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Claire Keane

Claire Keane

THECAB - The Concept Art Blog Andrée Wallin Filter by: Concept Art Mattepainting Elder Scrolls Online | Nord Battle Concept Art Telikos Protocol Oblivion | San Diego Comic-Con Poster Mattepainting LMS | Gabriel & Jawesome Spaceship Curvy City Golden hour Oblivion | Movie Poster Bridges Headphones Rain Wasteland 2 | Desert Ranger Concept Art, Mattepainting Wasteland 2 | The Scorpitron Legionnaires Trollskogen Swamp fever Downtown Voltron Concept Art Mountain serenity Metropolis Searching 2 Archland Tripod boulevard In the jungle Mobilize The chase Napoleon: Total War | Egypt Napoleon: Total War | Italy Postapocalyptic city Deep Impact Arctic Edge Intro Office bot Ghetto enviro Farmbot Big robots Fight! Curvy city Above the clouds Arctic outpost Split Second Promotional Art Dodging Spaceship WWII Enviro Boxing cage Dragon vs. Hole-in-one Starship Factory District 10 Sci-Fi City New Mill City You and Me Organic Valley Searching NAVIGATION Home About Contact News Portfolio CONTACT Andrée Wallin → Email Concept ArtMattepainting

Lorelay Bove lines and colors :: a blog about drawing, painting, illustration, comics, concept art and other visual arts Founded in 2003 by Jon Beinart as the “beinArt Australian Surreal Art Collective” and expanded internationally in 2006 as the “beinArt International Surreal Art Collective”, the beinArt Collective has long been a web destination, publisher and sponsor of group exhibitions for artists working in the areas of strange, surreal, fantastic, psychedelic, visionary and outsider art. Aficionados of these genres have found the website, and its reserve of artist galleries, missing for a time now, while founder Jon Beinart endeavored to bring the site up to date, reduce the strain of upkeep on the multiple galleries and generally bring the site into line with the modern web, streamlined and functioning more as a lighthouse than a repository. The good news is that the beinArt Collective site is now back from the shadows; and, given its nature, has of course, brought the shadows back with it.

Kemp Remillard Skip to Content Scroll Down!! CGW class Star Citizen More G.I.Joe G.I.Joe ‘Super VTOL’ Train robots and autonomous helicopters Mustache Ride Gee Eye Joe Void Star Creations They expect results « Older Entries Nate Wragg Art and Illustration lines and colors :: a blog about drawing, painting, illustration, comics, concept art and other visual arts Natasha Saville Art Brittney Lee Camille André Scott Eaton eric guillon Epais et Tordu, le site officiel de Manu Larcenet Le catalogue Christie’s. Je reçois le catalogue Christie’s d’une vente aux enchère d’originaux de bandes dessinées. Je dois avouer que, si la vente me laisse froid, je reste des heures à admirer ce catalogue. Le génie de certains grands anciens, pionniers, virtuoses vous explose à la figure. Les fac-similés sont superbes. On voit les repentirs, les retouches, la densité des traits, les crayonnés, le sens des traits, leur force, les tensions, les repos… Une Bible pour dessinateur, pour peu qu’on aime la bande dessinée classique. Au sortir de ce grand moment, je me dis que, tout de même, il est dommage que j’en sois réduit à me palucher sur un catalogue d’exposition! Eux ont des livres d’art. publicité Aujourd’hui, les Rêveurs sortent le livre époustouflant de Carlos Nine « rapport visuel sur la ville de Buenos Aires et ses environs. » Sans oublier mon propre « Microcosme ». Ses deux livres ont été somptueusement habillés par Aude Charlier, grâce lui soit rendue.

Alice X. Zhang
