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Spoonflower: Shop, design custom fabric, wallpaper & gift wrap

Spoonflower: Shop, design custom fabric, wallpaper & gift wrap
Related:  cosplayFabric

Fakie Screen Printing Tutorial by taeliac on DeviantArt Have You Tried Tulip Needles for Embroidery? – I succumbed to the temptation to try Tulip needles many months ago, despite what my Prudent Self told me. And my first experience? It was bad, even before I took my first stitch. I’ll tell you about it! But first, I’ll explain why I never planned to try them. I’ll also explain a big problem that they solved for me. Tulip needles are made in Japan. I’ve received requests from readers to review Tulip needles, but the Prudent Side of Me always told me, “Don’t spend that much money on needles.” In my mind, Tulip needles are dadgum-golly-wow expensive, clocking in at over $1 each, on average. What, I asked myself, could make one factory-made needle worth more than $1 each? I don’t really like to recommend products that I consider expensive, when other products will do the trick – and sometimes, will do the trick better. But how could I say, objectively, I like this needle better or It’s not worth spending that kind of money on needles, if I didn’t actually try the needle? I was not tickled.

Modern Lighting, Artemide, WAC, Flos, Louis Poulsen & TECH Lighting at Ylighting 1canoe2 | 1canoe2 Illustration and Letterpress How to make self covered buttons! It's... - Emilie Gauvin Creations School Subjects Through Stitch: History, Math, and Geography Samplers Whatsup stitches!! Can you believe episode 20 is already here? Honestly, wow!! Time flies when we live in global pandemic and time has no meaning!! Today we’re getting back to my roots – schoolgirl samplers. My original love, my reason for existing, my constant eBay search. As always, images of the objects I’m discussing today are on the “Sew What?” Okay, back to learning about other stuff like history and math and science through needlework. Let’s start with teaching history through samplers. I mention those samplers simply to say those are NOT the kinds of history samplers I’m looking at in this episode. Okay, so the samplers I’m thinking of in terms of teaching history through stitching are ones that are loudly and proudly all about historic events, things that happened centuries ago. As if that isn’t weird enough, there are some even weirder and therefore more delightful history-focused samplers, too. Okay, onto geography in needlework.

Modern Furniture | Modern Sofas | Mid Century Modern Furniture El Estudio Cosplay – SYNDROME - Cute Kawaii Harajuku Street Fashion Store Sort by Filter by Color Filter by Size New in Sale Fungi-inspired fabrics Anna Stoane is a Multidisciplinary Textiles Designer who recently graduated from Edinburgh College of Art. Anna’s graduate collection The Hidden Kingdom was inspired by ten species of fungi and their marvellous fruiting bodies. As part of her research for this collection, she visited the RBGE Herbarium to study and photograph a selection of fungi specimens. Fungi and mushrooms have always fascinated Anna, and her explorations started by reading Roy Watling’s Fungi book. She was inspired by images of clouds of spores being dispersed, mushrooms and elf cups with raised and distorted grids and caged structures, clusters of puffballs, organic wood-like grains, patterns and textures, crinkled and shrivelled mushroom edges and folded gills. Anna uses techniques and materials that stretch the boundaries of textile and fashion disciplines. To see more of Anna’s work, visit her website ( or her Instagram (@carterstoane_design).

» Horn Pattern Collection – DOWNLOAD|PDF In this collection are included patterns for: Ram HornsThick HornsLong HornsCurved HornsSpiky Horns I recommend using 5mm low density EVA foam as well as contact cement to create these horns. Other materials work as well of course. You can find more instructions on how to make costume pieces and props in my tutorial books or on my YouTube channel. Vector files are scaleable and can easily be resized or changed to your own liking. Please choose your correct printer size between European DIN-A4 (21×29.7cm) or US/Canada letter (8.5x11inch). This is a digital PDF download.

To Bead or Not to Bead: Historic Beadwork of England and the Americas Whatsup stitches!! Welcome to episode 18. Today we’re getting into a type of needlework I’ve not discussed at all yet. It’s beadwork! Okay yay, beadwork! Let’s start with the seventeenth-century English pieces because it’s what I know best. Firs, though, there’s a really good explanation of bead importation and English beadwork generally on the Met website, accompanying a beadworked object I will get into in a few minutes. Intriguing, right? Okay, yes, onwards to the objects. First, here’s a cute lil blurb about a beadworked bag at the V&A that is very informative. Other bags of this type have inscriptions that are more about friendship and less about charity. What I find interesting and what I definitely want to look into if no one has done the research already is why there are really very few designs within this whole group of bags. Those purses are the earliest examples of beads in the mainstream in 17th-century England. Okay, let’s get into methods. Yay!

when silence drowns the screams, Fabric Insets using Facings! Hana Wilde, In The Fray - The Learned Pig We are legion, each and every one of us. Always a ‘we’, and never a ‘me’. ~ Ed Yong, I Contain Multitudes (2016) We like to believe that we are separate and superior, but we are all entangled. I am interested in finding the places of connection, the colours, textures and forms that show us our place in the world as animal, mineral, microbial and multiple beings. I don’t buy materials new, always salvage or swap and work with what I can find. Rust prints are made in situ, wrapping old fences, mooring rings, barbed wire, corroded nails. Combining rust printing and natural dyeing gives me subtle shifts in colour and pattern. Sewing is an act of care and kindness. I think we need to find ways of undoing the idea of human/nature separation that underpins our destruction of our own habitat and conditions for life. This is part of ROT, a section of The Learned Pig exploring multispecies creativity through modest tales of collaboration and coexistence amidst world-ending violence and disorder.
