Twilit Grotto

OTO & A∴A∴ Libri By Number
O.T.O. and A∴A∴ Libri by Number This collection is intended to consist of high-quality HTML documents that have been carefully proofread. By the time a liber is linked from this page, it should be complete and have no typographical errors. The publications of the A∴A∴ divide themselves into five classes. Class “A” consists of books of which may be changed not so much as the style of a letter: that is, they represent the utterance of an Adept entirely beyond the criticism of even the Visible Head of the Organization. Class “B” consists of books or essays which are the result of ordinary scholarship, enlightened and earnest. Class “C” consists of matter which is to be regarded rather as suggestive than anything else. Class “D” consists of the Official Rituals and Instructions. Class “E” consists of public announcements and broadsheets. Some publications are composite, and pertain to more than one class. O.T.O. documents are not assigned to any A∴A∴ class.
Esoteric Online
Internet Sacred Text Archive Home
Alchemy Study
ALCHEMY STUDY PROGRAM - The oldest continuing education program on alchemy. Both spiritual and practical paths of alchemy are covered. Certificates issues for each of the seven modules, and students who complete all seven modules receive the Diploma in Alchemy. More Information . . . PRACTICAL ALCHEMY COURSE - This online course with practicing alchemist John Reid is intended as an introductory survey of the techniques and lab work in practical alchemy. More Information . . . HERBAL ALCHEMY COURSE - This online survey course with practicing alchemist Robert Allen Bartlett covers the techniques of spagyrics including Eastern alchemy techniques of Ayurveda. PRIMA LEVEL COURSES - This first level course in practical alchemy is offered as on-site class in Seattle, Washington, with Robert Bartlett. SECUNDA LEVEL COURSES - This second level course in practical alchemy is offered as an on-site class in Seattle, Washington, with Robert Bartlett. See Complete Course Catalog