Dark Books Magic Library Alchemy Study ALCHEMY STUDY PROGRAM - The oldest continuing education program on alchemy. Both spiritual and practical paths of alchemy are covered. Certificates issues for each of the seven modules, and students who complete all seven modules receive the Diploma in Alchemy. PRACTICAL ALCHEMY COURSE - This online course with practicing alchemist John Reid is intended as an introductory survey of the techniques and lab work in practical alchemy. HERBAL ALCHEMY COURSE - This online survey course with practicing alchemist Robert Allen Bartlett covers the techniques of spagyrics including Eastern alchemy techniques of Ayurveda. PRIMA LEVEL COURSES - This first level course in practical alchemy is offered as on-site class in Seattle, Washington, with Robert Bartlett. SECUNDA LEVEL COURSES - This second level course in practical alchemy is offered as an on-site class in Seattle, Washington, with Robert Bartlett. See Complete Course Catalog
Internet Sacred Text Archive Home Herbalism, Medieval, Magickal and Modern Disclaimer: please read Aunt Bunny's Herbal Safety Rant; this is NOT a medical advice site! (Primarily directed at Society for Creative Anachronism members- by Jadwiga Zajaczkowa/Jenne Heise) Class Handouts Making Herbal Preparations An outline of instructions for creating various basic herbal preparations Scents of the Middle Ages A handout for a class on various uses of scented materials in the Middle Ages Making Medieval-style Scented Oils and Waters A handout and background for a hands-on class. Hair Care Recipes Some pre-17th c. recipes for hair care products and treatments. Herbal Sallets and Green Pottages A handout for a class on raw and cooked greens as food, pre 1650. Making Medieval Mustards Class notes: medieval mustard recipes, instructions on making your own mustard from scratch. Making Mustard the Medieval Way-- A Youth class Instructions and handout for a class directed at pages and children's program Spices from the East Class handout for a class on spices, last updated 2/11/01 Recipes
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alchemhandbook CHAPTER V p.47 How are herbs related to the stars? Can such a thing be true? Scientists will shake their heads in disgust. "Nonsense. Superstition. In plant and mineral life, organic and inorganic minerals exist as separate groups. Perhaps science someday will take the time to investigate in these uncharted areas and experiment on a far broader base than has been the case so far. The following is a condensed tabulation of herbs listed according to the planetary influence which affects each of them, as claimed by ancient tradition. In concluding this condensed table of herbs and corresponding Planetary influences, it will be interesting to add a few further observations. Is there anyone capable of answering why the chickweed flowers are open and upright from nine in the morning until noon? There is no point in going any further into this matter here as sufficient material can be found in the following pages to help in the assimilation of the spiritual essence for further transmutation.
The Zodiac-Bible In The Stars Not many folks have heard about the Bible in the stars. This is definitely NOT astrology. Astrology can't even put three signs together to make a story, whereas, the 48 constellations that make up the true Zodiac all go together to tell the story of Jesus, the Redeemer. The story includes His birth and life prophesy(the first four major Signs; 16 constellations), His dealings with His elect people(the second four major Signs), and His coming in triumph over Satan( the last four major Signs). You can listen to an introduction, a detailed account of the first sign, Virgo, and a summary of the whole Zodiac by going to the Zodiac section of the Straight Talk Archive . This page also includes the Lunar Zodiac, which, while approaching the subject from a totally different place, still tells the same story of the Redeemer. Below, I've included a Harmony that resulted from my study of this subject. Joseph A. You'll notice that the Biblical Zodiac doesn't start with Aries. Joseph A. Who made it?
Ancient Egypt: Medicine If one had to be ill in ancient times, the best place to do so would probably have been Egypt. Not that an Egyptian's chances of survival would have been significantly better than those of his foreign contemporaries, but at least he he had the satisfaction of being treated by physicians whose art was renowned all over the ancient world. Unlike the injuries caused by accidents or fighting, which were dealt with by the zwn.w (sunu),[37] or scorpion stings and snake bites for which the xrp srqt (kherep serqet) [37], the exorcist of Serqet, knew the appropriate spells and remedies, illnesses and their causes were mysterious. The Egyptians explained them as the work of the gods, caused by the presence of evil spirits or their poisons, and cleansing the body was the way to rid the body of their influence. I bow down to your (i.e. Preventive measures included prayers and various kinds of magic, above all the wearing of amulets. The healers and their art The medical knowledge The diseases
Astrology & the Chakras In this article I would like to explore the exciting possibility of bridging two of history's greatest psychological systems -- astrology and the chakras. Conventionally, these two systems have been seen as having little or nothing to do with each other, the former primarily concerning the outer world, or macrocosm, and the latter involving the inner world, or microcosm. In fact, as we shall soon see, these two systems are but two sides of the same coin, each one complementing the other and thus enhancing our understanding of both. The basic system of correspondences I will be using here is drawn from teachers I have studied with in the Kriya Yoga lineage.1 The general system of "chakric horoscopes" and their guidelines for interpretation are my own, developed over more than a decade of working with these basic correspondences. With that said, let us begin by exploring some of the core ideas of chakric philosophy. What Are the Chakras? Chakra 2 is called Svadisthana. References and Notes
Grimoires Warning : the following documents deal with magic and should not be used without proper care and deep knowledge of this art. The word grimoire is from the Old French grammaire, or grammar. Latin "grammars" (books on Latin syntax and diction) were considered in the Middle Ages as books of basic instruction. Today, a grimoire is considered as a book of magical knowledge, with instructions for its use to achieve certain ends. They contain various magical formulas or symbols such as astrological correspondences, incantations and ritual instructions for working with angels and conjuring spirits and demons as well as directions on casting charms and spells, on mixing medicines, and making talismans. To understand the real content, one must delve into the life and times of the magicians who wrote them and decipher the symbols that were used to hide the real secrets. More about the Necronomicon
The Divine Life Society--Free Books on Yoga, Religion and Philosophy Some of the HTML files have both Devanagari (Windows, Mac and Unix X11R6) and Romanized Sanskrit fonts (Windows only). Instructions to install the fonts can be found at Avinash Chopde's ITRANS site. Press the "Shift" key and click on a link below to download the fonts for your system: If you do not install these fonts, you will see some other characters in place of the Sanskrit fonts but the English texts are not affected. You do not need to install the fonts if you are viewing the PDF files. If you would like to be informed of titles as they become available, you can join "The Divine Life Society" e-mailing list by typing your e-mail address in the following form and clicking on the button. Thank you. *--document has sanskrit fonts. All About Hinduism "All About Hinduism" is intended to meet the needs of those who want to be introduced to the various facets of the crystal that is Hinduism. Books by Sri N.