Puisez parmi les miliers de pages, leurs variations de formes et de couleurs, et ajustez-les en quelques clics... Découvrez les nouveaux modèles de pages disponibles comme les agendas, plannings et calendriers mensuels puis adaptez-les à votre propre style en modifiant leur présentation : orientation, colonnes, jours, horaires, couleurs et les polices de caractères, ect. Remplissez de manière automatique les noms de vos classes et de vos élèves, choisissez un calendrier ou un agenda adapté à votre zone scolaire et commandez une version imprimée et livrée par courrier.
English Vocabulary English Grammar Tests for ESL Students - English Grammar Practice Quizzes Welcome to our English grammar training section, a good place to practice and improve your knowledge of English grammar. The quizzes come in three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The topics covered include verb tenses, phrasal verbs, articles, prepositions, noun clauses, and much more. Start practicing English right now! (B) = Beginner; (I) = Intermediate; (A) = Advanced VERB TENSES (Tests/Quizzes): Commands (Imperative) 1 (B/I)Commands (Imperative) 2 (B/I)Commands (Imperative) 3 (B/I)The Present Continuous 1 (B)Simple Past/Past Continuous? EXERCISES TO IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH WRITING SKILLS (ADVANCED) Whether you're a native speaker of English or an advanced ESL student, these practice tests will help you to recognize and eliminate common grammar errors. COUNTABLE (COUNT) or UNCOUNTABLE (NONCOUNT) NOUNS: USED TO, BE USED TO, WOULD 1 (B/I)WOULD YOU LIKE or DO YOU LIKE?
Little Bird Tales - Home Sites d’exercices interactifs- Anglais London Buddies : Outils pour les écoles, cycle III. Situations de compréhension orale. Site Perso Yvan Baptiste : a Gateway to the English World, ressources audio, vidéo, exercices interactifs etc. a4esl : Activities for ESL students, quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a Second Language. Site perso Marion Raud Dugal : Welcome to my Web Site, ce site présente des exercices classés selon le niveau. Skyblues : On-line English Exercises by Steve MOUND. Franglish : Site miroir de Gateway to the English World. Eflnet : Grammaire et autres activités de "reading, listening". BBC Schools : Learning resources for home and school. One Stop English : Over 6,500 resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, audio, video and flashcards La Passerelle : Exercices en tous genres, mots croisés, grammaire, lexique etc. Académie Nancy Metz : Ressources pour le collège, des outils didactiques, le tout classé de façon claire et précise. ESL : ESL Cyber Listening Lab.
The funny te@cher flips over! | Flipped learning for ESL, computer science and business administration Help your child's reading with free tips & free ebooks | Oxford Owl Oxford Owl Reading has 250 free eBooks for you to share with your child as well as simple ideas, top tips, activities and games to help your child with their reading at home. Highlights 250 FREE eBooks in our library.Book recommendations from our experts, along with information about our best-selling Biff, Chip and Kipper series.Phonics help from experts in teaching children to read.Storytelling videos.Julia Donaldson's top tips for reading with your child.Help with spelling.Fun ideas to support your child's learning.Information on teaching methods and what will be expected of your child at school. You’ll also find advice from educational experts on many areas including grammar, punctuation and spelling, motivating boys and how to help a child who is struggling with their reading. Helping your child to learn to read and learn to love reading is one of the greatest gifts you can give them… and Oxford Owl is here to help you every step of the way.
Liste de sites utiles pour les enseignants d'anglais Un article de Wiki Agreg-Ink. La page est en cours de réorganisation. Les rubriques seront classées par ordre alphabétique et non par ordre d'importance. Compréhension orale (Listening) Compréhension écrite (Reading) ESL short stories Expression Orale ( Speaking) Logiciels pour la prononciation : Text To Speech Expression Ecrite (Writing) Language Learning Resource CenterETC clipart : Cliparts éducatifs et gratuits. Il existe aussi des listes de discussion académiques. Le Café Pédagogique, toute l'actualité y est et vous pouvez vous inscrire à la lettre mensuelle pour les profs de langue ou aux flux RSS!
Using Phraseum to learn lexical chunks I recently revisited Phraseum, an app which I first discovered and reviewed in March 2014. I’m glad to see that the tool is still around, has gathered a loyal following and has developed both in terms of design and functionality since that first review. In this article I’d like to show you some of the new features and also share some ideas for how you can use it. Let me start though by recapping what Phraseum does. Phraseum is a tool that students can use to capture lexical chunks, collocations and expressions while they read online text. Within the platform there are also a number of features to help them learn the phrases, these include tagging of phrases and links through to Google translate. A new feature that’s been added since the last review is the ‘Learn’ feature. They can then select key words to remove from the phrases. They work through the phrases doing this a couple of times and each time things get harder and more words are removed. Getting started with phraseum. Best
Find a book There are so many wonderful books, but how do you know which ones to choose? Browse through our library of 250 FREE eBooks to find an engaging book for your child. All our eBooks are tablet friendly, simply register and enjoy a world of reading and fun activities. Whether you’re looking for a book to share with your youngest child or something to keep your ten year old motivated, we’re here to help. If you’re not sure which books to start with, take a look at the different series below... Learning to Read at Home Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper The UK’s favourite home reading series. Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper has been created by educational experts to help you support your child’s development as a reader and complement what they are doing at school. Phonics books provide valuable practice for your child, especially as they prepare for the new reading test for six year olds being introduced by the Government. Why is Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper so popular? Read Write Inc. ProjectX
Quelques trouvailles... à ne pas manquer ! Outils et ressources numériques pour la différenciation en anglais - 19 mars Une présentation interactive proposée par le groupe numérique disciplinaire de l’académie de Nice. Audio lingua, 6000 fichiers sons pour les cours de langues - 14 janvier Le site propose en particulier des ressources mp3 à écouter en ligne ou à télécharger pour l’entraînement de la compréhension orale. Les tablettes au service de l’éveil aux langues - Décembre 2018 Un dossier complet autour des problématiques suivantes : Quelles tablettes choisir ? Combien en faut-il ? Comment les intégrer dans notre enseignement ? Quelles applications pour l’enseignement des langues ? Flipped Classroom: lezione su Cibo Spazzatura | Design Didattico Nel seguente modulo svolto in modalità capovolta si affronta un tema piuttosto trasversale: il junk food (cibo spazzatura). I ragazzi, e non solo loro, spesso ne sono consumatori, sicchè è opportuno renderli consapevoli di una serie di rischi cui vanno incontro. L’obiettivo del modulo, che potrebbe essere svolto da insegnanti di educazione fisica e scienze/biologia, ha i seguenti obiettivi: 1. 2. E’ presente un video da cui partireun testo di rinforzo con domande onlineuno schema di esercizio in classe da svolgere in singolo o in gruppo (anche con carta e penna)al termine il documentario Super Size Me (forse rimosso da Youtube, in ogni caso presente qui Ecco qui di seguito il modulo, realizzato con tackk. Emiliano Onori