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Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

Home Page August 7, 2012 To all my educator colleagues: As you all know, I retired in June of 2011 from my school district job as Director of Technology. I retired to spend more time learning new things to support you as you embed technology into teaching and learning in a meaningful way. Since I started the Schrockguide in June of 1995, a lot has changed. However, I am not retired from providing you with great resources and ideas to support teaching and learning! I have moved all the support information for my presentations over to Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything, located here, to help you as you think about the practical and pedagogical uses of technology. I also have my personal blog, Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch, at where I post gadget reviews and information as well as my other thoughts. I hope to hear from you via the new sites I am now creating. Kathy

Keep Calm and Teach On Small Steps for Differentiation: Tier It! | Beyond Traditional Math I’m still searching for ways to differentiate in small ways that take just a second or two. An activity that is tiered is something that is leveled differently. A true tiered activity means that there are two (or sometimes more) options that account for a different level of thinking. Not everything can be tiered, but some basic math skills can be tiered quite easily. Here is an example. I saw this post on Pinterest the other day for a primary classroom. This is an awesome activity for students that are just starting out with numbers and subtilizing. I think if we systematically think about what the next “level” of some of those basic math skills are, we can slowly incorporate the correct materials into our centers, our assignments and our games. Like this: Like Loading... Related Sometimes They Explain It Better Than You As much as my ego doesn't like to admit it, often times my student's explanations of math concepts and processes is WAY more effective than mine. In "education"

Education Place® Washington Reading/Language Arts We're sorry, the page you requested requires you to select your state. Choose your state. Classroom Resources for Teachers Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. ADD versus ADHD What's the difference? Description Of ADD vs. ADHD By Barbara C Fisher & Ross A Beckley Definition: AD/HD is the presence of a genetic biochemical disorder that does not allow people to work to their full potential. The Brain: a) Frontal Lobe integrates all the information b) Parietal area processes sensory information c) Temporal – memory, balance, and hearing d) Occipital is the visual area Only the Frontal and Parietal areas are involved in AD/HD. Neurotransmitters: The brain talks to itself chemically and electronically. A chemical imbalance is a neurotransmitter failure. Symptoms can vary from day to day, hour to hour and sometimes cannot be seen. ADD Without Hyperactivity is not always recognizable if the person can compensate and "get by". ADD Without Hyperactivity - Over-focused Subtype Indications: 1.

The Elementary Math Maniac: Common Core Standards for Telling Time: Grade 1 Have your first graders started working on time? I just introduced time to my first graders a week ago and they are already doing a great job! The Common Core standard for telling time can be found in the Measurement & Data section. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.MD.B.3Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks. Introducing the Floor Clock (Time Mat) I have several Judy clocks and they are great for whole group instruction. . I start by laying the clock on the floor and asking kids what they notice. Next I put the hour hand on the clock or have one of the students do it. Next, I show them that sometimes the hour hand is right between two numbers. Next we attach the minute hand and use both hands to show what time to the hour and half an hour look like. Moving from Whole Group Practice to Independent or Partner Practice Over the next few days, I might use the Judy clock or the time mat again to model times or have students model times. Practicing at Math Stations

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