Why Social Sustainability Should Be Part Of Every Business I can’t think of anything that illustrates the human cost of doing business more than the tragedy this past April in Bangladesh. More than 1,100 men, women, and children died when the Rana Plaza building, which housed a number of garment factories, collapsed. Most were garment workers who were ordered by supervisors to report to work, even after inspectors deemed the building unsafe. Millions of people around the world work in dangerous and unhealthy conditions, earning a nominal income to deliver the products we consume. While the factory collapse in Bangladesh is a terrible tragedy, it’s another wake-up call that business leaders need. Some of you might be thinking that social sustainability is a phrase made up of feel-good buzz words. Here are three key points that every business leader should keep top-of-mind: Social Sustainability Mitigates Risk Simply put, ignoring social sustainability is a liability--to both your brand and product quality--that businesses can no longer afford.
Portail d'information des maisons départementales des personnes handicapées MDPH Why We Cant Clean Up the Pacific Gyre :: Fake Plastic Fish | Live Life With Less Plastic Over the next few years you are going to hear a lot of claims about programs to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The floating island of plastic garbage twice the size of Texas. The trash patch. The area Captain Charles Moore discovered ten years ago. The Pacific Garbage Patch is not an island. First of all, it’s a misnomer to call it an island. There are several ocean gyres full of plastic. The problem is even bigger than cleaning up the North Pacific Gyre. We’re Dumping More Plastic Into the Ocean Than We Can Clean Up. How can we ever clean it up when every day, more and more single-use disposable products are manufactured, used, and disposed of? Focusing on Cleanup Misdirects Attention from the Real Issue. The Plastics Industry sponsors cleanup efforts without reducing the production of single-use disposable plastics in the first place. You are encouraged to implement the sections and steps that help achieve your company’s specific goals. What experts have to say
How do we redesign a new economic theory framed by ecological systems? | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian Professional Economics as we know it today is broken. Unable to explain, to predict or to protect, it is need of root-and-branch replacement. Or, to borrow from Alan Greenspan, it is fundamentally "flawed". But where do we look for inspiration in facilitating what is the mother of all paradigm shifts? Interestingly, the most insightful and strikingly innovative ideas are coming from all directions other than the economics profession. Ecology offers the insight that the economy is best understood as a complex adaptive system, more a garden to be lovingly observed and tended than a machine to be regulated by mathematically calculable formulae. From anthropology we learn that economy and society are inseparable and that markets and money are relatively recent arrivals, a thin veneer layered onto a much older history of co-operation, gift and reciprocity. At our college, the core hypothesis we work with is that nature is mentor. This content is brought to you by Guardian Professional.
Welcome - The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science A Brief Introduction to Typography | Buscando Trazos agosto 27, 2012 § La Tipografia és un dels elements clau de tot disseny gràfic. M’atreviria a dir que és l’ELEMENT. Amb aquesta infografia pretenc explicar els aspectes més bàsics de la tipografia i donar a conèixer les “millors”, aquelles que sempre funcionen sense necessitat de complicar-se gaire la vida. A continuació enllaço algunes pàgines que m’han servit de documentació: · 100 Best Typefaces · 100 Best Fonts in a Huge Sortable Table · Las 100 Mejores Fuentes Tipográficas · A Brief History of Type · Vox-ATypl Classification · Basic Anatomy · Serif · Typeface Anatomy Nota: La classificació emprada a l’apartat 100 Best Fonts no es correspon amb la que detallo en l’apartat Classification, ja que està agafada directament d’una pàgina web i les classificacions tipogràfiques estan subjectes a interpretacions que moltes vegades difereixen. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...
ACCUEIL - Chercheurs Malades Les premiers à attendre les avancées de la recherche sont les malades et les personnes handicapées. C'est pourquoi l'Inserm développe depuis plusieurs années une politique de dialogue et de partenariat qui a permis de construire des relations de confiance avec près de 400 associations de malades concernées par la recherche. A l'occasion de ses 50 ans, l'Inserm leur ouvre ses laboratoires ainsi qu’à leur famille et organise avec de nombreuses associations, les rencontres "Les chercheurs accueillent les malades". The Venus Project Sustainability Professional Development & Membership | International Society of Sustainability Professionals Arquitectura de información y usabilidad: nociones básicas para los profesionales de la información Indice Anterior Siguiente Lic. Antonio Montes de Oca Sánchez de Bustamante1 Resumen Se describen los antecendentes y se definen las nociones de "arquitectura de información" y "usabilidad". Palabras clave: Arquitectura de información, usabilidad, organización de la información, sistemas de navegación, webs, intranets, guía de evaluación. Abstract The background is described and some notes on "information architecture" and "usability". Key words: Information architecture, usability, information roganization, browsing systems, webs, intranets, assessment guide. Junto a ellos, sin embargo, han proliferado productos inconsistentes, sin una organización coherente de la información y que generan un proceso de recuperación sumamente difícil para sus usuarios. Compilar y analizar los elementos medulares que establecen las disciplinas de arquitectura de Información y usabilidad y que inciden en el desarrollo de productos de información para el World Wide Web. Métodos Arquitectura de información