ENSCI Paris DESIS Lab Posted by Christophe on Monday, January 16, 2012 · 2 Comments ENSCI Paris DESIS Lab The course will explore scenarios of local development based on collaborative services bridging social innovations and public innovations. Scenarios de Vie Durable Campus de Saclay Services Collaboratifs entre innovation Sociale et Innovation Publique ENSCI Paris DESIS Lab se donne pour objectifs ce semestre d’explorer des scénarios de développement local basés sur des services collaboratifs faisant le pont entre innovation sociale et innovation publique. Le territoire périurbain du Plateau de Saclay, à 20 km au sud-ouest de Paris a été choisi pour accueillir le campus d’une université de niveau mondial avec ses écoles, ses laboratoires, ses entreprises high-tech, etc. Ce travail s’appuiera sur le réseau DESIS, (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability www.desis-network.org) et en particulier sur le cluster thématique Public & Collaborative.
Design humanitaire | Ça Blog - Ça m’intéresse Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum A New York, le Cooper-Hewitt Museum, musée national du design, organise jusqu’au 23 septembre une passionnante exposition intitulée “Design pour les 90% restants”. C’est-à-dire une sélection d’objets et produits conçus pour simplifier (voire sauver) la vie des 5,8 millions de Terriens les plus démunis. Voici une sélection de quelques idées aussi astucieuses qu’utiles… Q Drum – un bidon en forme de roue, en polyéthylène, qui contient 75 litres et se tire avec une corde, faisant de la corvée d’eau un jeu d’enfant (qu’on voit en action ci-dessus). Fabriqué en Afrique du Sud, il est déjà utilisé dans 10 pays du continent noir : Katrina Furniture Project – Des étudiants en art aident les victimes de l’ouragan Katrina, en Louisiane, à réaliser du mobilier en bois (comme ce banc d’église) avec des débris. AquaStar Plus! Solar Aid – Dans les prothèses auditives pour malentendant, ce qui coûte le plus cher, ce sont les piles.
About Architecture for Humanity Architecture for Humanity is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit founded in 1999. We are building a more sustainable future through the power of professional design. By tapping a network of more than 50,000 professionals willing to give their time and expertise to help those who would not otherwise be able to afford their services, we bring design, construction and development services where they are most critically needed. Each year 100,000 people directly benefit from structures designed by Architecture for Humanity. Our advocacy, training and outreach programs impact an additional 50,000 people annually. Design is important to every aspect of our lives. Thoughtful, inclusive design creates lasting change in communities by: Design is the ultimate renewable resource. Architecture for Humanity brings people who care about sustainable development together. Design Advocates 55,000 newsletter subscribers, 500+ professional affiliations globally Curry Stone Design Prize - Vision Award 2013
Architecture for Humanity designfortheworld.org (Designophy - Resource, www.designophy.com) Design for the World is an international humanitarian organisation whose objective is to match the skills and commitment of volunteer designers with the needs expressed by disadvantaged populations and the organisations that serve them worldwide. Design for the World unites graphic designers, industrial designers and interior and architectural designers around one common idea: voluntary design for people in need. Design for the World has developed its website to present the organisation and its activities. Some parts of the website, such as the online gallery where people can show their projects related to design for people in need, and the project board, where people can collaborate on projects through an interactive webspace, will soon be published. Language(s): English Sections: Design for the world Need help?
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BaseHabitat open architecture network