Twitter Bootstrap: The Ultimate Resources Roundup Twitter Bootstrap is a front-end toolkit released by Twitter for rapid developing of web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography and, according to Wikipedia, it is the most popular project in GitHub and is used by NASA and MSNBC. We came up with a list of tutorials, tools and other brilliant resources that you may find useful in order to find out more about Twitter Bootstrap and how to use it for your own applications and websites. Articles & Tutorials Building Twitter Bootstrap “The decision to create Bootstrap as a style guide came naturally out of our design and development process. Twitter Bootstrap 101: Introduction “Twitter’s Bootstrap is an excellent set of carefully crafted user interface elements, layouts, and javascript tools, freely available to use in your next web design project. Bootstrap from Twitter Sample App with Backbone.js and Twitter Bootstrap Twitter Bootstrap tutorial Adding Twitter's Bootstrap CSS to your Rails app Bootstrap Tools
CSS sucks, do Less! « Hype Driven Development L’écriture d’une feuille de style est l’un des moments les plus douloureux pour tout développeur Web : la science occulte des CSS et sa verbosité en font une soupe rarement agréable à avaler. Mais un outil peut changer tout ça : Less! Less est un preprocesseur CSS et n’est pas magique : vous devrez tout de même travailler pour avoir un style graphique convenable. Mais la où il innove, c’est par l’ajout de quelques fonctionnalités bien pratiques, et on se demande comment nous avons pu nous en passer jusque la. Do Less Pour démarrer, un fichier css peut être un fichier less : vous le renommez en .less et le tour est joué. Ou vous pouvez compiler directement vos fichiers less en css, selon le type de votre application : - Avec des compilateurs existants comme - Avec le module less de nodejs - Si vous faites du Play! Variables Que tout ceux qui n’ont jamais pesté pour changer la couleur d’un thème lève la main! @body_color: #262626; @font_color: #EAF2D9; @font_size: 20px; Fonctions Import
38 Useful Resources for Twitter BootStrap Fans Bootstrap is a responsive design, HTML, Javascript and CSS framework which has alot of the design elements that you would require to get a polished product off the ground quickly. It’s a great way to get your project started without sourcing and integrating multiple third party projects, and still look good. As an open source project Bootstrap continues to evolve, with 2.2.1 the latest version released recently, it has significant grounding in the development community, and is described by some as rapidly becoming the ‘jQuery of HTML frameworks’. This collection of resources around the project showcase the best of what the web has to offer Bootstrap fans. Design and Theming. URL: One of the main critisms when using a framework with pre-designed buttons and widgets – is that your end product can begin to look samey. URL: URL: Fancy a more DIY approach to customisation? URL: Code Snippets.
20 Awesome Resources for Twitter Bootstrap Lovers Generators Bootstrap Custom Build Before diving into great third party Bootstrap resources, it’s worth pointing out a great little tool right from Twitter that allows you to completely customize an impressive range of Boostrap features so that you can create a custom build that’s perfect for your project. If you haven’t checked out Bootstrap in a while, you should give this a look because it’s new with Twitter Bootstrap 2.0. As with Twitter’s own tool above, this tool allows you to use a simple interface to customize various aspects of Bootstrap. The app itself is also more visual than Twitter’s generator and allows you to see what your styles will look like before you hit that download button. Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers This is a simple little tool that only does one thing: helps you design great looking buttons for use with Twitter Bootstrap. Theming BootstrapStyler “A beautiful, reusable set of Bootstrap themes for $39” WrapBootstrap Galleries For Mockups
Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers This is an extension to the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It makes creating pretty buttons easy. (Send improvements to @charliepark.) First, monkey with the sliders on the left. Use your arrow keys for extra precision. Second, copy the CSS in the box below. You should be able to just pop it into your CSS file.
KNACSS, un mini framework CSS qui claque sous la dent ! Responsive CSS Framework Comparison: Bootstrap, Foundation, Skeleton Bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha is a fairly large update to the framework. It has dropped Less support in favor of Sass, converted from px-based to rem-based sizing, improved its grid system, and dropped IE8 support. Also, all its JS plugins were re-written in ES6, it now uses a customized reset CSS file called Reboot, and offers flexbox support via a Sass boolean variable. In addition to this update, Bootstrap now offers themes at Also, Bootstrap will continue supporting version 3, unlike the dropping of version 2 support after the release of version 3. You can read more here. Foundation 6 is a fairly major update which includes more grid flexibility, custom breakpoints, optional flexbox, and more. Like Bootstrap 4, Flexbox is now toggleable via Sass in Foundation 6. The Sass/CSS has been reworked and consolidated, and there are fewer default styles to override on common elements. Skeleton 2 was updated in December 2014 after remaining mostly unchanged for about three years.
Create Custom Icons for Twitter Bootstrap Easily - Tutorial Twitter bootstrap is one of the most effective frameworks available online at the moment to speed up frontend web development process. We have covered it in our previous post before, we reckon it’s the ultimate frontend framework which covers almost all UI. It has base CSS, grid layout, responsive layout, general base styling for all HTML elements such as buttons, form, table, a good collection of UI components and a dozen of javascript plugins. Also, there are quite a few extensions such as extra javascript plugins, themes, skin, generators available online for Twitter bootstrap, for more useful tools that extend the capability, you can read from this post – 18 Useful Twitter Boostrap Goodies You Should Know. Currently, this bootstrap is using icons provided by Glyphicons, it’s minimal and simple icons. Step 1: Get the icons We downloaded FamFamFam Silk Icon set, and it has total of 1000 icons for free! Step 2: Create the Sprite Settings And the CSS code looks something like this: css Done!
960 Grid System Liquid layouts the easy way Date: 30 December 2003 Author: Russ Weakley This article explains one method of achieving a successful liquid layout as well as providing basic definitions of liquid, fixed-width and em-driven layouts. Some definitions Liquid layout All containers on the page have their widths defined in percents – meaning that they are completely based on the viewport rather than the initial containing block. A liquid layout will move in and out when you resize your browser window. Liquid layout example Combination liquid and fixed layouts Similar to liquid layouts, except one or more of the containers on the page have fixed widths. Liquid/fixed layout example Fixed-width layouts All containers on the page have their widths defined in pixels or other fixed units. Fixed-width example Em-driven layouts All containers on the page have their widths defined in ems. Em-driven layout example You can also use combinations of the above. The secret of liquid layouts Step 1 – Start with a layout grid Step 2 – Leaving space
Collection of Great Resources for Bootstrap by Twitter Not too long ago, the biggest NEW thing was Twitter Bootstrap, the development community was bestowed with this magnificent features. No doubt, there were rumors and bad mouths running about against Bootstrap, but all in vain. The Forked and Watched charts of GitHub can prove that. With Bootstrap being a rockstar amongst the developers, came in great and vast resources popping up all over the internet. That said, we today are showcasing a Collection of Great Resources for Bootstrap by Twitter. These resources will help you get started and even go the distance with this amazing framework. Generators Bootstrap Custom Build Before we start raging out what the community has done for Bootstrap, let’s take a look at the original one. Maybe you haven’t seen Bootstrap in a while, have a look. Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers A simple tool which is meant to do one thing and one thing only and it does it great. Theming WrapBootstrap Galleries Built with Bootstrap Mockups
LESS « The Dynamic Stylesheet language