ESL Lesson Plan for Intonation | Speechpeek Blog I teach this lesson to my ESL students in my Oral Communications class. I usually start my class with a pronunciation tip, such as this one, because my students find it helpful and fun, and it loosens them up for the rest of the class session. I like to arrange the desks so that they form a “U”. This arrangement is helpful for both pair and large group work. INSTRUCTION (5-10 minutes) I start the lesson by explaining what Intonation is and why it’s so important: I then show how intonation is used correctly: Intonation should fall at the end of declarative statements. Examples: That’s my house.I like apples. Intonation should rise at the end of questions or statements expressing doubt. You’re moving? IN-CLASS EXERCISES (20-25 minutes) After the instructional part of the lesson, I then give my students time in class to practice what they just learned. In pairs One of them would be Student A, and the other would be Student B. Student A: You ran fifty miles. Student A: He drank all of the wine.
Метод чтения Ильи Франка Предлагаем сотрудничество преподавателям иностранных языков! Теперь при покупке электронных книг Вы можете заплатить за них по системе PayPal ! Приглашаем к сотрудничеству преподавателей и переводчиков, которые хотели бы подготовить пособие по методу чтения Ильи Франка по следующим языкам: Хинди Тайский Эстонский Узбекский Пишите frank@franklang.ruЭтот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript Этот сайт представляет вам книги на разных языках, адаптированные по методу чтения Ильи Франка (т. е. адаптированные без изменения текста оригинала, при помощи вставленного в текст русского дословного перевода и лексического комментария). Метод Ильи Франка дает возможность осваивающим какой-либо иностранный язык читать на нем книги без словаря, быстро привыкая к системе языка и набирая лексический запас (при чтении, например, 2 часа в день — около 1000 слов в месяц). Книга Ильи Франка "Прыжок через быка" (2014 год) Скачать бесплатно в .doc
Alchemy Electronic Dictionary: Find Out the Meaning of Arcane Words and Ciphers Instantly! To find out the meaning of a word, select the beginning letter: Or select the symbol for which you would like to see a definition: For Alchemy Lab website assistance, click ablution The process of washing a solid with a liquid, usually in water. Spiritually and psychologically, it is facing one's emotions and letting feelings flow, so that innocence and purity can be restored. Aion (see Ouroboros) Air Air is one of the Four Elements of alchemy. alchemy The word is derived from the Arabian phrase "al-kimia," which refers to the preparation of the Stone or Elixir by the Egyptians. alembic The upper part of a still; a still-head. alkahest The alkahest is the power from Above that makes possible alchemical transformation. aludel A pear-shaped earthenware bottle, open at both ends. amalgam The amalgam is a solid metal formed by the combination of mercury with gold, silver, lead, or other metals. angel An angel in alchemical treatises symbolizes sublimation or the ascension of the volatile principle. Ankh
International Dialects of English Archive Biography of Silvio Fanti Silvio Fanti, Italian, was born in Neuchâtel (Switzerland), the 22 September 1919 and died in Paris the 26 June 1997. He completed his high school studies both in French (in Fribourg) and in German (in Einsiedeln). He earned his bachelor’s degree in medicine from the University of Zurich. He later presented his dissertation in Psychiatry at the University of Vienna (Austria): "Response during electroshock" and obtained a PhD in gynecology and obstetrics at the University of Geneva with a thesis on conducted birth. He trained as a Freudian psychoanalyst with Dantzer, in New York (where he spent several years after the war), then with Gressot, member of the SSP, in Geneva. Starting from the fifties, he gradually developed a new method that he would later name "micropsychoanalysis". Being able to carry out analysis in French, Italian, English and German, he was professionally requested in the five continents. During his long stays in India, China, Japan, Australia, America . . .
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American and British English For the second portion of the list, see List of words having different meanings in British and American English: M–Z. Asterisked (*) meanings, though found chiefly in the specified region, also have some currency in the other dialect; other definitions may be recognised by the other as Briticisms or Americanisms respectively. Additional usage notes are provided when useful. A[edit] B[edit] C[edit] D[edit] E[edit] F[edit] G[edit] H[edit] I[edit] J[edit] K[edit] L[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Further reading[edit] Note: the below are general references on this topic. Bickerton, Anthea (1985). External links[edit] The Septic's Companion: A British Slang Dictionary – an online dictionary of British slang, viewable alphabetically or by category
: - Pronunciation Poem - Dearest Creature in Creation - Study English Pronunciation That English Pronunciation Poem! Listen to this tricky little poem and you can practise your pronunciation and listening skills, and don't worry if you don't know all the words and their different pronunciation. Even Lynne got Arkansas wrong the first time round! In fact, this was the first poem Lynne ever recorded for the site, and she's re-recorded it three times now, just to improve the quality. This will probably be the last time, unless someone buys her a recording studio. You will still need a compatible player and an up to date browser. Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. Just compare heart, beard, and heard, Dies and diet, lord and word, Sword and sward, retain and Britain. Billet does not rhyme with ballet, Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet. Ivy, privy, famous; clamour And enamour rhymes with hammer. Query does not rhyme with very, Nor does fury sound like bury. Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven. Could you do better? | - !