Flexible Online Courses for Teachers! Blended Learning *NEW COURSE* BLEND: Implementing blended strategies in your classroom in 7 days or less Based on the new book, you will be coached through the process of implementing a blended activity/lesson in your own classroom using free resources! You will learn a clear and simple four step process and have access to tons of free blended resources. A copy of the book BLEND is included with registration. BLENDED I-Strategies for Blended Learning An overview of blended instruct ion, including a look a the myths of online learning. BLENDED II-Blended in Action Read about and hear from educators who are implementing blended programs. BLENDED III-The Changing Role of the Teacher Explore the changing role of the teacher in the blended environment. Flipping the Classroom This course will provide: An overview of the Flipped Classroom, A clear method for developing Flipped activities, and Cheap or FREE tools and resources to support the Flipped environment You choose the dates and times from January-May!
Online Information We regret to announce the closure of the Online Information Show - the conference will not take place in 2014. The Online Information team would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our advisory board members, speakers, sponsors and delegates who have participated in and contributed to the show in previous years. Regards,The Online Information Team. Highlights from 2013 include: Keynote presentations from: Case studies and expert, practical insight from leading organisations including: British Library Labs, Buzzfeed, CIBER Research, Citi, Enders Analysis, Google+, Helsinki City Library, KPMG, PwC, Storyful, The Danish Agency for Culture, The Guardian, Touchpress, University of Oslo and many more. Choose from six tracks, including (Click on each track for more information): New! Click on the video below to see what to expect this year: The conference is a fantastic opportunity to get ahead of the curve and is a must attend for anyone that manages information. Join us and:
COL Certificate for teachers’ ICT integration Certificate program for teachers’ ICT integration (CCTI) is a free eLearning course which helps teachers to acquire skills and competencies on information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and management. The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) developed CCTI in collaboration with SchoolNet SA. There are four core modules (Learning, teaching and thinking with ICT, ICT in schools, ICT and the roles of the educator, Assessing ICT integration) and six elective module sets (Finding, evaluating and developing digital subject resources, Project approaches to learning with ICT, eLearning in the connected classroom, Managing learning and teaching with ICT, ICT leadership in schools, ICT planning for schools). Each module has several activities, and each activity contains reading, summary of theories, and Questions &Answers sessions. Learners can find their immediate objectives after each activity at ‘learning pathway’. The eLearning course is available on CD-ROM or online.
SWAT4LS Workshops Register | Education Week Leadership Forums - Ed Tech 2013: Powering Up Success Register as a group and you’ll save $30 on each registration. Who should attend? You will be joining other superintendents, assistant superintendents, CIOs, CTOs, Directors and other ed-tech experts from across the country in this day-long interactive Leadership Forum. Act now to get great savings! Register your group and save $30 off each registration. Over 50% of attendees come as part of a team. *Educational marketer, supplier, and consultant attendance is limited and is subject to approval by Education Week Leadership Forums.
EAST LONDON EXPO Datamedios Inscripción Contacte con nosotros sobre el calendario de una clase. Información Asunto: Educación Estilo: Instructor Zona horaria: Buenos Aires Semestre: 2 Código del curso: SIEL Créditos: 120 Qué es y que no es e-learning. Al ser un curso gratuito el cupo máximo es superior a cualquier otro curso pago (generalmente 20 a 35 alumnos), por lo cual este curso cerrará la matriculación con aproximadamente 65 inscriptos. El curso tiene una extensión de aproximadamente 8 semanas y ofrece certificado-diploma (lo brinda Datamedios y Conectarnos) de 120 horas de duración. Dentro del curso y de la plataforma se ofrecerán todos los contenidos, materiales y herramientas (blog, wiki, foro, videoconferencia, actividades, textos de lectura, etc). Profesor-tutor: Claudio Ariel Clarenc Twitter: @caclarencSobre mí: about.me/caclarenc Para preinscribirse a este curso, por favor, complete el siguiente formulario: Unidad 0: Introducción, presentación y familiarización. Unidad 1: Qué es y qué no es e-learning.
Healthcare Efficiency through Technology Expo – 4 October 2011, Olympia Two, London