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What Happens At Y Combinator
What Happens At Y Combinator Paul Graham updated Oct 2013 Y Combinator runs two three-month funding cycles a year, one from January through March and one from June through August. Dinners During each cycle we host a dinner once a week at Y Combinator and invite some eminent person from the startup world to speak. People start to show up for dinners around 6 pm. The time before dinner is a chance for founders to talk to one another and to us in an unstructured way. The speaker usually shows up before 7 and talks informally with the founders before dinner. I didn't consciously realize how much speakers at more public events censored themselves till I was able to compare the same people speaking off the record at YC dinners and on the record at Startup School. One founder wrote: Most of the practical advice is redundant, but there's value in it even as such—if you hear the same things over and over again from different angles, especially from prominent people, it tends to sink in more. Alumni