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Eukaryopolis - The City of Animal Cells: Crash Course Biology #4

Eukaryopolis - The City of Animal Cells: Crash Course Biology #4
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Anabolism vs Catabolism Anabolic and Catabolic Processes Anabolic processes use simple molecules within the organism to create more complex and specialized compounds. This synthesis, the creation of a product from a series of components, is why anabolism is also called "biosynthesis." The process uses energy to create its end products, which the organism can use to sustain itself, grow, heal, reproduce or adjust to changes in its environment. Growing in height and muscle mass are two basic anabolic processes. At the cellular level, anabolic processes can use small molecules called monomers to build polymers, resulting in often highly complex molecules. Catabolic processes break down complex compounds and molecules to release energy. The principal catabolic process is digestion, where nutrient substances are ingested and broken down into simpler components for the body to use. Hormones Many of the metabolic processes in an organism are regulated by chemical compounds called hormones. Anabolic hormones include:

A Giant-Sized History of Biotechnology Historically, biotech has been primarily associated with food (agtech), addressing such issues as malnutrition and famine. Today, biotechnology is most often associated with the development of drugs. But drugs are hardly the future of biotech. We’ve entered the Fourth Industrial Revolution (#4IR), and genetics are on a new level. Biotech is paving a way for a future open to imagination, and that’s kind of scary. The next ten years will surely prove exciting as artificial intelligence and biotechnology merge man and machine… The history of Biotech can be divided into three distinct phases: Ancient BiotechnologyClassical BiotechnologyModern Biotechnology 1. Most of the biotech developments before the year 1800 can be termed as ‘discoveries’ or ‘developments’. Humans have used biotechnology since the dawn of civilization.After domestication of food crops (corn, wheat) and wild animals, man moved on to other new observations like cheese and curd. 2. 3.

Cell Parts | Ask A Biologist Bibliographic details: Article: Parts of the CellAuthor(s): Dr. BiologyPublisher: Arizona State University School of Life Sciences Ask A BiologistSite name: ASU - Ask A BiologistDate published: September 27, 2009Date accessed: September 12, 2018Link: APA Style Dr. Chicago Manual of Style Dr. MLA 2017 Style Dr.

Cell Division Cell Division Functions in Reproduction, Growth, and Repair Cell division involves the distribution of identical genetic material, DNA, to two daughters cells. What is most remarkable is the fidelity with which the DNA is passed along, without dilution or error, from one generation to the next. Core Concepts: All Organisms Consist of Cells and Arise from Preexisting Cells Mitosis is the process by which new cells are generated. Meiosis is the process by which gametes are generated for reproduction. In order to better understand the concept of cell division and genetics, some basic definitions are in order: Chromosome structure Typical Animal Life Cycle The Cell Cycle mitosis - nuclear/chemical events resulting in two daughter nuclei which have identical genetic material to each other and to the mother cell cytokinesis - division of the cytoplasm. Mitosis in a Nutshell The stages of the cell cycle can be broken down into six stages: Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Sporting performance and food Nutrition and exercise The link between good health and good nutrition is well established. Interest in nutrition and its impact on sporting performance is now a science in itself. Whether you are a competing athlete, a weekend sports player or a dedicated daily exerciser, the foundation to improved performance is a nutritionally adequate diet. Daily training diet requirements The basic training diet should be sufficient to: provide enough energy and nutrients to meet the demands of training and exercise enhance adaptation and recovery between training sessions include a wide variety of foods like wholegrain breads and cereals, vegetables (particularly leafy green varieties), fruit, lean meat and low-fat dairy products to enhance long term nutrition habits and behaviours enable the athlete to achieve optimal body weight and body fat levels for performance provide adequate fluids to ensure maximum hydration before, during and after exercise promote the short and long-term health of athletes.

About Microbiology – Fungi Fungi can be single celled or very complex multicellular organisms. They are found in just about any habitat but most live on the land, mainly in soil or on plant material rather than in sea or fresh water. A group called the decomposers grow in the soil or on dead plant matter where they play an important role in the cycling of carbon and other elements. How a mycelium is formed and how spores are distributed The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Honey mushroom fungusThe largest organism in the world, when measured by area, is the Honey mushroom fungus, Armillaria. Types of fungi Fungi are subdivided on the basis of their life cycles, the presence or structure of their fruiting body and the arrangement of and type of spores (reproductive or distributional cells) they produce. The three major groups of fungi are: multicellular filamentous mouldsmacroscopic filamentous fungi that form large fruiting bodies. Multicellular filamentous moulds Yeasts

Genetics Genetics includes the study of heredity, or how traits are passed from parents to offspring. The topics of genetics vary and are constantly changing as we learn more about the genome and how we are influenced by our genes. Inheritance Mendel & Inheritance – powerpoint presentation covering basics of genetics Simple Genetics Practice – using mendelian genetics and punnett squares Genetic Crosses with two traits – basic crosses, uses Punnet squaresGenetic Crosses with two traits II – basic crossses, uses Punnett squaresDihybrid Crosses in Guinea Pigs (pdf) – step through on how to do a 4×4 punnett square Codominance & Incomplete Dominance – basic crosses involving codominance X-Linked Traits – practice crosses that involve sex-linkage, mainly in fruitflies How Do Genes Determine Skin Color? The Genetics of Blood Disorders – a worksheet with genetics problems that relate to specific disorders: sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, and Von Willebrand disease. Human Genetics Presentation Chromosomes

How Your Body Uses Carbs and Fats for Energy – Enzymedica One of the timeless comparisons we are told growing up is that our body is like a machine. It needs fuel in order to power its daily functions. However, for a lot of people, that’s all they remember. What is the “fuel”? For all three of these, energy is measured in “calories.” Carbs for EnergyThe real changes start in the small intestine for all three categories: protein, carbs and fats. In the case of carbohydrates, they are broken into sugars. In essence, the body enters a state of glycolysis (for glucose) or fructolysis (for fructose) that converts these simple sugars into energy. Fats for EnergyFats have unfairly received a poor reputation over the years when it comes being a component of a healthy diet. When it comes to energy, fats are the slowest digesting of the three macronutrients, but they are also the most efficient. In the intestine, fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. So, why the poor reputation? Where Can Things Go Wrong? Not all fats are the same either.

Les biocarburants - activités pédagogiques (2nd degré) Les moteurs diesel sont des moteurs à allumage par compression développés par Rudolph Diesel. Ils étaient conçus à l'origine pour fonctionner avec de l'huile d'arachide, et non pas avec du diesel minéral. Le biodiesel est un carburant destiné aux moteurs diesel conventionnels fabriqué à partir d'huiles végétales ou animales. Sujet : Cette unité permet à vos élèves de se familiariser avec l'importance du développement durable et les idées qui sous-tendent la production de biodiesel. Qu'est-ce que le biodiesel ? Le biodiesel est un carburant pour les moteurs diesel classiques fabriqué à partir d'huiles végétales ou animales qui ont été modifiées chimiquement en esters alkyliques. Comment fabriquer du biodiesel à partir d'huile de cuisson ? Normalement, l'huile végétale pure est trop visqueuse pour être utilisée dans un moteur diesel moderne. Objectifs : Age des élèves : 13-16 ans Matières abordées : Science (chimie), anglais, géographie environnementale Préparation nécessaire :

Parkway Central Biology - Honors Biology II Fall Semester 2012 Final Exam (not eligible for corrections) Spring Semester 2013 Final Exam (Multiple Choice Section) Spring Semester 2013 Final Exam (Short Answer/Problems Section) Unit 1 - Introduction to Genetics: Metaphase, Meiosis, and Mendel (Oh My!) Unit 1 Test (for test corrections) Additional Genetics Background Material Mitosis Review and Introduction to Meiosis The Story of Caster Semenya Using Karyotypes to Diagnose Human Genetic Disorders Who Was Gregor Mendel? Genetics Practice Problems Drosophila Genetics Lab Activity Human Genetic Disorder Project Human Blood Typing Game Extra Credit - Unit 1 Online Quiz Unit 2 - The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Unit 2 Quiz - Part 1 Experimental Evidence for DNA as the Genetic Material The Double Helix - Structure of DNA Semi-Conservative Model for DNA Replication The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology - Transcription and Translation What Makes a Firefly Glow? pGLO Bacterial Transformation Lab Unit 3- Evolution by Natural Selection

Fat Fat are an essential part of our diet and is important for good health. There are different types of fats, with some fats being healthier than others. To help make sure you stay healthy, it is important to eat unsaturated fats in small amounts as part of a balanced diet. When eaten in large amounts, all fats, including healthy fats, can contribute to weight gain. Eating less saturated and trans fats may help lower your risk of heart disease. So a diet that is low in saturated fats and trans fats, but that also includes moderate amounts of unsaturated fats will help you stay healthy. Saturated fats Eating greater amounts of saturated fat is linked with an increased risk of heart disease and high blood cholesterol levels. Animal-based products: Dairy foods – such as butter, cream, full fat milk and cheese Many manufactured and packaged foods: Unsaturated fats Unsaturated fats are an important part of a healthy diet. There are two main types of unsaturated fats: Polyunsaturated fats: Trans fats
