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Lawyer assesses Pinterest's copyright situation

Lawyer assesses Pinterest's copyright situation

The Shocking Truth About How Web Graphics Affect Conversions Does this situation feel familiar? — Your web designer reckons your site is outdated. The solution? A redesign, of course. It’ll have snazzy vector paths, cute cartoon scenes, jQuery carousels, full-page high-resolution background photos, the works. Why? Well, check out the reasons! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Many years ago, advertising legend David Ogilvy commissioned research into the use of images. What he discovered from testing various kinds and placements of images was quite different to the popular opinion of designers—then and now: Images can reduce readership. Yes, they catch people’s attention. You might be wondering why you should care about research done in offline advertising. What Ogilvy Discovered Here are four principles Ogilvy’s research turned up. Of course, they are just best practices—a sensible place to start. 1. The natural sequence for reading involves a very specific order. 2. Newspapers have long understood the value of captions for drawing readers in. 3. 4.

What You Should Know About Pinterest and Copyright Content-sharing site Pinterest has been surging in popularity. The bigger it gets, the more responsibility it has to ensure that copyrighted content doesn't show up on its site. Less than a week after Pinterest offered an opt-out code for websites seeking to protect their content, Flickr is adopting that code to help users protect copyrighted images on its photo-sharing network. If you're fitting Pinterest into your company's marketing plans, or seeking to protect your content from eager Pinterest users, what should you do? Pinterest: A Copyright Nightmare? How is sharing a picture on Pinterest any different than on other social networks? Pinterest does not ask users to consider permissions before each "pin," aiming to make the user experience seamless. Sweeney says Pinterest's business model is the issue, since its "very nature is to encourage the repinning of photos, which encourages users to use them as they like." Pinterest Places Copyright Responsibility on Users

Pinterest Problem: Users May Run Into Copyright Issues Get Breaking News First Receive News, Politics, and Entertainment Headlines Each Morning. Sign Up FORT WORTH (CBS 11 NEWS) – Pinterest has more than 12 million users. Women use it for everything from planning their weddings to decorating their homes. Pinterest openly encourages users to share “all the beautiful things you find on the web.” But could you get in trouble with each pin and repin? “Pinterest is not illegal,” says Dallas intellectual property lawyer Casey Griffith. While it may not be illegal — you could get yourself sued if you’re not careful. Griffith says much of the content posted by users is protected. “The law covers that the copyright owner may be able to cover their attorney fees and significant statutory damages and that could amount to tens of thousands of dollars,” says Griffith. And don’t think you’re safe just because you’re pinning a watermarked image. And Pinterest has taken steps to protect copyright owners.

Smart användning av Pinterest som marknadsföringskanal » Linda Jonsson – Att synas som företagare - - Ditt Värmland, just nu! Hittade denna artikel på Internetworld om hur svenska e-handlare använder det sociala mediet Pinterest som marknadsföringskanal. De har frågat tre företag, Babyshop, Interflora AB och Tampongshopen hur de jobbar och vilka resultat de fått. Hela artikeln, som är väl värd att läsa, finner du här men några bra grejer om hur de arbetar sammanfattar jag här: - Trots att Pinterest är en ny kanal för de flesta, både för företagen och kunderna, så fungerar den och driver trafik till de intervjuades e-handel. - Företagen kopplar sina bilder på Pinterest direkt till sina e-handleslösningar så ser kunden något snyggt så är de bara ett klick bort från att köpa det de vill ha. - De tillfrågade företagen lägger upp eget material på Pinterest och förser sina kunder både med bra bilder på produkterna men även mycket inspiration kring hur kunden ska använda produkten – i form av ex trender och inspiration. /Linda Bilder – Babyshop, Interflora AB och Tampongshopens på Pinterest.

Y’a-t-il un designer pour sauver le Huffington Post ? Hello Je découvre ce matin la version française du site américain d’information, le Huffington Post. Présentée ce lundi matin, c’est la journaliste Anne Sinclair qui prend les commandes, en tant que directrice éditoriale. Pour rappel, un site d’informations est fait pour être…lu. Si ça vous intéresse : Pour conclure, j’ai rarement vu le « lancement d’un nouveau site » avec un design ancien. Je ne vous cite volontairement pas le brio graphique et ergonomique d’ mais j’y pense très fort. Hâte de voir comment tout ceci va évoluer How Pinterest Uses Your Content Without Violating Copyright Laws Pinterest, the increasingly popular pinboarding social network, is able to present a visually arresting interface in large part by using copyrighted images pinned by users. "It's a huge concern for creative bloggers," said Amy Anderson, who blogs on the arts and crafts site Crafter Minds. "I don't think Pinterest does anything to help protect copyright besides removing content when people ask." Pinterest is able to avoid violating U.S. copyright laws thanks to a provision in the Internet Service Providers Act, which gives immunity to sites that publish information provided by others, according to Aaron Messing, an associate with OlenderFeldman LLP in New Jersey. As long as Pinterest continues to comply with a provision of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act that requires it to remove content when asked by the copyright owner, users are free to continue pinning any images they find on the Internet.

Pinterest – Copyright Infringement Made Cool? To start out on a positive note, let me say that I think the story of Pinterest is inspiring. It is tempting to believe that many of the simpler ideas associated with innovation have been thought of, and only very complex, time consuming, expensive initiatives can break new ground. Along comes Pinterest, offering an extremely simple idea – providing the electronic paradigm of a corkboard with photos, recipes, and other notes that people want to keep handy and visible, and giving them the opportunity to link to those of others. If anyone doubts that there is always a simple, yet powerful idea lurking around the corner, look no further than Pinterest. Pinterest is turning out to be a great opportunity for small and large businesses to gain exposure and increase sales. Other blog and news sites, such as Mansurovs, are garnering additional traffic as a result of people pinning its articles to various photography boards. 1) “Pinterest Is Cool” 2) “Pinning Photos – What’s The Big Deal?” 1. 2.

Jag har precis börjat använda mig av tjänsterna Fancy och Pinterest « Hotel Stelor Det fascinerar mig hur stor betydelse bilder har för mitt välbefinnande och för min lust att utvecklas. Bilderna ger mig inspiration till både matlagning, semestertankar, drömmar, kläder och undervisning. Jag gillar det nya sättet att sortera sina tankar, genom bilder. Stelor Jag tänker också att det är precis så här jag vill hitta mitt hotell när jag ska åka på semester eller mina skor som jag ska köpa till hösten. I en serie bilder som kan beskriva både stämningen, känslan och atmosfären. Hotel Stelor Room 6 Room 4 För två veckor sedan startade jag upp mitt pinterestkonto och idag har vi haft mer än 1000 repins på bilder från Stelors hemsida. Room 5

Avoiding Copyright Pitfalls on Pinterest Welcome to my blog! If you would like to keep updated on new posts, please consider subscribing via RSS feed or subscribe through email by using the box in the sidebar. In addition, consider following me on Twitter, Google+, or Facebook. Thanks for visiting! You either know what Pinterest is or you don’t. Pinterest in the online equivalent of all those torn out magazine photos, articles and recipes you’ve got taped on your wall, stuffed in a drawer, bookmarked in your browser even though you have no idea how to find them ever again, or piled high in a ‘to be filed’ which used to teeter on your desk until it fell over so now it’s on the floor. In a single word, it’s genius! I signed up for Pinterest shortly after it went live. First, let me say that the Pinterest Terms and Conditions are pretty straight forward. I do have serious concerns about Pinterest hosting full-size images on their server, often without knowledge or permission from the original copyright holder.

8 Strategies for Launching a Brand Presence on Pinterest Charles Nicholls is an expert in ecommerce, web analytics, social media marketing and online buyer behavior. He is also founder and chief strategy officer at shopping cart recovery company SeeWhy. You can follow Charles on Twitter @webconversion and read his blog. Many marketers have heard of Pinterest, but despite this, most brands have yet to hop on the hottest new social network. Pinterest has quickly become one of the top five referring traffic sources for several apparel retailers. Despite the powerful numbers, most brands and merchandisers are not present on Pinterest. For those brands looking to develop a Pinterest presence, try these seven simple steps. 1. Just like you would reserve a Twitter handle for your brand, secure a Pinterest user name. Some brands have jumped in to reserve their spaces without yet posting any content, including Karen Millen and Diane von Furstenberg. 2. Think color, style and brand values. 3. For example, West Elm built an "aquamarine" mood board. 4.

Why deleting your Pinterest boards over copyright concerns is an overreaction – Lex Technologiae Kirsten Kowalski of DDK Portraits wrote a blog post about why she “tearfully” took down her Pinterest boards. The reason she gave was her concern over copyright infringement and the liability she felt she had opened up. Her blog post went viral, including an article on the ABA Journal about it, in part (I believe) because she is a lawyer. (Full disclosure: She graduated from my legal alma mater, Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham, AL, at least 5 years before I did.) Since the post I have received a number of questions from friends about whether Pinterest is copyright infringement and whether they can be sued because of their Pinterest boards. Pinterest doesn’t commit copyright infringement, people commit copyright infringement First, let’s look at what you do with Pinterest. Pinterest is not per-se copyright infringement This is not copyright infringement on its own. Pinterest can be used for copyright infringement Pinterest can, however, be used for copyright infringement. Ms. Ms.
