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Getting Started with Kinect and Processing

Getting Started with Kinect and Processing
So, you want to use the Kinect in Processing. Great. This page will serve to document the current state of my Processing Kinect library, with some tips and info. The current state of affairs Since the kinect launched in November 2010, there have been several models released. Here's a quick list of what is out there and what is supported in Processing for Mac OS X. Kinect 1414: This is the original kinect and works with the library documented on this page in Processing 2.1 Kinect 1473: This looks identical to the 1414, but is an updated model. Now, before you proceed, you could also consider using the SimpleOpenNI library and read Greg Borenstein’s Making Things See book. I’m ready to get started right now What hardware do I need? First you need a “stand-alone” kinect (model 1414 only for now!). Standalone Kinect Sensor If you have a previous kinect that came with an XBox, it will not include the USB adapter. Kinect Sensor Power Supply Um, what is Processing? ofxKinectKinect CinderBlock Lots! Related:  `test 1023`test 1023

Main Page Getting started with Kinect on Ubuntu 12.04 – OpenNI, Nite , SimpleopenNI and Processing | ramsrigoutham The objective of this tutorial is - 1) To install OpenNI, Nite (drivers that help getting data from the kinect) in Ubuntu 12.04. 2) To set up Processing and SimpleOpenNI ( OpenNI and Nite wrapper for Processing ) using which you can get started with Kinect coding. What you need? Kinect with usb cable and a computer with Ubuntu installed. It is not recommended to run Ubuntu as a wubi installer from Windows when working with Kinect. Better install Ubuntu in a new partition and run it. 1) Installing OpenNI and NITE 1) I highly recommend installing 32 bit versions of all even if yours is a 64 bit system. Tip: Instead of navigating to different folders using cd command you can enable Open in terminal option when you right click in any folder. sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal After installing type : killall nautilus && nautilus in terminal to activate the change immediately. Testing the installation: Connect the kinect and ensure that the green Led on it is blinking. . Errors in my case:

Global Health, Local Knowledge Marker Color Marker color reflects the noteworthiness of events at a particular location during a given time window. An event's degree of noteworthiness is based on the significance rating of the alert provided by HealthMap users. Marker Size The large circle indicates a country-level alert, while state, province and local alerts are indicated by the small circle. Kinect - Medien Wiki The Microsoft® XBOX 360 Kinect is a motion controller developped by PrimeSense. It projects a pattern with infrared light and calculates a depth image using a camera. It also has a color camera and four microphones. About Blogs and portals Software Applications CocoaKinect App Freenect by Robert Pointon Synapse generates sceleton data and provides it as OSC[[OSC|Open Sound Control]] ofxFaceTracker provides face metrics (orientation, eye and mouth open/closed) over OSC[[OSC|Open Sound Control]] TUIO Kinect lets you define a depth range where multiple blobs can be detected. SDKs, Frameworks and Libraries Depth image Drivers, Installation pix_freenect for Pd[[Pure Data]] a dataflow programming environment (incl. binaries work without any compiling) fux_kinect Object for Pd[[Pure Data]] a dataflow programming environment ofxKinect openFramworks Kinect integration vvvv kinect integration Skeleton data Successors/Competitors

C++ GL Example main.cpp Makefile This Makefile is probably not Portable to your System then are changes required CC = g++ LD = g++ LDFLAGS = CFLAGS=-g -Wall `pkg-config --cflags libfreenect` -lopengl32 -lglut32 LIBS = `pkg-config --libs libfreenect` -lGL -lGLU -lglut OBJECTS = main.o PROG = mycppview all:$(PROG) $(PROG): $(OBJECTS) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(OBJECTS) -o $(PROG) %.o: %.cpp $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) -c $< clean: rm -rf *.o $(PROG) Global Payroll Service Provider Gluciboat : un serious game pour accompagner les patients diabétiques de type 2 Ce jeu virtuel consiste en une croisière ludique en méditerranée. Chaque escale est l'occasion d'en apprendre un peu plus sur le diabète de type 2 et de progresser dans la compréhension de la prise en charge. Le 14 octobre, l'URPS Médecins Libéraux PACA et la Fédération Française des Diabétiques ont dévoilé une innovation, qui pourrait faciliter la prise en charge des patients diabétiques. Sur le même sujet Mais c'est quoi un serious game ? Gluciboat est plutôt considéré ici comme un outil d'éducation thérapeutique (ETP). Une nouvelle approche dynamique dans la relation patient-soignant L'intérêt, c'est que le médecin va pouvoir suivre à distance les progrès de son patient sur le jeu virtuel et adapter au besoin son suivi. Son contenu a été développé avec l'aide des Patients Experts des Associations de Diabétiques (AFD) fédérées de la Région Sud PACA et validé ensuite par des médecins endocrinologues. Voguer sur les eaux de la méditerranée pour mieux comprendre votre diabète

Vizual Invaders - blog U.F.O. par VJ ZERO. Voici la nouvelle création de l’artiste visuel ZERO ( U.F.O (Unknow Flashing Object), mise en œuvre par le label et très certainement le plus beau projet auquel nous avons participé. CLIQUER ICI POUR VOIR LA VIDEO ! ∞INFINITY∞ par Vizual Invaders. Voici la nouvelle scénographie du label, polymorphe, elle est conçue pour s’adapter à toutes les jauges de scène. Making Things See Available for Early Release I’m proud to announce that my book, Making Things See: 3D Vision with Kinect, Processing, and Arduino, is now available from O’Reilly. You can buy the book through O’Reilly’s Early Release program here. The Early Release program lets us get the book out to you while O’Reilly’s still editing and designing it and I’m still finishing up the last chapters. If you buy it now, you’ll get the preface and the first two chapters immediately and then you’ll be notified as additional chapters are finished and you’ll be able to download them for free until you have the final book. This way you get the immediate access to the book and I get your early feedback to help me find mistakes and improve it before final publication. So, what’s in these first two chapters? Chapter Two begins the real work of learning to make interactive programs with the Kinect. I’m also excited to see what O’Reilly’s design team comes up with for a cover. Enjoy the book!
