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Neil MacGregor: 2600 years of history in one object

Neil MacGregor: 2600 years of history in one object

100 Years of Humans in Antarctica | Behind the Scenes This Behind the Scenes article was provided to LiveScience in partnership with the National Science Foundation. This winter marks the 100th anniversary of the race to the South Pole. After crossing Antarctica — the coldest, windiest, driest continent on Earth — the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and his team arrived at the geographic South Pole on Dec. 14, 1911, the first people in history to reach the bottom of the Earth. About one month later, on January 17, 1912, the British explorer Navy Captain Robert Falcon Scott and his party arrived at the South Pole to discover that Amundsen had beaten them there. If Amundsen and Scott could somehow magically be transported back to the South Pole now, they would probably be amazed and honored to discover that the National Science Foundation's Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, a massive, two-story, science-support structure, overlooks the spot they worked so hard to reach. Studying the Antarctic Changing climate

Introduction au Personal branding : Comment gérer son identité et sa réputation ? (Partie 1) - Article rédigé par Alexandre Lachaut (Webcastory) Ce 1er plateau sur le Personal Branding a pour simple ambition de poser les bases de ce nouveau phénomène en France.Tout d'abord, qu’est-ce que le personal branding ? Le terme « personal branding » est apparu sous le clavier de Tom Peters en 1997 dans un article intitulé « The Brand Called You » sur fastcompany (article très intéressant ici).Le Personal Branding, ou gestion de marque personnelle, est une méthode pour gérer notre carrière en créant notre marque personnelle ou notre marque professionnelle, c’est-à-dire notre marque en tant que professionnel. Cette marque se définit à travers notre identité et notre réputation…(définition d’Olivier Zara).J’image déjà certain(e)s d’entre vous s’exclamer que « Je ne suis pas une marque ! Pour ceux qui veulent en savoir plus, cliquez ici ! Introduction au Personal branding : comment gérer son identité et sa réputation ? Pourquoi et comment être authentique dans son Personal Branding ?

Amazing Soviet Propaganda Posters: Stalin And WWII Era “Let’s raise the generation utterly devoted to the cause of communism!” Viktor Ivanov, 1947 Soviet propaganda posters first appeared following the success of the Russian Revolution. They were used to promote the revolution, stir optimism for a new society (one that stood for literacy and improvement of health care) and to attack opponents of Lenin’s government. Very few newspapers were published during the time and therefore the posters served as a primary means of communication. With Stalin in charge by the 1930s, the posters began to focus more on political discipline and ambitious government programs, particularly the collectivization of land and establishment of industry. “Let’s thrash it!” This poster was used in the first half of the century in order to improve social and cultural elements of the country. You, there, don’t trifle with booze , D’rather thrash it Culturally, Roughly, Powerfully, wrathfully, Smash daily, At your every step, Give no rest to the enemy.

15 caractéristiques du management du 21ème siècle « Le management du futur sera ouvert et globale ! » Ce n’est pas moi qui le dit, mais Stefan Lindegaard, sur son excellent blog 15inno. Ce spécialiste danois de l’innovation ouverte (open innovation), s’inspire lui-même de Gary Hamel, célèbre professeur de management stratégique à l’université de Harvard. A distance, l’un et l’autre dégagent quelques caractéristiques clés d’un management efficace. Un management qui pourra mieux répondre aux défis et réalités de ce début de 21ème siècle. Voici 15 facettes principales de ce management d’aujourd’hui, un peu, et surtout de demain : 1. Les processus et les pratiques en vigueur demain devront refléter réellement et sincèrement l’interdépendance de toutes les parties prenantes, internes et externes à l’entreprise. 2. Retrouver les avantages du leadership naturel. 3. La méfiance et la peur, trop souvent présente dans les organisations, pénalisent l’innovation et l’implication des uns et des autres. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Inicio Biblioteca Digital Mundial History of the world in 100 seconds, according to Wikipedia As you know, the world wasn't always how you know it today. Land was discovered, people migrated, and significant events in history played out to shape what society is like now. For a glimpse in this sort of evolution of the world, Gareth Lloyd scraped all geotagged Wikipedia articles with time attached to them, providing a total of 14,238 events. Your history lesson begins in 499 BC, when most of the documented events appear in Europe. Can you do something more with the data? [Ragtag via @aaronkoblin]

Coxcox In Aztec mythology, Coxcox was the only male survivor of a worldwide flood.[1] They had many children, but all of them were dumb. The great spirit took pity on them, and sent a dove, which attempted to teach the children how to speak. Another account[edit] In another account, the Nahua god Tezcatlipoca spoke to a man named Nata and his wife Nana, saying: "Do not busy yourselves any longer making pulque, but hollow out for yourselves a large boat of an ahuehuete [cyprus] tree, and make your home in it when you see the waters rising to the sky When flood waters came, the Earth disappeared and the highest mountain tops were covered in water. The legend in art[edit] Ancient Aztec paintings often depict the boat floating on the flood waters beside a mountain. References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Hale, Susan (1891).

CALIFORNIA Una versión dice que en 1536, cuando llegó Hernán Cortés a esta parte del mundo, los españoles opinaron que la tierra era "caliente como un horno" o "calida fornax" como la llamaron los misioneros, quienes dominaban ampliamente el latín. Los soldados, igual como no podían pronunciar "atl" cambiándola a "ate" (del náhuatl en palabras como chocolate), no pudieron decir "calida fornax" y cambió a "California". -Gracias: Maximiliano Mena Pérez Existe otra versión sobre el origen de la palabra California que esta relacionada con mitos medievales (como Avalón y El Potosí). El nombre de California aparece por vez primera en la novela de caballerías "Las sergas de Esplandián" (1510), de Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo (el autor del famoso "Amadís de Gaula", del cual las "Sergas" son continuación). En la novela de Rodríguez de Montalvo, el nombre de California se aplica a una región de las Indias habitada por amazonas, abundante en riquezas y cercana al Paraíso Terrenal. - Gracias: Jesús Fernández

Hacktivists: Doin’ It For the Lulz Since 1903 | Discoblog Marconi and assistants erecting a radio antenna. They call themselves hacktivists. Or they say they’re doing it just for the lulz: Some hackers take over sites, swipe users’ information, and then post their exploits online just to make the point that hey, you losers aren’t as safe as you thought you were. Better fix that gaping hole in your electronic chain link fence. It may seem like the kind of public embarrassment only possible in the networked age (at least, Sony probably remembers the era of the Walkman a lot more fondly than this last mortifying year of being hacked again and again), but as Paul Marks writes in New Scientist, it ain’t necessarily so. In 1903, Marconi’s assistants in London were prepping for a big demo of their wireless telegraph (aka long-range radio), just like any tech businessmen in the history of technology—setting up the brass lantern projector, getting the telegraph up and running, letting the crowd get nice and excited, you know, the whole shebang.

Historia de la Tecnología: In memoriam 2011 Pienso que nos ha tocado vivir una época fascinante en la que tenemos al alcance de nuestra mano un sinfín de productos y servicios tecnológicos con los que podemos trabajar, ser mucho más productivos, comunicarnos con los que están lejos o disfrutar de nuestras aficiones. Muchos de los dispositivos que hoy en día disfrutamos tienen su origen en algunos proyectos que marcaron un antes y un después en el mundo tecnológico y en el afán, esfuerzo y visión de algunas personas que hicieron que su trabajo moviese a toda una industria. que tanto han aportado a la tecnología, y, a pesar de la pérdida, su legado los mantendrá vivos y en el recuerdo: Nobutoshi Kihara (14 de octubre de 1926 - 13 de febrero de 2011) fue un ingeniero especialista en mecánica y electrónica que trabajó en Sony desde 1947 hasta el año 2006. Cuando terminó la universidad entró a trabajar en Sony bajo las órdenes directas de Masaru Ibuka, el fundador de la compañía. Jean Jennings Bartik Julius Blank Steve Jobs

Dot-dash-diss: The gentleman hacker's 1903 lulz - tech - 27 December 2011 Read full article Continue reading page |1|2 A century ago, one of the world’s first hackers used Morse code insults to disrupt a public demo of Marconi's wireless telegraph LATE one June afternoon in 1903 a hush fell across an expectant audience in the Royal Institution's celebrated lecture theatre in London. Yet before the demonstration could begin, the apparatus in the lecture theatre began to tap out a message. It had all started in 1887 when Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of the electromagnetic waves predicted by James Clerk Maxwell in 1865. That things would not go smoothly for Marconi and Fleming at the Royal Institution that day in June was soon apparent. Mentally decoding the missive, Blok realised it was spelling one facetious word, over and over: "Rats". The stream of invective ceased moments before Marconi's signals from Poldhu arrived. Marconi would have been peeved, to say the least, but he did not respond directly to the insults in public. He didn't have to wait long.
