Vocabulary, Vocabulary Games - www.localhost/vocabulary Kids ESL Games - Free Online ESL Games, Worksheets and ESL Printables for ESL Young Learners Readers Read(TM) -- Book News and Resources English Language Centre Study Zone: Welcome! About the Study Zone The Study Zone is for students of the English Language Centre (ELC) at the University of Victoria. ELC teachers create the English language lessons and practice exercises. News and Feedback The comments on the Study Zone blog have been great! Who visits Study Zone? This map shows the visitors to this page only. All levels: Grammar Index What do I do? First, choose your level. Study Zone is made up of levels. Where am I now? The menu at the top of each page tells you where you are.
Englishwsheets.com ESL Printables: English worksheets, lesson plans and other resources Free ESL Books for Students-Learning English as A Second Language プロポリスと言えば、殺菌効果の強い天然成分として知られサプリメントが広く普及するようになりました。 様々な製品タイプが存在していますが、サプリメントが断トツの人気を誇っています。 しかし、プロポリスの持つ優れたフラボノイドなどの成分は、美容製品への応用が可能ではないか、と研究が進められるようになりました。 特にアンチエイジングの効果に注目が集まっており、中年期の悩める肌をレスキューしたい多くの女性の願いを叶えてくれます。 ではどんな美容製品の開発が進められているのでしょうか。 フラボノイドなどの成分は非常に優れたスキンケア製品への応用が可能です。 また、ニキビなどの肌トラブルを抱えている方には「石鹸」のご利用がおススメです。 5 Minute English - ESL Lessons - Helping you learn English English Worksheets Making Learning Fun What's on your Bucket List? You are going tolisten to Oli Milroy talking about making a "bucket list"talk about future plans / dreams / targets / achievementspractise the future perfectTeacher's note; the gap-fill exercise can be done before the listening. Students try to fill in the spaces and then listen to check their answers. 1) Discuss What are your plans for the future? A bucket list is a list of things to do before you die. 2) Listen"Bucket List" Listen to Oli Milroy. What 3 questions does he ask at the beginning? Fill in the gaps below with a word. Printable worksheet here Answers to questions above - highlight belowTo push himself out of his comfort zone and learn something new about himself- Do you know yourself? 3) Discuss Do you agree with Oli? 4) SpeakThe Future Perfect What is te future perfectHow do we make it? 5) Practise Make your own bucket list. In 12 months I will have...By the time I'm 30 I will have... 6) Listen and read Here's a song by Nelly Furtado called "Bucket List". - James Cameron
English tests - Learn English - Online grammar tests, dictation tests, vocabulary tests, memory tests, daily test, and reading and comprehension tests Learn English Free Test Your English How To Use This Page Here you will find English tests online to test your listening, memory, vocabulary, reading and comprehension, spelling and grammar skills. Some of the tests will open up in a new browser window, when you have finished the game just close the window. Business English | Confusing words | Dictation | Gap Fill | Grammar | Memory Placement | Reading and Comprehension | Sorting and Matching | Spelling Tests | Vocabulary English Quizzes | English Games These tests have been developed to work best using Chrome, Firefox or IE. Business English Business English abbreviations test - How much do you know about abbreviations used in business? Job Titles - Do you know who does what in a company? Which department - Can you name the departments in a company? Confusing words Any vs Some Been vs Gone Borrow vs Lend By vs Until Check vs Control He's vs His Human | Man | People| Person | Persons I / Me / My Say / Tell / Ask There / Their / They're To / Too / Two !