Lesson 5: Teaching Directions, Maps, and Coordinates
Download Lesson 5 (68KB) Teach your students some basic and more complex directional skills so they can navigate nature and the greater biosphere. This lesson starts with teaching basic directions and mapping techniques, then moves on to taking latitude and longitude coordinates and using global-positioning-system (GPS) units. Lesson Objectives and Materials Objectives Students will understand cardinal directions. practice using maps. learn how to use a compass. use a GPS unit and understand latitude and longitude coordinates. Materials NM data-collection form Field guides or animal fact sheets Compass Compass wheel Different maps Field journals (bound scientific notebooks) A 4-foot-square piece of colored paper Transparent tape Note cards Globe GPS unit Directions and Maps In two parts, teach your students about the cardinal directions and how to use a compass and maps. Follow these steps: Part 1: Directions 1. Where's the Sun? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Part 2: Maps 1. 2. 3. Practical and Assessment
Games for Science Learning and Scientific Discovery
Even though more people are recognizing the potential for teaching and learning through video games, there are still plenty of skeptics -- those who see video games as a mindless distraction, as entertainment and not education. But the work of a research center at the University of Washington may be at the forefront of challenging that notion. And this isn't just about how students can benefit from educational gaming either; it's about how scientific discovery can benefit from gamers. That latter element has found UW's Center for Game Science in the news a lot lately, as one of the games it developed has helped lead to a breakthrough in AIDS research. Creative Research Outsourcing The game in question is called, an online protein-folding game. Since the game's release, some 100,000 people have played Foldit, most of whom have little or no background in biochemistry. "We wanted to see if human intuition could succeed where automated methods had failed," Dr. A Peek Under the Hood
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NatureMapping Activities - Using Maps: Where Are You?
Home | About Us | How to Participate | Biodiversity Modules | Projects | Maps | News | Resources 8. Using Maps: Where Are You? Purpose: Students will learn how to locate the Township, Range, and Section, latitude and longitude or UTM of their homes and school. Materials needed: Teacher’s Guide: Explain to students there are three ways of learning how to find a geographic location. NatureMapping requirements are to report Township/Range and Section for a location. A. Find the latitude and longitude of your school by either using a GPS unit or search online for a website. B. UTM is measured by Northings and Eastings calculated in meters. Using your 1:100,000 map find the numbers along the right lower corner that look like this example: 5210000mN = This is the UTM line that is 5,210 kilometers or 5,210,000 meters N (north of the equator). 560000mE = 560,000 meters E of the UTM grid line for Zone 10 in this example. Student Guide » Definitions lat/long - Latitude/Longitude
PhysicsJS" by Well Caffeinated
Visit Mobile Site Chrome Experiments Celebrating creative code for the web. Hey! We highly recommend you launch this experiment in Google Chrome. Okay, I'll download Google Chrome I'm willing to risk it Back to All PhysicsJS November 29, 2013 Launch Experiment Or visit on your phone or tablet using Google Chrome. Author: Well Caffeinated Toronto Rate Experiment (26 ratings): From the Author: A set of demos of real-time 2D physics in the browser. Technology: html, css, javascript canvas requireJS (AMD modules) Tags: Not WebGL Gravity Comments By TJ Horner on December 26, 2013 Never thought a physics engine would be possible with JavaScript. Reply to this comment By sethaporn on December 08, 2013 good By Ahmad on November 29, 2013 amazing...................!!! thank uuu for js Add a comment All fields are required to prevent spam.
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Lesson Plan& Links
We started using GPS and GIS with our 5th-8th grade students during the 2005-2006 school year. I will post new lessons and activities as they are developed. If you have any ideas to share, please e-mail them to me. Need training in GPS & GIS technology? GPS Hide & Seek Students use GPS receivers to mark hiding spots for "treasures" and challenge other teams to find them. Mapping the Refuge During this activity, students use GPS receivers to mark an observation spot at our local wildlife refuge and record data and observations to compare the seasonal changes in our area. GPS Artists During this activity, students use GPS receivers to "write" their initials or draw a simple diagram. GPS Logic Challenge During this activity, students work in groups and use GPS receivers to locate various waypoints in our schoolyard. Mystery Bug Challenge I use this activity at the end of our insect unit. Earth Quest My parter and I developed this activity for our Science Club kids to celebrate Earth Day.
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30 Best Science Websites for Kids (Chosen by Teachers)
So many classes are moving to distance learning and science may be one of the harder subjects to master. It’s not easy to tackle biology and chemistry lab experiments from home! These websites will help supplement material in all middle and high school science subjects. Jump to your field of study: Best Science Websites for Teaching Biology HHMI Biointeractive You may be familiar with HHMI’s free movies and posters, they also offer films that are available to stream from the site. Biology Junction If you need a template for lab reports, ideas for your biology club, pacing guides or lessons for biology, Pre-AP Biology, or AP Biology, this is a good place to start. Biology Corner Developed by a high school teacher, Biology Corner includes curated resources from around the web paired with extra practice and presentations and as well as ready-to-use investigations. Virtual Urchin NOVA Labs Best Science Websites for Teaching Chemistry Ward’s Science featuring Ward’s World ChemCollective Bozeman Science
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