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Blog: Cool Tents for Chic Camping Vacations

Blog: Cool Tents for Chic Camping Vacations
DON'T MISS OUT….. ? Get our latest discoveries straight to your inbox Spending time in the great outdoors is one of our favorite things, if you couldn't tell from the articles we've written on glamping, tents, and ultra-chic campers. A quick look around the web shows that we're far from the only ones who've fallen in love with all aspects of camping, especially when it comes to tent design. This may resemble some sort of hovering alien spacecraft or high-end treehouse, but it's really a tent. As you see here, the Tentsile Stingray tent only gives the illusion of floating above the ground. Want something super luxe? A stay at these deluxe glamping acommodations–no kidding, some of the domes have bathrooms and terraces, and the hotel itself offers a restaurant and bar—includes a number of cool outdoor excursions such as hiking, cycling, and safaris. We profile The Cave below, the precursor to this inflatable tent. A perfect tent for bookworms. A cheeky message for peeping toms. Related:  SE SUSPENDRE

Vertiginous Cliff House designed to hang off a precipice News: a company that specialises in prefabricated housing has unveiled a concept for a modular residence that would hang off the side of a cliff. Australian housing firm Modscape developed the Cliff House in response to a number of client requests for homes in extreme coastal locations. Comprising five storeys, the residence is designed to cling onto the side of a vertical rockface. "Inspired by the way barnacles cling to the hull of a ship, a concept was developed for a modular home to hang off the side of a cliff as opposed to sitting on top of it," said Modscape in a statement. "The home is visualised as a natural extension of the cliff face rather than an addition to the landscape, creating an absolute connection with the ocean." According to the design team, this kind of construction would not be possible using conventional construction. The roof of the house would sit level with the ground, making it impossible to create a standard entrance.

Herself’s Houston Garden — Gardening for fun and wildlife at the edge of Houston’s piney woods Un tour en orbite, ça vous dirait? | D'ici et d' Si vous avez le vertige, tenez-vous loin de la nouvelle expérience artistique de l’Argentin Tomás Saraceno. S’apparentant à une toile d’araignée géante tissée dans le cosmos, son installation In Orbit forme un paysage surréaliste au musée allemand kunstsammlung nordrhein-westfalen, donnant l’impression aux visiteurs de nager dans les nuages. L’œuvre est composée de multiples filets de sécurité, tous suspendus à plus de 25 mètres du sol, et entrelacés sur 3 niveaux par une série d’énormes sphères en PVC. Pour l’artiste, ceux qui osent tester son installation passeront nécessairement par une large gamme d’émotions et de sensations, allant d’une impression de vol d’oiseau jusqu’au sentiment de flotter dans les airs. Réalisée en collaboration avec des ingénieurs, des architectes et des biologistes, l’œuvre de Tomás Saraceno restera en place pour les 3 prochaines années. Vidéo | Voici à quoi ressemble l’expérience: Quelques images des projets précédents de l’artiste: Like this: J'aime chargement…

Tomás Saraceno Il est malheureux de devoir aller jusqu’à Berlin pour voir de ses propres yeux Cloud Cities, l’incroyable installation de l’artiste argentin, Tomás Saraceno, tissée dans la grande nef du musée Hamburger Bahnhof de Berlin jusqu’au 15 janvier. Né en Argentine en 1973, vivant aujourd’hui à Francfort, Tomás Saraceno reste étrangement peu connu et peu montré en France. Il a pourtant exposé ses installations visionnaires dans le monde entier : Walker Art Center de Minneapolis en 2008, Biennale de Venise et Statens Museum for Kunst de Copenhague en 2009, Bonniers Konsthall de Stockholm en 2010. Quelques chanceux ont peut-être aperçu son travail à la Biennale de Lyon en 2006 ou aux Ateliers Calder de Saché, Indre et Loire, en 2010. Cloud Cities est constituée d’une vingtaine de biosphères, qui sont conçues au départ comme des œuvres autonomes. En attendant que Tomás Saraceno vienne tisser une de ses oniriques installations en France, qu’on se le dise… Berlin n’est qu’à une heure de vol de Paris.

miguel chevalier projects explosions of massive stars onto france's rodez cathedral best known as one of the pioneers of digital and virtual art, french digital artist miguel chevalier draws inspiration from art history, nature and artifice. for his latest endeavour, chevalier has taken over france’s rodez cathedral, creating a generative virtual reality installation that projects onto the structure’s central nave thirty different colored networks of light, combined with pictures of explosions of massive stars. all images courtesy of miguel chevalier dubbed digital supernova, this installation by miguel chevalier is an immersive experience that blends art and science. to bring it to life, the artist has collaborated with astrophysicist fabio acero, a specialist in supernova remnant, who is developing his research at the AIM laboratory. thanks to this alliance, chevalier was able to combine his wired virtual worlds with a series of exclusive documents acero delivered to him. project info: name: digital supernova artist: miguel chevalier juliana neira I designboom

Land'Art au château de Châteaubriant - sans titre De quoi s’agit-il ? La tente Cacoon est un hamac suspendu, une sorte de tipi à suspendre en forme de goutte d’eau, qui permet de se reposer après une longue journée de travail, de faire la sieste dehors en profitant du chant des oiseaux, ou encore de s’amuser avec les copains le temps d’un week-end (sans trop chahuter, ce n’est pas un trempoline !). L’avantage avec Cacoon, c’est que vous pouvez vous relaxer au rythme de la balancelle, en intérieur comme en extérieur, en toute saison ! A l’instar des tentes suspendues Tentsile, cette tente nous rappelle des souvenirs d’enfance, de cabane dans les arbres, d’aventure et les ravive autour d’un hamac à la forme conviviale, originale et design ! En fait, Cacoon c’est un peu plus qu’une simple cabane dans les arbres. C’est un produit qui se trouve à mi-chemin entre la balançoire, le hamac et le fauteuil de jardin. Quelle est l’origine du nid suspendu Cacoon ? Voir les produits Cacoon sur Amazon Voir la Cacoon double sur Amazon Le nid hamac Joki

sans titre Embryo is a cylindrical two story tree dwelling that utilises the principles of bio mimicry. The design of the structure was to give the illusion that it is almost part of the tree trunk like a Burl as well a taking certain elements from a wasps nest. It is clad with cedar shingles to blend the structure in with the surroundings. The Embryo derives its name from the early stages of development in nature. The Embryo is attached to the tree using a series of braces that do not interfere with the growth of the tree or cause damage to the bark of the trunk. These Structures are also availalbe without the Tree and instead replaced by a Central Pole for support. sans titre Roost Treehouse is designed to mimic the organic curvaceous forms found in nature. The aim was to create a tree house that could blend in and almost become part of the tree itself, becoming camouflaged in the surrounding forest. The tree house consists of a series of pod like capsules that are harnessed to the trunk of each tree using a bracing technique that causes no harm or interference with the trees growth. Each capsule has a central spiral staircase leading up to an outdoor platform. This connects to the adjoining pod allowing access into the next structure a well as providing additional support to the overall structures. Only one of the pods has the spiral staircase running to ground level. These Structures are also available without the need for a Tree running through the centre and instead replaced by a Central Pole for support.

