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8 Best Tools to Make Easy CSS3 Development

8 Best Tools to Make Easy CSS3 Development
CSS or cascading style sheet is basically a style sheet language that is used to describe the presentation semantics or the looks and formatting of a document. This document is written in a mark-up language. One of its basic uses is to style the web pages that are either written in HTML or XHTML but this language can also be applied to any other kind of document. CSS also does a major job that is it separates the content of the document from the presentation of the document and in addition it also includes features like layouts, colors and fonts. CSS3 is similarly an improved version of CSS and it helps the designers to insert stylish fonts and effects to their website very easily. This is very helpful css3 code generator, Create code for some most popular CSS3 Properties - text-shadow, border-radius, Box Resize and more. CSS Level 3 brings with it some incredibly powerful styling features. Cascader is a tool that helps developers separate inlined CSS from HTML files

Online CSS Optimizer / Optimiser Every once in a while, we at Andy's peer outside the industry and share a glimpse of things we find interesting. That's what you'll find below! The below information was sourced from Online CSS Optimizer/Optimiser is a web tool for reducing the file size of cascading style sheets. In order to save more space optimized files would be messy even so you may output it as a file. Non-valid or hacked (for certain browsers) CSS files may result in error. Online CSS Optimizer v0.3 for Cascading Style Sheets The optimizer is not just removing white spaces, comments etc. Why Optimize? optimized as: Output will not be readable! What about server-side compressing?

InstaCSS | Instant CSS Documentation Search Prefix free: Break free from CSS vendor prefix hell! -prefix-free lets you use only unprefixed CSS properties everywhere. It works behind the scenes, adding the current browser’s prefix to any CSS code, only when it’s needed. The target browser support is IE9+, Opera 10+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+ and Chrome on desktop and Mobile Safari, Android browser, Chrome and Opera Mobile on mobile. If it doesn’t work in any of those, it’s a bug so please report it. Just before you do, please make sure that it’s not because the browser doesn’t support a CSS3 feature at all, even with a prefix. In older browsers like IE8, nothing will break, just properties won’t get prefixed. Test the prefixing that -prefix-free would do for this browser, by writing some CSS below: Properties/values etc that already have a prefix won’t be altered. It’s not ideal, but it’s a solution, until a more intuitive way to deal with these cases is added in -prefix-free. Please note that in unsupported browsers like IE8, no such class will be added. Firefox (and IE?)

13 Really Useful Online CSS Tools to Streamline Development CSS is nearly used on every modern website design. However, having to write and structure CSS code from scratch every time you have a project is extremely time consuming. Below, we present you with 13 amazingly useful CSS tools for hacking on writing time consuming code. We tried to place emphasis on unknown tools that every developer should have a looksy at, however don’t be surprised if we included a few known sources. We encourage you to find use of these tools and find ways to improve your development process. After all, developing websites shouldn’t be a task, it should be fun and rewarding. CSS Cheat Sheets As simple tool as this may seem, the CSS Cheat Sheet can be very useful. Telerik Visual Style Builder Telerik Visual Style Builder is an online CSS customization tool that allows you to easily, point-and-click customization of skins for the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX. This tool is ideal for ASP.NET developers. CSS Type Set CSS Frame Generator Grid Designer MoreCSS YAML Builder

BoxCSS - Un service pour compresser au maximum vos fichiers CSS BoxCSS est un service appelé depuis vos codes sources et qui se charge de compresser votre CSS au maximum, tout en réduisant les appels vers vos fichiers. Dans le but de réduire le temps d'affichage de votre site significativement, BoxCSS s'avère bien utile et est très simple d'utilisation: il vous suffit d'inclure une seule fois une balise dans votre document HTML. Cette dernière doit pointer vers l'adresse à laquelle vous ajoutez comme paramètre "host" l'adresse où se situe votre dossier contenant vos fichiers CSS, et le paramètre "include" qui liste les différents fichiers à inclure (vous pouvez donc sélectionner seulement les fichiers CSS dont vous avez besoin pour chaque page de votre site, évitant les ko en trop !). Derrière, tout est géré pour vous retourner un code compressé, issue d'un ou plusieurs fichiers CSS, limitant les appels vers ces fichiers couteux pour votre vitesse d'affichage ! Un exemple d'utilisation: Site Officiel
