Keyhole Publishing Co., featuring the work of Richard M. Dolan EXPLICATII SUMARE REFERITOARE LA SIGILIUL VA243 In acest articol as dori sa ofer pe scurt cateva raspunsuri la principalele critici aduseteoriei lui Sitchin, in legatura cu interpretarea data de acesta sigiliului acadian VA243. Obiectie: Soarele ilustrat in VA243 nu este soare deoarece soarele reprezentat de Shamash, erareprezentat intotdeauna in acelasi fel Raspuns: Nu este adevarat, soarele (Shamash) este reprezentat in cel putin 2 moduri diferite ingliptica, iar Shamash este insotit de cel putin 4 tipuri de reprezentare, unele maielaborate, altele mai putin. Cele din jurului soarelui nu sunt planete ci stele Improbabil, ar fi vorba despre 11 stele de diferite dimensiuni ce ar avea o oarecare relatiecu o stea mai mare (tinand cont ca sunt dispuse in jurul acesteia). Inscriptia de pe sigiliul VA243 nu prezinta o semnificatie astronomica Este normal sa nu prezinte o semnificatie astronomica sau astrologica deoarece sigiliulnu este de acest gen. Planetele nu reflecta dimensiunile si raporturile dintre planete in sistemul solar
The Ancient Ruins Of South Africa - Adamscalendar Mystery! : Ancient Mysteries I'm well aware that there are some posts spread on the forum about these extraordinary ancient ruins in and around the South Africa region. My idea was to combine some earlier posts, by Kris75 & Cricketine's with some of my own findings... I hope you will enjoy and participate in the thread, and my tip is too listen at least the first few parts from the * Coast to Coast broadcast that Kris 75 posted > It is well worth it when going on into some of these subjects. * I have heard before of The Adamscalendar and the Tens of Thousands other ancient ruins, but today the connection for me came a little closer to understanding... These mysterious ancient ruins consist of dwellings, forts, temples roads, irrigation systems and agricultural terraces that cover thousands of square kilometres. Southern Africa holds some of the deepest mysteries in all of human history. These circular ruins are spread over thousands of square kilometres.
Is writing a book Anunnaki Updated 5 February 2009 Genesis 6:1-4 reads: “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose... Nephilim is often translated as “giants”, a legitimate and appropriate interpretation, but one which may be only partially accurate. For Updates and more thoughts, visit the Halexandria Forums Virtually all open-minded historical and theological scholars agree the Old Testament’s book of Genesis was extracted from the older Sumerian records, if only because of the similarity in their Comparative Religions. Laurence Gardner [2] has written: “Every item of written and pictorial attestation confirms that the ancient Sumerians were absolutely sincere about the existence of the Anunnaki, and those such as Enki, Enlil, Nin-khursag and Inanna fulfilled earthly functions with designated community duties. among the elohim.”
2012 : Un biophysicien prédit pour l’humanité un saut quantique de la conscience « Salutations Maîtres ! Je suis Métatron, Seigneur de Lumière, et je vous accueille dans une étreinte d’amour ! Nous sommes rejoints par un rassemblement d’Esprits, par les Maîtres Ascensionnés du groupe appelé Aigle Blanc, une énergie collective de la plus haute vertu dont beaucoup d’entre vous font partie à un niveau plus élevé. Très Chers, 2013 est l’An Un de la Nouvelle Terre, et c’est un temps très spécial, très puissant. Nous vous disons que ceux de la Lémurie, de la Loi de Un de l’Age d’Or Atlante, sont un groupe d’âmes qui ont partagé beaucoup d’incarnations, dans de nombreux lieux, à de nombreuses époques. Groupe d’Âmes – Aigle Blanc Ce Groupe d’Âmes est l’un de ceux dont beaucoup d’entre vous, sur le Chemin de l’Esprit, ont fait et font toujours partie. Cela prend place au Wesak dans la résonance du 13, car la sagesse de l’Âge d’Or des Anciens des Terres Rouges des Amériques a toujours été étroitement reliée à l’énergie et aux terres du Tibet. Les 12 Points Initiaux Ce sont :
ANALIZA TERMENULUI ANUNNAKI ANALIZA TERMENULUI ANUNNAKIde Alessandro Demontis Deja am mai scris in trecut 3 articole cu observatiiasupra termenului Anunnaki iar in versiunea lucrarii mele“Fenomenul Nibiru vol.2”, dedicat criticilor aduse de IanLawton lucrarii lui Sitchin, am decis sa pun laolaltadiversele observatii plus noi analize, in special cu referirela un alt termen in stransa legatura, si anume numele IGIGI.Intr-unul din documentele sale, Ian Lawton observa ca acesttermen ANUNNAKI este compus din radacinile AN (cer) si KI(pamant) fapt pentru care ar putea fi un nume ce identificaceva legat de aceste doua elemente, insa nu neaparat ‘cei cecoborara din cer pe pamant’ precum afirma Sitchin. Deasemenea mai observa ca nu a gasit semnificatii exhaustiveale particulelor UN.NA (sau asemanatoare) in dictionarelesumeriene. ‘cei ce coborara din cer pe pamant’ ,acesta nu a tradus niciodata termenul literar silaba cusilaba.
s blog Atlantis Atlantis There are many stories, theories and possible locations about the lost continent of Atlantis. But Atlantis is not the only ante-diluvium world that disappeared in the sea. In accordance with other stories there was another continent or island that sunk in the ocean in ancient times called Lemuria or Mu. A website dedicated to Atlantis you can find HERE Atlantis and the Anunnaki 1. Plato 1. The story of Atlantis was conveyed to Solon by Egyptian priests. 2. " During the whole summer, the sun hid itself behind the clouds, as if unwilling to shine upon the earth. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Through the ages and eras these stories about Atlantis became more and more a legend for most historians. There is even enough evidence that Atlantis once existed in ancient times. 2. See the videos of Ancient Atlantis Donnelly In 1882, Ignatius Donnelly, a U.S. congressman from Minnesota, brought the legend into the American consciousness with his book, Atlantis the Antediluvian World . 3.