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Chuck Wendig, Freelance Penmonkey | Chuck Wendig: Freelance Penmonkey Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? As you can imagine, I was amazed. A computer hacker in my own house! I began to monitor my son's habits, to make certain that Cindy wasn't just telling stories, as she is prone to doing at times. After a few days of investigation, and some research into computer hacking, I confronted Peter with the evidence. After going through this ordeal with my own family, I was left pondering how I could best help others in similar situations. To this end, I have decided to publish the top ten signs that your son is a hacker. 1. Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL. I would advise all parents to refuse this request. 2. Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force him to remove the offending programs. 3. Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware. 4. There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops today. 5. 6. 7. 8.

OpenGuides: the guides made by you. Thinking Machine 4 Thinking Machine 4 explores the invisible, elusive nature of thought. Play chess against a transparent intelligence, its evolving thought process visible on the board before you. The artwork is an artificial intelligence program, ready to play chess with the viewer. If the viewer confronts the program, the computer's thought process is sketched on screen as it plays. Play the game. Image Gallery View a range of still images taken from Thinking Machine 4. About the work More information about the project and answers to common questions. Credits Created by Martin Wattenberg, with Marek Walczak. About the artists Martin Wattenberg's work centers on the theme of making the invisible visible. Marek Walczak is an artist and architect who is interested in how people participate in physical and virtual spaces.

Photos of Sakurajima volcano 25 Feb 2010 On a recent visit to Japan, alien landscape photographer Martin Rietze captured some spectacular images of Sakurajima volcano in Kagoshima prefecture. Multiple lightning flashes caused by fast moving fine ash Lava bombs hitting the flank Strombolian eruption with lightning Detail with multiple lightning flashes Lava brightens the ash cloud Ash eruption causing lightning Violent eruption 20 PSD Tuts That Will Turn You Into A Photoshop Guru Many people can use Photoshop, but only a select few can call themselves gurus. Learn all the methods in the 20 tutorials below and you’ll be well on your way to joining this elite. Rather than focus on tuts for beginners, intermediates or advanced users, we’ve simply chosen ones which produce jaw-dropping effects. All of them are easy to follow, although most do require at least some prior knowledge and experience. 1. Follow this tutorial to create dazzling, multi-layered, semi-transparent lettering, with a Perspex-like quality. 2. 3D Pixel Stretch Effect File this tutorial under “simple but effective”. 3. Turn a simple cityscape into a torrentially flooded wasteland. 4. Become the master of light and glow on Photoshop with this brief, easy-to-follow guide. 5. Use masking tools, layers, gradients and lines to turn your favorite piece of 3D text into something more colorful and commercial. 6. Mental waves do not exist, but if they did they’d look rather like this. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Why smart people do stupid things U of T Magazine Summer, 2009 By Kurt Kleiner How can someone so smart be so stupid? We’ve all asked this question after watching a perfectly intelligent friend or relative pull a boneheaded move. People buy high and sell low. They believe their horoscope. You’ve done something similarly stupid. “I lost $30,000 on a house once,” he laughs. “There is a narrow set of cognitive skills that we track and that we call intelligence. He’s even coined a term to describe the failure to act rationally despite adequate intelligence: “dysrationalia.” How we define and measure intelligence has been controversial since at least 1904, when Charles Spearman proposed that a “general intelligence factor” underlies all cognitive function. Stanovich believes that the intelligence that IQ tests measure is a meaningful and useful construct. Earlier this year, Yale University Press published Stanovich’s book What Intelligence Tests Miss: The Psychology of Rational Thought. Time for a pop quiz. The list goes on.

Free Classic AudioBooks. Digital narration for the 21st Century How to Travel Full-Time for $17,000 a Year (or Less!) Wise Bread Picks For the last five years, I've been traveling the world full-time, and for less money than I've ever spent (and I'd wager less money than most people would spend) to live in one place. My worldly possessions fit into one bag (just larger than carry-on size) and a backpack containing my laptop and computer gear. This small entourage (weighing less than 45 pounds in total) comes with me as I wander around the world, sometimes quickly, but mostly slowly. In 2011 alone, I traversed 13 countries and over 45,360 miles. What if I told you it wasn't? Believe it. How to Keep Your Travel Costs Low Of course, I could travel for way more than $17,000/year. Here are a few of my secrets. Don't Pay for Accommodations In the entire year of 2011, I paid $173 for accommodation. Work-Trade/Volunteer There are lots of creative opportunities to work in trade for your accommodation (and sometimes food) and enjoy a more immersive travel experience. Hospitality Exchange House/Pet-Sitting Travel Slowly

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