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If you can believe it, we can laugh at it!
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The biggest Internet Database about Cost of Living, Housing Indicators and many other informations about cities and countries! Numbeo is the world’s largest database of user contributed data about cities and countries worldwide. Numbeo provides current and timely information on world living conditions including cost of living, housing indicators, health care, traffic, crime and pollution. Numbeo is a collection of Web pages containing numerical and other itemizable data about cities and countries, designed to enable anyone to contribute or modify content. Numbeo uses the wisdom of the crowd to obtain the most reliable information possible. Numbeo then provides you with a statistical analysis of the data collected. 4,066,631 prices in 6,991 cities entered by 447,697 contributors Atheists More Motivated by Compassion than the Faithful Atheists and agnostics are more driven by compassion to help others than are highly religious people, a new study finds. That doesn't mean highly religious people don't give, according to the research to be published in the July 2012 issue of the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. But compassion seems to drive religious people's charitable feelings less than it other groups. "Overall, we find that for less religious people, the strength of their emotional connection to another person is critical to whether they will help that person or not," study co-author and University of California, Berkeley social psychologist Robb Willer said in a statement. "I was interested to find that this experience – an atheist being strongly influenced by his emotions to show generosity to strangers – was replicated in three large, systematic studies," Saslow said in a statement. "The compassion-inducing video had a big effect on their generosity," Willer said.

Stema Romaniei Les neurosciences, la grande illusion en éducation (4 ) Commentaires Pas facile de s’attaquer à un mythe, on casse un rêve ; ils sont rares en éducation. Pas aisé d’émettre la moindre question ou la plus petite critique à propos d’un domaine devenu un lobby qui a obtenu l’oreille des politiques. Je savais à l’avance que les réactions pouvaient être violentes ; et comme toujours elles portent sur un plan personnel et non dans le cadre d’un débat scientifique ! L’Histoire des sciences me l’a appris à plusieurs occasions. Commentaires sur les critiques émises dans les réseaux sociaux suite à la série d’articles publiés :Les neurosciences, la grande illusion en éducation. Ma démarche n’est pas empreinte ni de « rancœur » ou ni de « jalousie » ! Ce n’est juste qu’un outil, apprendre est trop complexe pour « passer » par une panacée. Elle est plutôt proche –bien que modestement- de celles des lanceurs d’alerte. Pas contre les neurosciences, seulement mais… Je ne suis en rien contre les recherches en neurosciences. J’attends la suite des critiques. André Giordan

After the Fall: Bug Out Bag Essentials Checklist The Bug Out Bag (BOB), emergency preparedness kit, disaster kit, GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) bag, grab bag, 72-Hour kit, INCH (I’m Never Coming Home) bag, or battle box. Whatever name you use, they all mean essentially the same thing: A kit that is ready to go when, as the doomsday preppers say, the Shit Hits The Fan (SHTF). It’s meant to be your one stop survival kit for emergency situations. Made specifically to be carried on your back and keep you alive for 72-hours or more. The whole purpose of the Bug Out Bag is staying alive, but in order to do that, it needs the essentials. Beginning with The Mighty Bag itself, we’ve run down the food, gear, equipment, and even the technology that you’re going to need during the critical juncture between hunky-dory civilization and Mad Max level anarchy. Getting to Know BOB There’s no single way to make a Bug Out Bag. Change Your Mind Buy The Best Expect Overlap Anywhere you can add an item that serves a couple of purposes, do so. How to Load The Gear Heat

INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE. NEWS, COMMENTARY & INSIGHT Maresalul Ion Antonescu MahaNakhon History Details on the MahaNakhon development were officially announced on 23 July 2009, with a team including German architect Ole Scheeren, former partner of the design firm Office for Metropolitan Architecture; joint-venture development partners including Thai company Pace Development, David Collins Studio based in London and multinational Industrial Buildings Corporation PLC. In 2015 PACE Development bought the remaining shares belonging to former partner Industrial Buildings Corporation PLC, thus becoming the sole developer of the project.[3] The ground breaking ceremony was held on 20 June 2011, the building was topped off in 2015, and has been completed in 2016. The total project value as a result of pricing changes during the course of construction reached 21b THB (approximately $620m USD).[4] Subsequently the project has also been recognised with presentations at CTBUH, The Council for Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat and leading Thai University Chulalongkorn. Design and location

Sound Types FindSounds Search the Web for Sounds What types of sounds can be found on the Web using FindSounds? Below is a partial list. Click on any link below to perform a search, or enter one or more words in the search box above and then click on the Search button. Animal Sounds alligator, baboon, bat, bear, bobcat, buffalo, bullfrog, camel, cat, cheetah, chimpanzee, chinchilla, chipmunk, cougar, cow, coyote, crocodile, deer, dinosaur, dog, dolphin, donkey, elephant, elk, ferret, fox, frog, gibbon, goat, gorilla, grizzly bear, guinea pig, hippo, horse, hyena, jaguar, kitten, lamb, lemur, leopard, lion, llama, marmot, monkey, moose, mouse, orca, panda, panther, pig, polar bear, prairie dog, puppy, rabbit, raccoon, rat, rattlesnake, rhinoceros, rodent, sea lion, seal, sheep, snake, squirrel, sugar glider, tiger, toad, whale, wolf, zebra Insect Sounds bee, cicada, cricket, insects, katydid, mosquito, wasp

Don't Get Screwed Over Les neurosciences, la grande illusion en éducation (1) Chaque fois, leur(s) auteur(s) pense(nt) avoir découvert la panacée : l’idée géniale qui va « révolutionner » le système éducatif ! Dans le même temps, la pédagogie se conçoit encore trop souvent sous influence. Elle fut longtemps regardée comme une retombée de considérations politiques sous couvert de philosophie ; en 1882, il fallait transformer des paysans en « bons » ouvriers ou en « bons » soldats. Dans les années 60, elle devint dépendante de la psychologie, Piaget fut érigé en maître à penser de la classe. En prolongement, ce fut le tour des sciences cognitives. Aujourd’hui la mode est aux « neurosciences »... D’éminents chercheurs qui font des recherches sur les mécanismes neurobiologiques qui sous-tendent la cognition (perception, motricité, langage, mémoire, raisonnement, émotions...) dictent comment on doit apprendre et par là les conditions de l’enseignement. Les médias, toujours avides de sensationnel[2], leur emboitent automatiquement le pas, sans jouer leur rôle critique.
