7 Things You Can do Right Now to Protect Your Vision I spend all day on a computer. No, wait, that’s an understatement. I spend nearly every waking hour of every single day in front of a digital device. By 4:00 p.m. my eyes are dry, bloodshot, and begging for relief. When it’s really bad, I can actually hear myself blinking. The majority of us spend all of our work and free time in front of one form of digital device or another. How long do you spend in front of a screen? The eyes clean and moisten themselves each time you blink. Reduced blinking is most associated with Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). headachesblurred visiondry eyesneck and shoulder paindouble visionlight sensitivity Sound like anyone you know? Light influences everything from our hormone secretion and heart rate, to our cognitive abilities. Well, most light passes through your cornea, lens, and macula: Cornea and Lens: responsible for absorbing much of the UV light that enters our eyes with the lens absorbing most shorter wavelength light. Blue Light Bad News Dim the lights
TC@MWC: Hands-On With The HTC One S The HTC One X is clearly the device everyone wants to see, which is why I decided to give its little brother a bit of spotlight first. The One S is sort of a puzzle to me. Though it’s meant to be more of a mid-range device than the powerhouse that is the HTC One X, the One S sports an arguably handsomer exterior. Unlike its polycarbonate-clad counterpart, the One S sports a frame made from single piece of aluminum, which imbues it with a more robust, premium feel despite its light weight and slim (7.9mm!) frame. Much as I like the One X, I think there’s a very real chance that the One S will ultimately be the real leader of the pack when it comes to popularity. It felt rather zippy too — there was nary a hiccup to be seen, thanks in large part to its 1GB of RAM and its 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 processor. The Super AMOLED qHD screen weighs in at 4.3 inches diagonal, which actually made me chuckle when I heard it.
The Secret To Landing A Man » Roosh V Feminist culture has done a good job robbing American women of their natural feminine allure. All that’s left are empty shells of human androgyny that is begging to be filled by so-called female dating experts who were unsuccessful in landing a man themselves . Cosmo, self-help books, and Jezebel are eagerly filling the hole, creating women who are unattractive and painful to talk to. If you want to boil it down to one sentence, here’s what they are teaching young women today: “Just do what guys do to you!” Want to attract a guy? Want to get him more interested? Want to make him wonder about you? And as much as they made fun of The Game when it came out, they are now taking a whole chapter out of its playbook by negging guys so regularly that it’s becoming the main way American women “flirt.” Women think, “Some guy used this on me once and I fucked him, so it must work!” Here is the secret to landing and keeping a man: 1. Okay I see there are some hands raised in the hamster audience…
Impressum Indiskretion Ehrensache ist ein publizistisches Produkt von: kpunktnull – Knüwer Horn GbR Beratung für das digitale Zeitalter Jägerhofstr. 21 – 22 40479 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 (0)211 – 46 90 759 info -at- kpunktnull.de www.kpunktnull.de V.i.S.d.P.: Thomas Knüwer Hinweise: Dieses Weblog wird regelmäßig gepflegt. Im Sinne einer zivilisierten Diskussion behalten wir uns vor, Kommentare zu editieren oder zu löschen. Inhalt, Optik und Struktur der Webseiten sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Hinweise für Werbekunden Möchten Sie Werbung bei Indiskretion Ehrensache schalten? Werbung in den Kommentaren ist auch ohne vorherigen Kontakt möglich. Kosten für diese Form der Kommentarwerbung, jeweils zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt (Stand: 01.11.2009): (1) Werbung in den Kommentaren Einmalig pro Tag 500 EUR pro Woche 2500 EUR pro Monat 5000 EUR Dauerhaft: dauerhaft 15.000 EUR Die Rechnungsstellung erfolgt frühestens nach einer Woche. Hinweis:
How The Military Could Turn Your Mind Into The Next Battlefield Actually, the reason I think they won't happen is that most talk of nanotech and cybernetics and such is more science fiction than science fact. Moving forward into the future won't change the laws of physics, and thus won't change the practicality of any technology. Its like the article that ran about comparing 3D printers to Star Trek's replicators. Plus, that most of these weapons have no political utility. If we ever do create a world where the wildest dreams of cybertech and nano-tech fans came true, I think many of these "hacker" weapons would straddle that line just like tactical nukes do. One last thing to think about.
People are taking the piss out of you everyday.... — periphery.org People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Fuck that. You owe the companies nothing. — Banksy , from Cut It Out Surviving Phalaris: The Non-thought of Received Ideas John Taylor Gatto once pointed out "what the Protestant theologian Reinhold Niebuhr called the non-thought of received ideas."1 I've thought about this phrase considerably in the years since I first read about it. In this age of information excess, even our ideas are not our own. It is evident that American attitudes toward politics and the principles of American Democracy are derived primarily from Television and Internet sources, mostly crafted at the hands of PR specialists or pundits who recycle the traditional party lines of major political or social groups of the day. We wear other people's opinions like we wear fashion. While it's possible to feel strongly about such opinions, feelings do not make them ours. Do we hold principles because of tradition? Are we Free if we can't think for ourselves? The tiers of Liberty are independence, choice, and awareness.
Recent Changes Map A Vision Of Deep Space Exploration That Will Give You Chills Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service. As one of the more significant scientists of the last hundred years, Carl Sagan deserves to at least have his name spelled correctly. :) But otherwise, great post. Flagged TC@MWC: Hands-On With The HTC One X Ah yes, the One X. It’s been shrouded by rumors and half-truths for so long now that it’s quite a thrill to get one in my hands. While I like the One S’s build quality quite a bit, I found myself taking a shine to the One X’s industrial design almost immediately. It’s 9.7mm waistline is remarkably thin considering all that HTC managed to jam into it (Tegra 3 chipset, 1GB of RAM, killer camera, etc.), and the use of multiple materials adds a welcome bit of sensory contrast. The device’s back is made of a solid polycarbonate shell that becomes glossier along the device’s edges, while a glass plate stretches nearly from edge to edge on the One X’s face. Though I’m sure many more will enjoy the One S’s slim metallic frame, there’s just something very alluring about the way the One X has been put together. Of course, you’d be hard-pressed to look at a One X and not comment on the screen. I’ve long been a fan of HTC phones, especially when it comes to their build quality.
What Kids Now Learn in College - Dennis Prager As high school seniors throughout America will be receiving acceptance letters to colleges within the next month, it would be nice for parents to meditate on what they are getting for the $20–$50,000 they will pay each year. The United States is no better than any other country, and in many areas worse than many. On the world stage, America is an imperialist country, and domestically it mistreats its minorities and neglects its poor, while discriminating against non-whites. There is no better and no worse in literature and the arts. The reason universities in the past taught Shakespeare, Michelangelo, and Bach rather than, let us say, Guatemalan poets, Sri Lankan musicians, and Native American storytellers was “Eurocentrism.” God is at best a non-issue, and at worst, a foolish and dangerous belief. Christianity is largely a history of inquisitions, crusades, oppression, and anti-intellectualism. Israel is a racist state, morally no different from apartheid South Africa. War is ignoble.
Second Light An "Impenetrable Barrier" Protects The Earth From Killer Electrons Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service. Expand and here I thought it was the trees... Flagged As much as I love the Doctor, this season writing was so full of bullshit... I didn't mind the tree thing all that much... its the forget everything 'reset' button they keep using that pisses me off. The Samsung Galaxy S III Leaked! 1.5GHz, 4.8-inch 1080p Display, Ceramic Case Samsung previously made it known that the Galaxy S III would not be announced at Mobile World Congress. But it leaked anyway. And it might steal the show. Forgot about the HTC One X and Sony Xperia U, the Samsung GSIII will be the Android phone to beat in 2012. Inside the Galaxy S III is said to be a quad-core Samsung Exynos CPU running at 1.5GHz. It will power a 4.8-inch 16×9 display that’s reportedly a Blu-ray display — whatever that means. The case is reportedly made out of ceramic, which in a world of plastic and aluminum, is a fun change of pace. It will ship with Android 4.0 installed sometime later this year.