Browse: Material Type: Textbooks
Advanced Algebra II provides three complementary resources for teachers and students that ... (more) Advanced Algebra II provides three complementary resources for teachers and students that combine to provide a friendly, easy-to-understand explanation of Algebra II concepts. The main text, "Activities and Homework", consists of a series of worksheets for both in-class group work as well as homework assignments.
Partner: NOVA zELI
Partner: NOVA zELIJulie Curtis Pioneering zero textbook cost courses and degree programs since 2012, Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) is the first community college to fully share its OER degree pathways and courses for others to use and build on. NOVA’s Extended Learning Institute (ELI) and Lumen Learning have teamed up to make these “zELI” courses and degree pathways broadly available to the education community. These courses fulfill all requirements for NOVA Associate’s degrees in General Studies and Social Sciences. Published with open, Creative Commons licenses, anyone can freely use, revise, remix and repurpose the courses. This collection of zELI courses is freely available.
Project Gutenberg - free ebooks
On August 26 2020, the Project Gutenberg website underwent some major changes. These changes had been previewed since early 2020, and visitors to the old site were invited to try the new site, including giving input via a brief survey. The old site is no longer available. If you found yourself on this page unexpectedly, it is because an old page was redirected here. Please use the navigation menus at the top of the page to find what you were looking for.
The Online Books Page: Book Listings
Our local index includes more than 2 million works in various formats that meet these criteria. (Over 50,000 are in our "curated collection", representing entries we've personally edited. The rest are in our "extended shelves", entries that are provided by other organizations and imported in bulk.) All of the books we list should be free at least for personal, noncommercial use. You can: See also Books in progress or requested. In the listings, you can start reading a book by clicking on or selecting its title (or on the phrase that describes where it is, if you're looking at a detailed book description, or at a listing that has multiple links).
Why publish Open Access with De Gruyter Open?
◄ Back to overview Take advantage of the opportunity to have your work published in renowned series as well as new journals in emerging fields supervised by highly distinguished scholars. Numerous De Gruyter Open journals have impact factors, reflecting their importance in academic discourse. Others cover fields that are only emerging but has already acquired significant interest of scientific community. All De Gruyter Open journals and books are published in open access model and thus provide unrestricted access for all users.
Best Places to Get Free Books – The Ultimate Guide
When we were reviewing 10 of the best online resources for free books, we had a LOT of readers chime in with their own favorites as well. Thank you for all your helpful contributions! In fact, we had so many suggestions, we have enough to compile a huge list from them, so here they are in no particular order:
The Magazine Rack : Free Texts
With the re-branding of computing power and machines as something welcome in the home and not just the workshop, a number of factors moved forth to sell these machines and their software to a growing and large group of customers. Besides the introduction of more elegant cases and an increased presence by larger and larger firms, a strong argument can be made that one of the forces was the proliferation of computer-related magazines and newsletters that gave a central, printed home for writing... This is a collection of magazines and newsletters based around gaming of all sorts: Arcade games, Computer Games, Console Games, as well as Board Games, Role-Playing Games, and any other sort of related entertainment. This collection consists of dozens of magazine runs, digitized from fading piles of older magazines by an army of anonymous contributors. In some cases, quality is variant, due to the rareness of the issues. Special thanks and recognition are given to sites,...
The Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria are exceptional for the copresence among them of three religious traditions: Islam, Christianity, and the indigenous oriṣa religion. In this comparative study, at once historical and anthropological, Peel explores the intertwined character of the three religions and the dense imbrication of religion in all aspects of Yoruba history up to the present. For over 400 years, the Yoruba have straddled two geocultural spheres: one reaching north over the Sahara to the world of Islam, the other linking them to the Euro-American world via the Atlantic. These two external spheres were the source of contrasting cultural influences, notably those emanating from the world religions. However, the Yoruba not only imported Islam and Christianity but also exported their own oriṣa religion to the New World.
Free Books : Download & Streaming : Ebook and Texts Archive : Internet Archive
Additional collections of scanned books, articles, and other texts (usually organized by topic) are presented here. United States Patent and Trademark Office documents contributed by Think Computer Foundation. Topic: U.S Patent
The Teacher’s Guide To Open Educational Resources
You’ve probably heard about Open Educational Resources and maybe even used some in your classroom. But the world of OERs is growing constantly, with more quality resources available every day. If you aren’t taking advantage of them yet, now is a great time to take a closer look.