Wayward Creating Trucs et conseils pour la fabrication de costumes médiévaux Table des matières Dans le cadre des grandeur-natures (GN), le costume du personnage ajoute une dimension essentielle à toute la fin de semaine. Ce petit guide en ligne est une compilation de trucs et conseils pratiques pouvant aider à la fabrication de tels costumes, à la fois réalistes et confortables, mais où une touche de fantastique est accepté car rappelons-le, les GN ne sont pas du tout des événements de recréation médiéval. Sur ce, les notes qui suivent ne doivent pas être prises comme étant la réalité historique! Quelques bonnes références de documents historiques sont mentionnées dans le texte seulement dans le but de permettre à ceux qui le désirent de pousser plus loin leur recherche sur le vrai vêtement médiéval. Dans le cadre des GN, imaginons par exemple un guerrier qui aurait l'air d'un "spud", tel que décrit par Dagorhir, comment ne pas s'empêcher de décrocher! Le contexte des aventures se prête facilement à la confection d'un costume qui peut être avant tout: 1. 2. 3.
Ultimate List of Free Sewing Patterns | Fashionary Blog A while ago, when I walked along some vintage store in Manchester, I found some vintage sewing pattern. They were mainly from the 60′s and 70′s. If sewing is the language of fashion, the pattern should be the books. It recorded different style according to time. Below, here are some free pattern resources you can find online: BurdaStyle Thanks smiffy for the update (20/12/09) About Sewing Craftandfabriclinks.com Craftster Forum Sewing Stuff Otsukaya (大塚屋) Free Patterns.com Antique Pattern Library AllCrafts Babyclothes Free Needle Berroco Crochet Pattern Central Free Patterns Menu Modern Sewing Patterns Instuctables All Free Crafts Fitzpattern SavvySeams.com Are there any good free sites not in the list?
The Sideless Surcote By Lady Jehanne de Wodeford The Sideless Surcote by Lady Jehanne de Wodeford NEWLY UPDATED The sideless surcote, known in Spain as the pellote and sometimes referred to as the "gates of Hell" as it allowed glimpses of a shapely female figure, first appeared as a unisex garment in 12th century Spain. Within a few generations it had spread to England and France and, as illuminations in the Belle Heures of Jean, Duc de Berry indicate, were still being worn well into in the 14th century. No one questions whether men wore heraldic clothing in the Middle Ages. From the Luttrell Psalter, Sir Geoffrey Luttrell and his ladies. In 2003 when I webbed the original version of this article, I had found little in the way of how-to information on this easy and elegant garment during my time in the SCA. The Museo de Telas Medievales (Burgos, Spain) has in its collection a surviving pellote from the tomb of Leonor de Castille (died 1244), made of blue-green “Arabian brocade” with woven bands of decoration circling the skirt.
We Heart Vintage Make Your Own Clothing Labels This is part 2 of my 3 part label tutorial for textiles like clothing and bedding. Here are the 3 chapters: part 1 – what to say (or what the FTC wants you to put on your labels) part 2 – how to make them (DIY process of printing & cutting the labels on fabric) [you are here] part 3 – how to attach them (considerations for comfortable labels) This photo tutorial will walk you through how to print your own fabric labels and some lessons I’ve learned along the way. Step 1 – choose your treated fabric for your labels. In order for your printer ink to stain the fibers and last, you must use 100% natural fibers. If you don’t want to treat the fabric yourself, you can buy pretreated fabric sheets for your printer at craft stores or google them. And here is why picking your own fabric is important: you want your clothing labels to be comfortable when the garment is worn, and you don’t want them to unravel. I’ve got 2 fabric options for making your own labels that are comfortable: Done!
The Making of a Merida cosplay – Brave – Part 1 | Angela Clayton's Cosplay & Costumery I was on the train into NYC the other day, armed with birthday money and desire to buy fabric when I decided to cosplay Merida from Brave. I’ll admit the movie isn’t one of my favorites, since I think the “plot twist” in the middle is a bit silly! But I do love the message and the character, and I think that’s what matters. Merida has been on my “to-cosplay” list for ages and after watching a show that takes place in the 12th century (‘Pillars of the Earth’) I was feeling pretty inspired by the simple, but flattering garments from that time period, which made Merida move up on my list. It still wasn’t a costume I had planned on doing any time soon, but the mood for making it struck me right before a shopping trip, which is how I ended up with all the materials needed for this costume. The urge to actually sew it hit me 24 hours ago, so I did. What i’m making would be classified as a medieval kirtle (is that a fun word or what?) See basic Kirtle It’s flattering, isn’t it? Beautiful.
The Costumer's Manifesto V&A - The Golden Age of Couture - Exhibition Create a Couture Inspired Dress This dress pattern has been specially created for the Golden Age of Couture website. It is based on a 1950s ready to wear dress from the V&A collection and has been sized for modern day UK sizes 10, 12 and 14. The pattern is designed for you to download and print at home on A4 paper, or at a printer’s on larger sized paper. Once you've created your own couture inspired dress, why not upload a video of it to the Your Elegant Dress video gallery. Download the Pattern Instructions (PDF file, 340KB) Print at Home (A4) Download the Body Pattern (PDF file, 841 KB) Download the Skirt Pattern (PDF file, 1555 KB) Print at Printer's / Copy Shop Download the Body Pattern (PDF file, 705 KB) Download the Skirt Pattern (PDF file, 1389 KB) Find out more about the dress >
Fabric Labels Tutorial Many people have asked me how I make my labels so I have decided to make this little tutorial including pictures and any little tips that I have learned along the way. You will find that making your own labels is quite simple and much cheaper than purchasing custom labels. Pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy. Materials needed:computer, graphics program (I used photoshop) & inkjet printerregular printer paperiron-on transfer paperutility knife, cutting mat & metal rulerribbon (I used 1/2 inch natural cotton twill tape)iron & ironing boardscissors Step 1: Design your image using your program of choice working with a resolution of 300ppi for a clear image. Step 2: Print your labels. Step 3: Cut out the images preferably into long strips using your utility knife, cutting mat and ruler. Step 4: Iron the transfer onto the ribbon. Step 5: Peel off the backing paper. Step 6: Use them! You could also make laundering instruction labels, and quilt labels using this same method!
dragon pattern Yoki the Dragon Make your own cute plush dragon! Yoki the Dragon will be 25 cm / 10 inch tall when he is created. This sewing pattern has very detailed illustrated tutorial included. Yoki the Dragon has been designed by me, Mariska Vos-Bolman and so is the toy pattern and tutorial. Copyright Policy: These patterns are for personal use only. Price: € 7.50 Available in different print sizes: English Letter size: US & Canada English A4 size: Rest of the world Nederlands: When you want the file in the dutch language Deutsch: When you want the file in the german language These dragons are made by different people using the Dragon pattern: Click on the photo for an enlargment.
Illustrations costumes GN et médiévaux De l’inspiration pour vos costumes de GN (grandeur nature) de style médiéval principalement : voici une série de planches qui illustrent des stéréotypes de personnages (métier, statut social) et leurs tenues. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les costumes et tenues pour : Artisan, berger, gardien de troupeau et capuche, chasseur, citadins, comptable, clerc, greffier, costume royal, divers (fichu,…), docteur, fauconnier, jupe circulaire, mendiants et accessoires de toilette, musicien, paysans, pèlerin et voyageurs, robes femme, tavernier et tabliers. Les images donnent beaucoup d’idées en terme de style et également en terme d’accessoires que vous pourriez utiliser pour rendre vos costumes plus complets et donc vos personnages plus crédibles Les illustrations ne sont pas super détaillées en ce qui concerne les patrons. Un grand merci à Eliza qui me les a envoyées ! Pour plus d’inspiration encore vous pouvez consulter les articles suivant : Ressources Costumes GN et historiques
Wearing History Mes histoires de couture ! Des idées à partager .... - Page 11 - Mes histoires de couture ! Des idées à partager .... " Coup d' Eclat !! Une robe d'un rose cendré en lin couleur dragée boutonnée sur l'épaule de deux beaux boutons de nacre. Du lin, pour soi ! Taille 38 / 40 - 1,30 m de toile de lin en 1,60 m de large - Fil assorti - 2 boutons de nacre rose Reproduire les patrons à grndeur, y compris les parties hachurées qui correspondent aux pattes de boutonnage de l'épaule gauche. du tissu. Couper l'épaule droite sans patte de boutonnage, l'épaule gauche avec les pattes de boutonnage en ajoutant les rentrés de couture uniquement sur l''ncolure et l'emmanchure. Dans les chutes, couper des bandes de biais de 2,5 cm de large. pour obtenir une bande d''environ 2OO cm. Surfiler le tour de chaque morceau et un bord de la bande biaisée. Toutes les coutures sont faites endroit contre endroit, à 1 cm des bords. Ouvrir les coutures au fer au fur et à mesure du travail. Piquer la bande biaisée autour des emmenchures et de l'encolure. Retourner sur l'envers. vers l'envers à 1,5 cm de la ligne d'épaule. Ourler la robe . AH !