What's Use Cash? - Use Cash Gold Eagle: Precious Metals Live Charts, Analysis and News | Find Current Price of Gold | Live Gold Rates Harvey Organ's - The Daily Gold and Silver Report Le Blog de Pierre Jovanovic 2008-2010 : APOCALYPSE FINANCIERE LA VRAIE INFORMATION REND LIBRE (LE MONDE A VOLONTAIREMENT IGNORÉ L'ASSASSINAT DE D. ROSSI) cliquez sur l'image pour mon reportage NOTE: le reportage d'ARTE n'a même pas osé dire que David Rossi a été battu et que sa montre est tombée bien après sa chute... Incroyable mais habituelle lâcheté des journalistes de télévision. De notre lecteur Willy " voici la base de données LE MONDE - DECODEX LIEN ICI (à sa sortie... elle évoluera par la suite sans doute). C'est assez intéressant de la parcourir d'un bloc, plutôt que de le faire site par site... vous comprendrez pourquoi... Avec quelques lignes de code, un programmeur un peu expérimenté arrivera à la mettre en forme... De notre lecteur Sacha: " comme en France (Le Monde), en Allemagne la guerre contre le " Fake News " (la vérité) a debuté. - 925.000 euro de Brost-Stiftung => fondation très près de FUNKE-Mediengruppe (groupe Media) - - 114.000 euro de Stiftung Adessium => fondation Néerlandaise, connue pour être aux alentour de Mr. LoL M.
Boursorama : numéro 1 de la banque en ligne et portail leader de l'information financière Jim Sinclair's Mineset $16,000,000,000,000.00 Federal Reserve Lie is Nothing Compared to Gold and Silver Market Manipulation “Given the clubby manipulation efforts we saw in Libor benchmarks, I assume other benchmarks – many other benchmarks – are legit areas of inquiry." ~ CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton The July 2011 audit by the Government Accountability Office of the Federal Reserve exposed one of the biggest lies the US has ever been told – that the Fed had secretly given out $16,000,000,000,000.00 to US banks, corporations and foreign financial institutions everywhere from France to Scotland, but this incredible exposed deceit is nothing compared to what is coming out now about the manipulation of gold and precious metal markets. The prevarications of cabalistic bankers and their puppeteers are like the teeth of a viperfish. Though the creature looks pretty horrific, they only grow to about 12 inches long, and they like to stay deep in murky waters to avoid detection. Though the Feds called the secret $16-trillion-dollar bank bailout an ‘all-inclusive loan program’ it was nothing more than a heist.
Forum Monétaire de Genève Association pour l'Économie Distributive - Pour de nouvelles perspectives de liberté, d'égalité et de fraternité FGMR - Free Gold Money Report From Rothschild To Koch Industries: Meet The People Who "Fix" The Price Of Gold Earlier today many were stunned when the historic, 117-year old, London Silver Fix announced that in three months it would no longer exist. However, silver is only one half of the world's two best known precious metals. Which is why we decided to take a long, hard look at that other fix: gold. The reason for this particular inquiry is because in the aftermath of the rapid and dramatic departure of the world's largest bank by outstanding notional derivatives, and Europe's biggest bank by any metric, Deutsche Bank, from the precious metal fix, something felt out of place: almost as if the participants of the "fixing" process which for so many years took place in the office of none other than Rothschild on St. Swithin's Lane in London, were suddenly scrambling to disappear without a trace. The gold and silver fixings are organised through UK limited liability companies of which the member investment bank traders are directors. We don't have the answer. And from yet another year prior: 1. 2.
Le système bancaire français L'exercice des activités bancaires et financières est réservé aux établissements agréés par les autorités de contrôle. Début 2011, on comptait 678 établissements de crédits. Il s'agit des établissements de crédit à vocation générale (banques), des établissements de crédit spécialisés (dont les sociétés financières) et des prestataires de services d'investissement. Tous les établissements sont soumis aux mêmes autorités. - Elle contrôle le respect de la législation et sanctionne les éventuelles infractions. - Elle veille également à la qualité de de leur situation financière, en particulier en matière de solvabilité et de liquidité. - Elle contrôle le respect des règles destinées à assurer la protection de la clientèle. - Elle délivre les agréments des sociétés de gestion de portefeuille . - Elle contrôle les activités de service d'investissement et les structures de marché.
Gold & Silver Prices | Precious Metals Benefits | Daily News China's Demand For Gold Has Trapped The West's Central Banks Submitted by Adam Taggart via Peak Prosperity, Every once in a while, an Off the Cuff interview is so important that we decide to make it available to the entire public. This is one of those occasions. In this week's Off the Cuff podcast, Chris and Alasdair Macleod build on the insights laid out in Chris' recent mega-report last week on gold: The Screaming Fundamentals for Owning Gold. And specifically, they delve deeply into the poorly-understood topic of why Chinese demand has become such a game changer in recent years. In my opinion, this podcast offers the best clarity I've heard to-date in explaining: In regard to the last point, Alasdair pithily summarized a critical dynamic that, in my opinion, is as hugely important as it is under-appreciated: In the rest of the world and particularly Asia, people do not think like we do. To help drive this point home, consider this... Click the play button below to listen to Chris' interview with Alasdair Macleod (54m:32s): Transcript [Laughter]