Why Social Sustainability Should Be Part Of Every Business I can’t think of anything that illustrates the human cost of doing business more than the tragedy this past April in Bangladesh. More than 1,100 men, women, and children died when the Rana Plaza building, which housed a number of garment factories, collapsed. Most were garment workers who were ordered by supervisors to report to work, even after inspectors deemed the building unsafe. Millions of people around the world work in dangerous and unhealthy conditions, earning a nominal income to deliver the products we consume. While the factory collapse in Bangladesh is a terrible tragedy, it’s another wake-up call that business leaders need. Some of you might be thinking that social sustainability is a phrase made up of feel-good buzz words. Here are three key points that every business leader should keep top-of-mind: Social Sustainability Mitigates Risk Simply put, ignoring social sustainability is a liability--to both your brand and product quality--that businesses can no longer afford.
Welcome - The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science A Brief Introduction to Typography | Buscando Trazos agosto 27, 2012 § La Tipografia és un dels elements clau de tot disseny gràfic. M’atreviria a dir que és l’ELEMENT. Amb aquesta infografia pretenc explicar els aspectes més bàsics de la tipografia i donar a conèixer les “millors”, aquelles que sempre funcionen sense necessitat de complicar-se gaire la vida. A continuació enllaço algunes pàgines que m’han servit de documentació: · 100 Best Typefaces · 100 Best Fonts in a Huge Sortable Table · Las 100 Mejores Fuentes Tipográficas · A Brief History of Type · Vox-ATypl Classification · Basic Anatomy · Serif · Typeface Anatomy Nota: La classificació emprada a l’apartat 100 Best Fonts no es correspon amb la que detallo en l’apartat Classification, ja que està agafada directament d’una pàgina web i les classificacions tipogràfiques estan subjectes a interpretacions que moltes vegades difereixen. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...
Arquitectura de información y usabilidad: nociones básicas para los profesionales de la información Indice Anterior Siguiente Lic. Antonio Montes de Oca Sánchez de Bustamante1 Resumen Se describen los antecendentes y se definen las nociones de "arquitectura de información" y "usabilidad". Palabras clave: Arquitectura de información, usabilidad, organización de la información, sistemas de navegación, webs, intranets, guía de evaluación. Abstract The background is described and some notes on "information architecture" and "usability". Key words: Information architecture, usability, information roganization, browsing systems, webs, intranets, assessment guide. Junto a ellos, sin embargo, han proliferado productos inconsistentes, sin una organización coherente de la información y que generan un proceso de recuperación sumamente difícil para sus usuarios. Compilar y analizar los elementos medulares que establecen las disciplinas de arquitectura de Información y usabilidad y que inciden en el desarrollo de productos de información para el World Wide Web. Métodos Arquitectura de información
5 Ways The Macintosh Changed Creativity Forever In a world in which music videos can be shot on an iPhone, and more design is seemingly done on screen than off, the idea that computers can shape how artists and designers create things seems obvious. But there was a time when computers and art seemed unbridgeable chasms apart. For most people, the Apple Macintosh--which launched 30 years ago this month--helped cross that gap, and made the design world all the better for it. What follows are five ways that Apple’s desktop computer helped change creativity forever. The Mac Turned Computers Into Tools For Creating Art Just a few decades before the Macintosh, computers filled entire rooms, weighed 50 tons, and came without monitors. “We were trying to make a machine that a person with an artist’s or a musician’s sensibilities would want to use,” says Bill Atkinson, a computer engineer who worked on the Mac and an accomplished nature photographer. “I view tools like Photoshop as repayment in kind for what I did at Apple,” Atkinson says.
How Spritz Redesigned Reading, Letting You Scan 1,000 Words A Minute When we read, our eyes move across a page or a screen to digest the words. All of that eye movement slows us down, but a new technology called Spritz claims to have figured out a way to turn us into speed-readers. By flashing words onto a single point on a screen, much like watching TV, Spritz says it will double your reading speed. Spritz Inc. is attempting to redesign reading--and renaming it “spritzing”--by streaming one word at a time at speeds varying between 250 and 1,000 words per minute. “Spritzing is not for everyone,” CEO and co-founder Frank Waldman tells Co.Design. The technology was released last Sunday at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, and the company has since received more than 5,000 developer submissions. Waldman believes the technology has promise for educational settings, too. Spritz may let you hoover up text, like speed-eating without chewing, but how does it affect enjoyment of reading? Try out Spritz yourself here. [Image: Student reading via Shutterstock]
Design Pirate Cody Foster Tries To Buy Victim's Silence Design pirate Cody Foster is at it again. Accused of ripping off the designs of a number of independent designers late last year, the Nebraskan tchotchke wholesaler is now trying to settle one of the lawsuits that has sprung up in the wake of the allegations. Cody Foster's conditions? In our first story about Cody Foster, we detailed how pursuing a case against a design pirate can cost independent designers hundreds of thousands of dollars in accumulated legal fees. Cody Foster is now offering payment to its critics, trying to convince them to be quiet. Late last year, Cassandra Smith, a Milwaukee-based artist known for her distinctively painted antlers, discovered that Cody Foster was selling antlers to retailers that were nearly identical to her designs, right down to the color patterns. Then there was the fine print. Smith and her attorneys initially declined the offer, indicating that $650 was not worth a gag order on what they had been through, and reached out to Co.Design.
Co.Design Bracket Madness: Who Is The World's Greatest Living Designer? [Round 3] Welcome to Round 3 of Co.Design Bracket Madness! With your help, we've compiled a bracket featuring some of the greatest designers alive. Your job is to help crown a winner. Readers have cast more than 70,000 votes for their favorite designers so far. There were a number of close matches in Round 2, but none more hair-raising than Zaha Hadid vs. Norman Foster, in which Foster edged out the first female Pritzker Prize winner by a single vote. Massimo Vignelli beat Stefan Sagmeister, receiving 64% of the vote vs. Who will make it to the Final Four? Suzanne LaBarre and Mark Wilson contributed reporting. [Graphic and Illustration: Gus Wezerek / Fast Company]
29 Photos That Show The True Meaning Of Playing With Death. These People Are Mad (PICS) Image credits: Gordon Wiltsie25 Image credits: Corey Rich Image credits: Brian Mosbaugh Image credits: Keith Ladzinski Image credits: Natasha Sadovskaya Image credits: Andreas Resch Image credits: richard0428 Image credits: Mustang Wanted Image credits: Jordan Matters Image credits: Solent News/Rex/Rex USA Image credits: Lucas Gilman Image credits: Kirill Oreshkin Image credits: Romina Amato Image credits: Roof Topper Image credits: Ronny Randen Image credits: Isaac Gautschi Image credits: tapiture.com Image credits: Alex Emanuel Koch Image credits: Jared Alden Image credits: Dan Carr Image credits: Greg Sims Image credits: Christian Pondella Image credits: Alex Honnold Image credits: Krystle Wright Image credits: SHAMS /BARCROFT MEDIA/Barcroft Media /Landov Image credits: Michael Nichols Image credits: Desre Tate Image credits: secondglobe.com
INTERIEURARCHITECT - Studio Renier Winkelaar