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Hello! TAI TAI .com Hong Kong Mogul Hotung Asks $3.99 Million in NYC In New York, wealthy Hong Kong businessman and philanthropist Eric Hotung is offering an apartment for $3.99 million. >> View Slideshow The roughly 2,500-square-foot co-op unit is in the Osborne, built in 1885. A member of a prominent Hong Kong merchant family, the 83-year-old Mr. A billionaire's largesse flows to U of T VANCOUVER -- A West Vancouver businessman, leader of one of Hong Kong's wealthiest and most prominent families, has given $4-million to the University of Toronto as part of a grand plan to create a network of Buddhist studies programs to span the globe. The new program -- to be announced today at the university's Scarborough campus -- is the fourth institution worldwide and the second in Canada to receive millions of dollars to study and teach the eastern religion as part of the legacy of billionaire Robert Hung-Ngai Ho. Mr. "We have a focus of making Buddhism more appreciated and more widely known," said the soft-spoken Mr.
How To Clean a Bong - The Master Guide - Moose Labs LLC How to clean a bong is a commonly asked question. In this ultimate guide we are going to break down all the ways to do that and more importantly not only keep your bong clean but also your lungs! Bongs are amazing and they come in all shape and forms from straight tubes to crazy bubblers – you know you love that bubbly sound. This is the notorious resin building and if the resin in your bong begins to build for too long the bacteria will begin to produce mold. So, imagine taking a big rip of your favorite flower … and some mold. Cleaning your bong is important, but you also may want to put on your proactive worker hat and take actionable steps to prevent bacteria buildup as well. Cleaning Resin Out of a Bong You know that light yellow circle that starts forming near the waterline of of your bong after the first couple of uses? When resin builds in the bong, so does bacteria, fungus, and mold. Keep in mind, your bong water doesn’t filter all the resin and tar within cannabis smoke. Agitate:
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